Wednesday, September 24, 2014






Belo News
September 20, 2014

Shark Cove, Mi. - As dawn broke over the Shark Cove, our intrepid hero, the Sharkman
began his Saturday morning ritual of checking the weather (perfect), brewing the coffee (excellent), readying his stead (a classic) and downing his prunes (delicious). Yes, many have wondered what gives your hero the super human cycling skills that he possesses and now it has been revealed. It is prunes! It keeps our hero moving!
Boatman, late again, but still
got in a photo!

As the Shark Coves garage door went up, there was no sign of life at the Rain Cove, so Sharkman headed out and found Mad Dog pedaling madly to get to Sharkman before he got too far ahead.

Both riders talked about how great the weather looked and how good they looked in their Minion Jerseys!

As they approached the start, the parking lot was filling up with riders and Sharkman reminisced about how in years past if there were 5-8 riders after Labor Day, it was a good turn out, but now he is disappointed if there aren't at least 15 riders on a given Saturday.

Long time Minion and occasional rider, Cycocross was back to ride.

Many do not know the story, but Cycocross is the rider who coined the name, “Minion Nation!”

That's right folks! Years ago, at a Kalamazoo Bike Club Friday Night Tour de Gull, our intrepid hero drove into the start when the start was behind Billy's Bike Shop. As he pulled in, Cycocross started shouting “All hail the Mighty Sharkman!” as other riders picked up the chant! Though hard to believe, this was before our hero's wide spread fame had been established and the riders that night became his first “Mighty Nation!” All hail the mighty Sharkman!
Reb back for a second week!

Returning for a second week, and un-photographed this season, was Reb, who had actually borrowed road tires for his cyclocross bike and would be in the “thick of it this week!” 

Welcome back Reb!

Easty, Marco, Brewman, B-Rod, Cheese, Stroker, Polar Bear and Wildman and a late Styker Guy, were also there in time for the start photo, as well as Gazelle Girl who got her shout out as she rode into the start. Reb took the photo as he does not have a Minion Jersey (what's up with that?).

And Cycocross doesn't have a jersey either! Come on, you invented the name!

After the photo, Boatman pulled in and Sharkman took a quick photo of the late arriving rider, before the Nation headed out!

Wildman, then Polar Bear then B-Rod, led our hero out to the first sprint and after a count of 15 riders the Nation headed north to the col de Twin Lakes and past the Yorkville Church.

In a rare display of his cycling prowess, our hero, the Sharkman made a big (yet rare) move in the Kountry Klub section.

As usual, the pace picked up quickly as the Nation rounded Kellogg Korner and headed past the Kountry Klub.
A gathering of "the Klan!"

After the turn to the Rt. 43 sprint, Cheese was putting in a humongous pull at the front with our hero on his wheel. The pace picked up to around 27 mph and Sharkman wondered who would come around the two riders. When no one did, Sharkman pondered making a move but felt some guilt that Cheese had pulled so hard for so long. “Ah, he's young, he'll win a million sprints going forward!” Sharkman thought as he made his move and took the sprint uncontested!

It was a “Victory for America!” Sharkman thought as he thanked Cheese for the “Hellasious” lead out!

Riders at the first G crossing!
The Nation headed out to the Col de Norte and B-Rod was talking about the “great pace” the Nation was maintaining. As the Nation headed towards the Zyckmaan Estate, it happened. Something that will go down in the annals of Minion folklore for some time to come. Here, in the words of the “Sweetheart of the Peloton” herself, is what happened........

“I saw a chipmunk standing on the side of the road. He watched a couple bikes go by, in awe with how great the Nation looked in their Minion kit, then took a little step out into the road, then turned the other way, then turned back to the road, then turned the other way, then turned back to the road, then turned the other way, then turned back to the road and went for it. He got slammed by somebody's wheel immediately. His little bod was lifeless as I passed by. Poor fella. That was one highly weighed and very BAD decision.

A metaphor for life, perhaps?”

Oh, the humanity!

(Editors note – Thank you Gazelle Girl for this very touching story......)

In this same section, Gazelle Girl reported hearing a guy working at someones home on Gull Lake who marveled, “It's a TEAM!”

He was reported as looking VERY impressed (hey, who wouldn't be, right Bunkie?!)!
B-Rod regales the nation......

After grouping up at the Feed Station, formally Frona's and now known as “the Queen Grille.” Uh, Queen's Grille.......O.K...... the Nation headed south through the Inlet and past the Digital Divide.

It was at the Digital Divide that Easty stated he would head back on his own as he had a sour stomach and Sharkman wanted to insure he was O.K., but he assured our hero he would get back on his own. (Easty did arrive at the Klutch a few minutes late, but subsequent follow up by Belo News revealed the legendary rider is feeling better and should be back this week!)

"So, I made my move and won........
B-Rod tried to get a pace line going and though everyone shouted “Nice and easy, don't accelerate at the front,” the Nation struggled to get an even pace going. Riders were too long at the front and the acceleration caused surging in the pace line. However, the pace continued to climb as the Nation came to Gazelle Girls GGG Spot Sprint!

Once again, the Nation honored their “Sweetheart” by leading her out to the sprint, though they made her do most of the work at the front, so to speak (Number 9 on the list? Belo News reports, you, the reader decide!).

All was set for the final assault on the finish.

The Nation clung together as they headed for their finishing destiny, each rider envisioning pulling off the win.
Reb stops for koffee!

Sharkman was concerned that the speed was up, the Nation was bunched, and the Nation seemed do have “blood in their eyes!”

As the Nation took the speed up on the final ascent before the finish, they were still all full of blood lust as the chipmunk was fresh in their collective memories!

On the final descent, B-Rod, Wildman and Cycocross went to the front to fight it out, with B-Rod dipping into his suitcase of courage and nipping Wildman at the line with Cycocross right behind him!

A toast to a great season!
A nice, clean finish! Sharkman recorded 20.2 mph average while B-Rod had 20.7 mph. Suffice it to say, it was this season's fastest KK-TdG ride of the year!

The crowds were subdued on the Champs le Galesburg as word of the dead chipmunk began to circulate......

But things were rocking at the Klutch!

Stryker Guy bought the first few koffee's and since Sharkman is one of the fastest ever people in line for koffee, he benefited from the gracious act of kindness!

Wildman told the story of how he loves his Minion Jersey so much, every time he takes it out he points out to his his wife, the “Lovely Gwen” how “detailed” it is. He thinks she has heard just about enough about the jersey, but Sharkman suggested he buy one for her next season! Is this a great country or what!

The koffee was flowing as Sharkman lead the Nation in a toast to a great season, of which there are only two weeks left before the Minions head to the Fort to start training for Iceman! Oh, the humanity, where did summer go?!?

But there are two more rides left!

This Saturday, September 27, 2014

Final College Game Day Jersey Day!

Pull out your favorite College Kit and come on out and ride!

Launch Time – 9:00 A.M. - SHARP!

And you won't want to miss the Season Road Finale!
Saturday, October 4, 2014

The “Sharkman Goes on Medicare Ride!”
Don't miss the "Sharkman goes on
Medicare Ride!"

That's right, Sharkman goes on Medicare on October 1 and will be buying the koffee and birthday cake at the Klutch! Is this a great country or what!?

Come out and ride the last road ride of the year and help Sharkman celebrate his old age and the fact he is still riding! Oh, the humanity!

Attire for this momentous occasion, of course will be “Minion Jersey's!

You won't want to miss this ride!

More on the Fort Rides in future editions of “Your source for all you cycling information, Belo News!”

Be there Bunkie!


Belo News
Style Guy shown here wading thru a
farm pond on his last leg. You go
September 20, 2014

Waterloo State Park, Mi. - It was “Dances with Dirt” Day near Chelsea this past weekend and the nation was represented by a couple of legendary Minions. Sharkman use to take part in this race and actually competed in it the first 5 years of it's existence.

Hoosier Boy after taking 24th at
Dances with Dirt!
Hoosier Boy and that Style Guy, Squeaky, were both in attendance and their team finished 24th out of 300 plus teams after the handicap system was used! This qualified them in the top 50 for a prize!

Great job Minions! You did the Nation proud!

Riders joining the Minion rides acknowledge the inherent risk involved with bicycle riding and by joining any Minion ride hold harmless any rider involved.

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