Wednesday, September 3, 2014


B-Rod hitting his head against a pole, protesting the rain!




Belo News
August 30, 2014

Shark Cove, Mi. - As dawn broke over the Shark Cove, our intrepid hero, the Sharkman awoke gently from a deep, dream filled night and padded his way to the window at the front of the Cove. “Was it raining?” thought Sharkman as he had been gone two weeks and really wanted to ride and only gale force winds would be stopping him this day!

To his joy, our hero found the streets clear of any precipitation so he quickly ran to the Shark Radar to check for any rain heading towards his beloved “Field of Dreams.”

Brewman showing his MSU colors!
Clear again! Oh, the humanity!

As he went into the Cove Garage to get his steed ready our hero noticed the garage door at Rainman's house going up and wondered what was going on? Rainman had told him the night before that he had his In Laws visiting and would not be able to ride! Moments later, a text came into the Shark Phone stating “Rainman is in! I'm riding the CX bike though, so I'm going to drive over!”

Great!” Sharkman replied!

Shortly after, Mad Dog rode up with some Shark Socks care of Danimal and Falcon, which Sharkman placed in the Cove mailbox as they headed over to the start.

As the two riders descended the hill into the bustling metropolis of Galesburg, the rain began to fall. Hey, the rain was supposed to hold off until at least 11:00! Au contraire, mon frere.......

As they glided past the Klutch and waved to the early morning group, the rain began to fall
Purdue Boilermaker, B-Rod!
in earnest.

As they approached the start they found, waiting under the school awning, Brewman in his MSU Kit and B-Rod sporting his Purdue Jersey as well as Easty with his Western Michigan Jersey and his Wingman, Marco.

As Sharkman began to ask what everyone thought about riding in the rain, Rainman texted;

RAIN!!! Rainman is out! Have fun!” Wait, what? Go figure....

No surprise there......

Easty and Marco headed to the Klutch to warn Andrew that the crew may just come and drink koffee instead of ride as more riders came into the start. As Sharkman clicked off a few photos, the rain let up a bit and the riders started thinking, “hey, we're wet anyway, and it isn't cold, so let's ride!”

As the Nation knows, Minions will not start in the rain, but they will ride in the rain and since everyone was already wet, it was decided that the Nation would ride unless lightning struck.

Sharkman, thinking he was the smallest rider in the peloton, would not have to worry about the lightening......hee hee......

Chains in his Bronco Jersey!
Skittles then gave, what might go down in Minion folklore as another Minion quote, saying, “You can't win in the rain, if you don't ride in the rain!” Well said, Mr. Skittles, well said. Are you listening Rainman?!?

Steeling a line from the same legendary rider and writer, Skittles, many of “the Heads of State” were in attendance for the ride! A virtual “who's who” of the mighty Minion Nation.

In addition to those already mentioned, Bissell Boy (MSU), Zickman (Michigan), Tow Truck (U of Rwanda?) , Iceman (Michigan), Chains (Western Michigan), Pirate, Skittles, and Squeaky (MSU)!

Yes, that is not a typo! Squeaky, the king of Style, parted with some of his cash and actually bought an MSU Jersey! Additionally, it was his jersey that gave MSU the win with three, edging out Michigan and Western Michigan with two each. There was some confusion on the results when
the Western Michigan riders tried to claim the Purdue jersey B-Rod was wearing but a Michigan rider quickly pointed out their error and the count was corrected. Hey, the do sort of look alike....

Final standings for the day:

Western Michigan 2
Michigan 2
Wisconsin 1
Purdue 1
University of Rwanda 1 

(though Tow Truck did say he would wear a Wisconsin Jersey if Sharkman bought him one!).

Sharkman made a quick call to Easty at the Klutch to let him know the Nation was riding and with
Iceman wins it for Michigan!
rain in the air and the sound of pedals clicking in, the Nation headed out for a ride in the rain!

For the first time since the old Shark can remember, no one joined on as the ride snaked north through town. Sharkman stated that he would win the first sprint from the middle of the peloton but Mad Dog and B-Rod would not let him off easy and made him take that first sprint, and take it faster than he would have liked.

Sharkman took a photo and did the count at the G Ave. crossing and 15 riders were ready to rock!

Zickman, feeling frisky in his Michigan Kit began attacking relentlessly at every opportunity!

Digging into his bag of courage, he went to the front as the rain continued to come down and grabbed not only the first sprint, but the King of the Mountain on the col de Twin Lakes!

Bissell Boy and Spartan pride!
This was just a taste of what was to come as he took it out in the Kountry Klub section where he broke away with Brewman in his MSU kit on his wheel to contest the Rt. 43 sprint. Riding on the rivets, it was too much for the sprinting Wolverine as Spartan Brewman went around him to nip him at the line.

Up the Col de Norte, the Nation flew and with all on, rode right through the summit and on to the Holy Rollers. Sharkman was feeling the lack of riding in his legs and noticed that good ole Skittles was keeping and eye on him and came back to pull him back to the peloton.

Thanks Skittles!

The Nation grouped up at the feed station known as Frona's and again headed out quickly. The rain continued to fall off and on, but not particularly hard. The rain on the road was another matter that made drafting a wet and wild adventure and sunglasses became goggles as the water roostertailing off wheels was incredible.

B-Rod had so much water coming off of his wheel it was like riding behind a cigarette boat!
Squeaky takes if for MSU!

As the Nation crossed over the Digital Divide and on to the GGG Spot Sprint, everyone talked of the Sweetheart of the Peloton and her being gone for her beloved sprint. The Nation was missing the legendary rider, so as the Nation bore down on the GGG Spot, first Zickman, then Mad Dog, then B-Rod went to the front to lead the spirit of our Gazelle Girl to the sprint as the nation moaned and groaned her on to victory!

You go girl!

At the G Ave. crossing, Sharkman cautioned everyone about the finish and the wet roads. Telling the Nation to “hold their lines” and “it's too wet to take any chances” the Nation motored on to the finish.

Zickman made an early move to the front but his break was covered by Mad Dog while some of the sprinters patiently sat in, saving their energy for the final push.

At the top of the hill, the Nation was still bunched up pretty good when Iceman (Michigan), Chains (Western Michigan) and B-Rod (Purdue) went to the front and broke from the pack to take the finish 1-2-3!

U of Rwanda?
The crowds were surprisingly large on the Champs le Galesburg as our hero's rode to the Klutch . The rain seemed to stop as the Train pulled into the Klutch and the riders started piling up for Andrew to distribute the java. The Klutch had the air conditioning on and the Nation could feel it. But as the koffee kicked in, the mighty Minions were feeling much warmer.

Pirate bought for Sharkman and Sharkman could hardly wait to get that first kup down as Andrew kept the coffee coming and Tow Truck told the story of his travails in getting his bike frame back from the repair shop in California. Sharkman stated that he may have to send a couple of Minions out there to take care of the matter!

At the same time, some of the Michigan guys, still upset at being beat by MSU again, started to ruff up one of the MSU riders. However, Sharkman straightened the situation out and made them play nice together.

By now the rain had stopped and though Sharkman had received a text from Lava Girl offering to pick him up, he had Mad Dog and the Pirate to escort him home.

Belo News doesn't know about the other riders, but Sharkman had grit, not only on his faithful steed, but embedded on his legs, hands, shoes, shorts, etc., etc., etc., The line of mud up his back and the grit in his teeth were a testament to the epic ride the Nation did that day. As Sharkman cleaned his bike, he was heard to say....”it was good to be back with my Nation again.....”
Skittles takes a break as Sharkman takes the count......

Unfortunately, Sharkman will be gone again this week as Lava Girl has committed him to a family function back in Chicago.

But the ride goes on!

This Saturday, September 6, 2014

Launch Time – 8:00 A.M. - SHARP!


That's right Bunkie, you won't want to miss the September 13 KK-TdG when the new Shark Minon Jersey's will be on display making it's debut!

Michigan was a bit upset with the loss and takes
it out on a poor Spartan......

But Sharkman made them make up and
play nice.  All is well in the rhelm.
You will want to be there for the momentous photo opportunity of an entire Nation in Minion kit! Oh, the humanity!

This photo will be submitted to Giordana in hopes it will make their catalog like the BEU jerseys did! Is this a great country or what?!?


Belo News
September 3, 2014

Galesburg, Mi. - Little Debbie just keeps growing up!  Seen here in the latest update from the family, her growth spurt has just been amazing!

Proud parents of the new grad! 
"They grow up toooooo fast," said Gazelle Girl.


Belo News
September 3, 2014

Shark Cove, Mi. - So take a look a the upcoming fall schedule:

Saturday, September 6, 2014 – Beer Jersey Day!

Saturday, September 13, 2014 – Shark Minion Jersey Day! Oh, the humanity!

Saturday, September 20, 2014 – One more College Game Day!

Saturday, September 27, 2014 – Retro Jersey Day!

Saturday, October 4, 2014 – Sharkman Goes on Medicare Day! Oh, the humanity! Shark Minions Jersey's will be in order as Sharkman supplies the birthday cake!

So mark your calendars Minions before we head into Mountain Bike season!


Belo News
September 3, 2014

Galesburg, Mi. - Belo News would like to correct the record on the report submitted last week on the Bloody 'Ell 'Undred extravaganza. There should have been a huge, huge, huge, shout out thanks to Brewman and Zickman for picking up the tab for the beer at the Waldorf! Now that's class!

Well done Minions, well done! 

Is this a great country or what?!?

Riders joining the Minion rides acknowledge the inherent risk involved with bicycle riding and by joining any Minion ride hold harmless any rider involved.

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