Wednesday, September 17, 2014







Sharkman and his mighty Minion Nation!

Belo News
September 13, 2014

Shark Cove, Mi. - The emails started coming in early from the Nation. “Sorry I can't make the historic ride. I'm in Corporate Cup on Saturday.” Or, “I have a family commitment and so sorry I can't make it....” or, “I have a load of laundry to do and can't make it....” Wait, what?

Our favorite note here at the Belo News Office was, “I have Corporate Cup this weekend and am very sorry I will not be able to take part in the 'Cult like Worship' of our intrepid hero, the Sharkman.....”

Legend of the Peloton, the Pirate, actually couldn't make it because he was working in Spain but did his own Shark Minion Jersey ride in the Spanish countryside and sent in a photo! Sharkman, feeling badly that he would miss the ride, flew to Spain to join him! (See photo).
Sharkman flew to Spain to
ride with the Pirate?!?

But we digress........

As dawn attempted to break through the clouds gathering over the Shark Cove, our intrepid hero, the Sharkman, was more than excited.

After all, it was the first ever, Shark Minion Jersey Day and he could hardly wait to get that baby on his back and ride!

However, the weather report had not been good all week and as he rolled back the shark bedspread, he could see the mist of his breath in the air as he jumped from his warm bed.

As he looked out the window of the Cove, he noted the streets were wet, but it didn't look like it was raining. A quick check of the radar indicated the rain was past even though the streets were wet.

Sharks like wet!

As our hero “layered” on the clothes so that he could wear his new Shark Jersey so everyone could see, he still worried about the 49 degree temps. So he decided to put on a rain jacket that he could take off once he arrived at the start and for the photos.

Easty had graciously offered to have a professional photographer at the start to make sure this historic event would be properly achived in film!

As our hero launched from the Cove, he saw Rainman riding out to join him! Rainman on wet streets? This was a special day!

Shortly after, Nikeboy jumped on stating he could only ride to the start and then had to get back and shortly after, Mad Dog jumped on for the ride over.

As the foursome crossed I-94, Sharkman commented that the dark cloud to the west didn't look good and no sooner had he said it, then it started to rain. All were glad they had rain jackets on and Rainman wanted it duly noted that he was, in fact, “riding in the rain!”

The rain was short lived and as the four went past the Klutch, they began to peel their rain jackets off to show off their jerseys to the early morning group at the Klutch.

The sun shines on the early arriving Nation!
As the four approached the start, they were struck by the vision of several Minions in their jerseys with the sun shining through on them. Actually, Sharkman had to get a photo of the riders who were there early. Sharkman posed with Easty, Zyckmaan (more on the name spelling change later), Wildman, the Skipper, Mad Dog, Rainman, Brewman and B-Rod.

More riders poured into the start including Iceman and Chains, Stroker, Polar Bear, the only rider in attendance in shorts (what a stud!), and Reb making a return to the Nation on his Cross Bike. Later, Gazelle Girl and that “other guy” known as Ironman came riding in for the group photo!


The only person missing was the photographer! Where in the world was the photographer?

Easty got on the cell and learned she was running late, so he told her to meet the Nation at the Kellogg Manor for the photo.

After a few photos of the momentous start line up, 16 riders toed the line, though two were only there for the photo as 15 riders headed out behind none other than, the Skipper!

As the riders stopped for the light in downtown Galesburg, Andrew came out of the Klutch, looking good in his Shark Minion T Shirt! Way to go Andrew!


As the Nation made the turn, Amtrak came steaming into town blowing their horn to warn the Minions. However, this did not stop B-Rod and others who took off after him, much to
Jersey designers, Zyckmaan, Sharkman,
Gazelle Girl and....wait, what the......
the dismay of the Amtrak Engineer! Sharkman commented that if it was a tie, B-Rod would be a non factor in the finishing sprint!
Half the Nation made it, while the other, more intelligent Minions, had to wait for the train as the Engineer seemed to stay on his horn a bit longer than normal as he tore through town.

Skipper tried to keep the Nation in check and for the most part was successful. However B-Rod and Mad Dog opened a big gap heading into the first sprint but in homage to our hero, let up so that the old Shark could get the first sprint!

As the Nation headed north, Zyckmaan got frisky and started taking sprints and won the King of Mountain on the col de Twin Lakes. Meanwhile, Easty was on the cell with the photographer who stated she would meet the Nation at the Gull Lake Country Club. So Easty and the Skipper took the cut off and headed to the Kountry Klub to meet here while the Nation competed through she speed zone of the Yorkville Church, Kellogg Corner and the Kountry Club.

Once at the Kountry Klub, Easty was back on the phone with her asking where she was. She thought she was at the Gull Lake Country Club and when Easty asked her to read the sign, she read Gull Lake View Golf Course! Someone should have given her a Minion Jersey with the map on the back! Oh, the humanity!

It was a pretty proud day
for our intrepid hero!
As the Nation flew by the Kountry Klub, they could see Easty on the phone with Skipper standing next to him.

Sharkman held up to get them back to the peloton when he got the story from Easty. The photographer would meet them at the Kellogg Manor.

The Nation then climbed the col de Norte and on to the Kellogg Manor.

No photographer.....

The Nation paraded through the parking lot and did get to see a group of vintage cars that were fantastic, but no photographer. Easty got on the cell phone, but the photographer wasn't sure where the Kellogg Manor was, so Easty told her to meet us at the Klutch and the Nation moved on through the Holy Rollers and on to the Feed Station at Frona's which is not Frona's anymore. Wait, what?

That's right, Bunkie, Frona's is no longer Frona's! Oh, the humanity!

As the peloton grouped up they headed to the Inlet Sprint, past the Digital Divide and on to GGG Spot Sprint, a very nice pace line formed up.


As the Nation bore down on the final climax at G Ave., Iceman was at the front and that was when the Top Eight Comments about the GGG Spot Sprint began!

    1. Iceman at the front of the pace line asked, “is she back there!” to which Gazelle Girl responded, “Yes, I'm almost there!”
Just then, Ironman and Zyckmaan came around to the front with Gazelle Girl on their wheels. What a lead out team!

2. Both riders where trying to get her into position for the final finish!
    3. Gazelle Girl to Zyckmaan, “Faster, faster!” To which Zyckman responded, “That's all I've got! I'm feeling like a porn star!”
4. As the threesome “bore down” to the final climax to the sprint....
    5. Some shouted out “it looks like it took a Nation to get her there!”
With a great deal of cheering and yelling for Gazelle Girl to get there, she went over the sprint line in first place!

Heard from the peloton;
    6. It has been a long time since Gazelle Girl finished on top!
    7. Winning the GGG Spot Sprint was a long time coming!
And number 8.......drumroll it comes...(no pun intended....).....
    8. Sharkman stated, “Man, I thought I had “beat” that GGG Spot Sprint joke to death!”
The Nation then crossed G Ave. and began to set up for the final with riders at the front like a “who's who” of Minion Legends!

Polar Bear went to the front to take up the pace, with Iceman, Chains, B-Rod, Mad Dog, Zyckmaan, Rainman, Wildman, Sharkman and the entire peloton on their wheels.

Iceman took over as they approached the final ascent and put in a humongous pull at the front.

Cleverly, the veteran rider let up and a cast of thousands went by as he moved back and took a breath as he sat in after the big pull.

However, as suspected, Iceman came back and both Mad Dog and B-Rod were waiting for the move as Mad Dog led out B-Rod to counter the attack.
Andrew and Sharkman in their kit!

Iceman then made his final move, putting in an electric sprint, and took the lead, with B-Rod and Chains in close pursuit!

"Love the back of that T, Andrew!"
It went down to the wire before Chains lost B-Rod's wheel and Iceman took the final tape with B-Rod right behind him! Chains filled out the final podium spot.

It was pandemonium on the Champs le Galesburg as our hero's zipped up their Shark Minion Jersey's for the sponsors and fan's!

The Klutch was rocking with Andrew was waiting in his Shark Minion T with the hot koffee in hand!

Moments later, Boatman arrived, in his Shark Minion Jersey stating he had not ridden to the
The photographer actually getting a shot!
start because it was pouring rain, then he had trouble finding the Nation when the rain had stopped and he had ventured out! Never fear, as the Boatman still can say he rode on the “First Ever Shark Minion Jersey Day! Is this a great country or what?!?

As the riders settled in, the photographer finally found the Nation and asked if she could still take photos of the group, to which everyone said, “sure!”

It was over koffee that our intrepid hero noticed that the former “Zickman” had another spelling of his name on his jersey collar. “Zyckmaan” is now his “official” name. This “man of class” felt the the simple “Zickman” did not clearly demonstrate his pzazz and pinache and wanted something more, shall we say, "trendy."  So, Zyckmaan it is....sort of a Bob Marley way of saying it Maaan! Has this guy got pzazz or what!?!

It was a beautiful day in the Nation!
After a lot of festivities (and a whole bunch of laugning) at the Klutch, the riders went across the street for photographs with the lost photographer. The Nation awaits how those photos come out!

Sharkman then saddled up with Mad Dog and Rainman for the ride home!

What will happen this week!

Here is what will happen, Bunkie!

Back by popular demand and since so many riders are waiting to wear their jersey's, the Commissioner of Cycling has declared yet another “Shark Minion Jersey Day!”

This Saturday, September 20, 2014


Due to the cold last week, and more cold predicted this week, the new launch time will be;


So get out those Shark Minion Jersey's and get ready to ride!


Belo News
September 12-13, 2014
Dreamboat and Mighty Monk (seen
in the middle) with others on
Team Pop!

Battle Creek, Mi. - As previously reported, some of the Nation couldn't make the ride because they were taking part in Corporate Cup in Battle Creek (what were they thinking.....?).

Mighty Monk reported in on how the Minions rocked at this annual event:

Team Pop, with Dreamboat and Mighty Monk on board, won both the Men's One Mile and 5K Run for the weekend!

Nice going Minions! You did the Nation proud!


Belo News
September 27 2014

Shark Cove, Mi. - So take a look a the upcoming fall schedule:

Scheduling change as we have one more Shark Minion Jersey Day and eliminate “Retro Jersey Day.” Maybe next year!

Saturday, September 20, 2014 – One more Shark Minion Jersey Day!

Saturday, September 27, 2014 – One more College Game Day!

Saturday, October 4, 2014 – Sharkman Goes on Medicare Day! Oh, the humanity!

Shark Minions Jersey's will be in order as Sharkman supplies the birthday cake!

So mark your calendars Minions before we head into Mountain Bike season!

Riders joining the Minion rides acknowledge the inherent risk involved with bicycle riding and by joining any Minion ride hold harmless any rider involved.

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