Wednesday, October 29, 2014


Fort Custer!




Belo News
October 25, 2014
The mighty Minion Nation ready to launch at 9:00 a.m.

Shark Cove, Mi. - As dawn broke over the Shark Cove, our intrepid hero, the Sharkman was already gone! As fall has moved forward, dawn has slowly moved back, and the Yeti Boy had already come over to pick our hero up to head to the Klutch for his post ride kup of bottomless in the dark!

As the two drove into the parking lot at the Klutch, they found Hoosier Boy getting out of his Saturn and ready for his kup as well.

The early morning group was in session and one of them, Mary, a retired Kellogg employee knew our hero as well as Hoosier Boy and a discussion quickly ensued on Kellogg as Sharkman bought for the three riders.
Hoosier Boy talking "shop" at the Klutch.

Shortly after, Brewman came in followed by Gazelle Girl and “the other guy,” Ironman. They both rode in on their “sports cars of mountain biking” cross bikes.

Moments later, Reb rode in and reported that he had thought that Yeti Boy and Sharkman were “riding” over and had ridden in from Battle Creek and had been looking for them! What a stud! (The animal ended up with over 35 miles on the day!).

After a few photos and autographs for fans, the group headed out for the Fort as dawn was breaking over the Galesburg metropolis. As the riders left the Klutch, Rosy joined on for the ride to make it seven Minions riding from the Klutch. The riders went down the Champs le Galesburg and then headed to the “back door” to Fort Custer.
The early crowd at the Klutch.

It was a balmy, but overcast morning as the group headed past farm fields, hunters, the shelter at Whitford Lake and through the camp grounds and on to the Trail Head.

As they got close to the Trail Head, Ironman ordered the group to follow the Yellow in as Sharkman and Brewman headed out to the main road. Be that as it may, the group came back together at the trail head where a mass of Minions were waiting to ride!

Ready for launch from the Klutch.
Stingray, Zychmaan, Cheese, Rosy, Tow Truck, Brent (Belo News is not sure if this Minion has been given a name!) Cool Dad and Virgin Minion “Broken Glass,” were all waiting to ride! Welcome to the mighty Minion Nation Broken Glass (It was reported that new rider, Broken Glass works for Battle Creek Glass).

After a group photo, with Ironman showing off his classic Motobecane Cross Bike, the Nation headed out to do the Red Loop.

With so many riders, the group split almost at once, with some riders taking a more leisurely pace while others were hammering, which is the way rides at the Fort tend to be!

At the Granny cut off, some riders took the bypass while others headed into the challenge that is, well, “Grannies!”
Ironman with his Motobecane while
Gazelle Girl photo bombs the shot!

The group formed up again at the Trail Head and Yeti Boy led out the Nation on the new Yellow Loop. Some riders needed to jump off at the Camp Ground to head back, while other tried to hang on to Yeti as he blew away the field.

Once everyone got back to the Trail Head, Sharkman announced he was taking the Red to the Blue to the “back door” to the Fort to return to the Klutch. Some riders came along planning to do the entire Blue while some said they'd drop off at different points. Wish so many riders it became difficult to know who was on and who was not.

As Sharkman, Yeti Boy, Brewman and Rosy were exiting at the Forts “back door,” Brewman mentioned, “where is Hoosier Boy?” “Hoosier Boy?” “Who's Hoosier Boy?”.....

Cool Dad!
Sharkman was in shock! They'd lost Hoosier Boy!

The group immediately started to speculate that he had dropped off when Gazelle Girl and Ironman headed back and actually began to believe it. After all, the “We leave no Minions behind!” right?

When the group got back to the Klutch, there was Hoosier Boy's Saturn! Oh, the humanity! Sharkman had left a Minion behind!

Sharkman immediately got on his cell phone and tried to call Hoosier Boy but there was no answer and he left a message. Just as he was thinking he might have to get back on the bike, in rolled Hoosier Boy. Hoosier Boy stated that another rider had crashed and he had stopped to assist and didn't catch back on. Sharkman apologized, trying to explain it was hard to keep track of all the riders, especially when riders were jumping off at different points. Sharkman hates to leave a Minion behind!
Virgin Minion "Broken Glass!"

Hoosier Boy then went into the Klutch with Rosy and Brewman for another kup of bottomless as Yeti Boy and Sharkman headed back to the cove. Total miles from the Klutch and back 23+! Is this a great country or what?!?

You won't want to miss this weeks edition when the Nation goes through the same drill!

Saturday, November 1, 2014

The last “official” ride of the season!

For those who want a longer ride in preparation for the Iceman, they can join the old Shark at the Klutch for a kup of bottomless before the launch at 8:30 a.m. from there and ride to the Trail Head through the Forts, “Back Door.”

For those who want to sleep in and forgo the koffee (silly Minions) they can meet at the Trail Head at Ft. Custer for a 9:00 a.m. launch – SHARP!
Rosy was back in the mix!

Two launch sites:

1. The Koffee Klutch at 8:30 a.m. and ride to the Trail Head.
    2. Ft. Custer Trail Head at 9:00 a.m.

All riders meet at the Trail Head for the 9:00 a.m. launch – SHARP!

Stingray was back, with Zychmaan &
Brewman photo bombing the pic!


Belo News
October 29, 2014

Shark Cove, Mi. - Many Minions are sitting at home at this very moment trying to figure out how to learn their “wave time” for the Iceman. While they are trying to learn about the “Ice Society” and figure all of this out, Belo News has a couple of early “heads up” for all the Minions heading up north for the big race.

Hoosier Boy is having an “after party” in the camp ground at the finish for the Iceman. As we go to press, he is working on details but rumors of burgers and beer are in the mix. Belo News hopes to have more details in next weeks edition.

Also, Sharkman and Zychmaan will attempt to scout out a local drinking establishment for Saturday night somewhere in Traverse City. The main criteria will be beer, pub food and big screen TV so if you are aware of a good location that isn't wall to wall people let our intrepid hero know about it. Sharkman will put out a blast email on the Friday night before the race with details.

More information in next weeks edition of Belo News.


Belo News
Stryker Guy in Colorado
"looking good!"
October 29, 2014

Somewhere, Co. - Belo News could not confirm exactly where the legend of the peloton, Stryker Guy is in Colorado, but he is sporting his Minion Jersey as seen in this attached photograph. As he was quoted as saying, “not heaven, but close! The Shark Jerseys are popular in Colorado!”

The man is living proof of that Minion credo, “if you can't be good, look good!” and he is looking good in his Shark Minion Jersey! Go Stryker Guy!

Riders joining the Minion rides acknowledge the inherent risk involved with bicycle riding and by joining any Minion ride hold harmless any rider involved.

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