Wednesday, October 1, 2014

B-Rod leads Purdue to victory!
And buys the koffee!




Belo News
September 27, 2014

Shark Cove, Mi. - As dawn broke over the Shark Cove, Sharkman began to put on his Wisconsin Kit, along with arm warmers, leg warmers and a light jacket. It was another cool start to the ride, but our hero knew the sun would be out and the day would warm as the Nation toured their field of dreams.
Hossman brings it to two Boilermakers!
Ironman, not pictured, made it three!

Sharkman caught on with Mad Dog, who was, sadly, riding his last Minion ride of the year.

Though he had lost the “consecutive” weeks record to Gazelle Girl, he did win “most” weeks for the 2014 season!

Congratulations Mad Dog, nice job!

Sharkman was mulling over whether Michigan or Michigan State would win College Game Day when he noticed both B-Rod and Hossman were getting their steeds ready decked out in Purdue Boilermaker Kit. Purdue, takes an early lead......

Riders started to pour in, but few, real, college kit was to be seen.

Of course, Sharkman was in his Wisconsin kit, but there were some very strange stretches of colleges.

Boilermakers rejoice!

Polar Bear rolled with with what he claimed to be the University of Alaska, though it looked suspiciously like his regular Polar Bear jersey. Then there was Boatman, wearing a University of Arizona jersey that looked suspiciously like the Arizona State Flag. And then there was Cycocross who was wearing the Michael Vick College Jersey with the team mascot, the Pit Bull on front.

Stroker, not having college kit showed up in his Minion Jersey, always a good fall back choice.

Squeaky rolled in and WAS NOT wearing his MSU kit! What! When questioned, he stated he had not read Belo News and didn't know it was College Game Day! What the......

Wisconsin denied once again......
Once again, Gazelle Girl was able to make it to the start to a shout of “Gazelle Girl!” decked out in her stunning Duncan Aviation University kit.

As Sharkman was doing a check of the jerseys, Hutch rolled in and ripping back his jacket in Superman fashion, was wearing his Western Michigan kit!

Wildman did not have college kit and as the score mounting in favor of a Purdue sweep!

After a brief repair of B-Rod's headset, which had come loose, probably from his torquing the bike at the finish each week, the Nation was ready to rock.

As the riders 12 riders took off for the start and headed towards town, another rider approached in, you guessed it Bunkie, a Purdue jersey! It was none other than that perennial “Other Guy,” Ironman!
Super Hutch for Western Michigan!
Slam dunk Purdue!

Final score on the last College Game Day;

Purdue 3
Western Michigan 1
Wisconsin 1

Is this a great country or what?!?

Thirteen riders headed north and Team Boilermaker came to the front to pull our intrepid hero to the first sprint. Hossman, then B-Rod and Ironman all took turns at the front to insure the old Shark got the sprint and Purdue got another mention in Belo News.

As the ride moved north through the col de Twin lakes, Yorkville Church, Kellogg Korner and the Kountry Klub, the sun continued to warm the course ahead of the peloton.

I didn't know it was College Game Day!
At the top of the col de Norte, Cycocross recommended that the Nation should complete the sprint down the hill to one of the street signs. Cycocross stated that the Friday Night ride does that, but Sharkman stated, “that is why they are not Minions. We leave no Minion behind!”

With the smaller group, the speed stayed up while the riders enjoyed the beautiful fall morning. The close grouped nation blew through the Holy Rollers, Queens Cupboard, the Inlet Sprint and past the Digital Divide.

Another attempt at a pace line was made, but again, the Nation didn't seem to want to play that way. However they still got together to get Gazelle Girl into her preferred position for the final push to the GGG Spot Sprint, which she took with pleasure as the Nation cheered her on!

Sharkman again, was concerned as the Nation headed South to the final sprint, as they
Wildman dressed for the cold?!?
seemed to be riding as a close, fast moving train.

However, Hossman went to the front and took a humongous pull, followed by Wildman! Both to the speeds up to around Mach 5 as trees and street signs started to blur as the Nation few by.

At the summit of the final climb, the Nation was still together as Mad Dog made a move to pull B-Rod along with him.

The hammer was down as B-Rod rocketed past Mad Dog, followed by Polar Bear.

Sharkman was feeling good and also made a move and got by a few riders to work his way into fourth place. As he bored down to the finish, he noticed Boatman in his re-view mirror. Sharkman had a sense Boatman could have come around, but being the class act he is, seemed to give the 4th spot to the old Shark. Thanks Boatman!
Polar Bear University of Alaska?
The fans went wild on the Champs le Galesburg as our hero's rode to the Klutch. An incident did occur when a driver went by and yelled out, “Purdue sucks!” Some fans have no class.

Andrew was waiting with the hot koffee and B-Rod, who was also doing his final Minion Ride of the season, said he was paying for every one's koffee! Is this a great country or what!

The Klutch was rocking as B-Rod ran up his credit card bill and Gazelle Girl and Cycocross regaled the riders with stories of wild hot tub parties. Hossman warned of a “Zombie Apocalypse” and the need to stock up on Pop-Tarts and Sharkman drank not two, but three bottomless kups!

This Saturday is the day all Minions have been waiting for!

A gathering of the Nation!

That's right, Bunkie! Help Sharkman celebrate going on Medicare AND his 65th birthday!
The koffee and kake is on our intrepid hero!

Can't make the ride? Show up for the koffee around 10:30 a.m. at the Klutch!

Jersey for the Day is, of course, the Minion Jersey!

Launch time – 9:00 A.M. - SHARP!

Or be there for kake and koffee at 10:30 A.M.

 Gazelle Girl at the start three
weeks in a row!?!
If it is pouring rain early Saturday, check this site for an update on the ride, but the kake and koffee will still be on at 10:30 a.m.!

Be there!

Michael Vick College? You go Cycocross!

Boatman in his "Arizona" kit!

Hot Tube Stories!

Hossman and his "Zombie Apocolypse" stories
and the need for Pop-Tarts!

Stoker shares training techniques!

The Koffee is on me! Keep it
coming Andrew!

And Andrew kept the koffee coming!


Belo News
September 28, 2014

Three Oaks, Mi. - Three of the Nation took part in the largest one day Century in the country this past weekend. B-Rod, Zyckmaan and Boatman took to the roads for the Nation and rode the 100 mile course with an average of 18.9 mph!

The Nation was on fire!
Nice job, Minions! You did the Nation proud!

Unfortunately, none of these Minions thought to take any photos! Oh, the humanity!

Riders joining the Minion rides acknowledge the inherent risk involved with bicycle riding and by joining any Minion ride hold harmless any rider involved.

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