Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Anything more beautiful than Ft. Custer
in the fall? We think not, Bunkie!



Belo News
November 1, 2014

Galesburg, Mi. - As dawn broke over the Koffee Klutch, our intrepid hero, the Sharkman was enjoying a kup of bottomless with his wingman, Yeti Boy. Actually, dawn wouldn't be breaking for at least another half hour as the two sidled up to the table to enjoy their kups of joe.
The Nation and one guy behind Brewman we don't know!
Was the entire Nation photo bombed?

Shortly after, Hoosier Boy and then Brewman arrived to take part in the pre-ride festivities.

Reb had texted, unsure that Sharkman and Yeti Boy would actually be riding with the temps hovering at 27-28 degrees. When it was confirmed that they were indeed, on their way to the Klutch, he decided to join them for the koffee but not the ride. Puppy.......

The regular Barrista Extraordinaire, Andrew was attending a Comic Book Convention in Detroit but his Mom and Dad were doing a great job taking care of the crowds pushing into the Klutch to get a look at the “crazy riders” who were going to ride in the 27 degree cold.

As the clock struck 8:30 a.m. - SHARP!, Sharkman announced the riders would be saddling up just as the sun started to break over the Champs le Galesburg. As a matter of fact, the sun was breaking so low, the four riders could not see cars coming from the east as they headed out to the back door to the Fort!
It was a "Tad" cold for Sharkman
as he left the Klutch! (check SM's watch. It
was actually an 8:32 Launch! Not SHARP!)

As the sun began it's low southern arc over the Michigan sky, it cast a beautiful hue over the Fort as the riders rode to the Trail Head. Is there a more beautiful place than Michigan in the fall? We think not Bunkie!

Sharkman had speculated that there might not be many riders at the trail head with the temps in the upper 20's but for the first time ever, he was mistaken! Not only was the Nation waiting to ride, but there was an assortment of other riders, hikers, runners and a slew of Dog Sled's complete with barking dogs for every breed! Is Fort Custer not one of the greatest State Parks in the world Bunkie? We think not!

In addition, the Park Ranger was on duty checking vehicles and Bissell Boy, driving a company car, had to purchase a sticker! Also, two guys from Indiana had come up to ride and had to pay a $31 day pass fee! Oh, the humanity! Another great reason to live in Michigan!

Brent Sleazak was back and Sharkman asked him if he had been able to ride all these years without getting a Minion name, to which he responded that he had not been named! He stated that he has an American Indian background and his Mother called him “Notafraid” to which Bissell Boy and Styker Guy who speak fluent American Indian stated that was American Indian for “stupid!”

In addition to the Minions mentioned, Polar Bear and Tow Truck were in attendance, plus a guy in the photo just over the shoulder of Brewman who Belo News could not identify.

A major discussion ensued about which trail to ride when Bissell Boy took over and led the Nation out!

The crew stayed pretty close together and there were other riders following the Nation like the two from Indiana and it again got a bit confusing as to where everyone was.

As the Nation rode through the Trenches and crossed into the Rock Garden, Stryker Guy and Sharkman moved aside to let a couple riders through. Sharkman went ahead and thought Styker Guy was on his wheel. As the Nation broke off to the Blue after the Camel Humps, Sharkman thought Stryker Guy was still there but it was another rider. Styker Guy was not to be seen again!

Sharkman loses another Minion!

Sharkman has learned that it might be a bit difficult to keep track of the Nation when riding in the woods and his credo of leaving no Minion behind may not apply to rides at the Fort! Alas, with the different levels of riders, choices of courses and other riders on the trails, it may not be possible to keep track of his beloved Nation though he will continue to try!

Stryker Guys new Fat Tire
Stryker Guy later reported in that he stayed on the Red and then had a major mechanical that caused him to go back to the Trail Head and on to Custer Cyclery, where he not only got his bike fixed, but also bought a Fat Tire Bike! Oh, the humanity! Stryker Guy was quoted later as stating, “I was risking no longer being “the Custer Cyclery Customer of the Year” and needed to make a purchase!

The Nation ended up doing the Blue, then the Red and Yellow before calling it a day. They passed a number of dog sled teams, hikers and other riders on a beautiful fall day!

Sharkman, Yeti Boy and Brewman headed back to the Klutch (this week Hoosier Boy headed back early) to finish with around 25 miles and a good foundation for Iceman!

On to the Iceman!


Belo News
November 5, 2014

Shark Cove, Mi. - It seems like just yesterday that so many Minions were lined up at Bell's Brewery in Kalamazoo to register for the Iceman Cometh Challenge, doesn't it Bunkie? It was March 1 and it was freezing cold and there was excitement in the air as a waiting Nation thought of the season ahead. And what a season it has been!

But here we are. Just a couple of days until the “Big Ride.” Or as Gazelle Girl says, “the beer party interrupted by a bike ride!”

Sharkman has been training hard and is still only hoping to be able to finish, particularly with the weather forecast, which he has to stop looking at! This morning the report for Saturday in Traverse City was for a 92% chance of rain, but as we go to press it is down to a 50% chance of “mixed” precipitation. Oh, the humanity! What will Rainman do?

Sharkman is hoping to see a bunch of the Nation at the Registration and Show at the resort on Friday and the big day could be fantastic at the finish (if he makes it) with a number of options. Hoosier Boy has forwarded the following information on his campsite!

Hoosier Boy and Co-Hosts, Larry and Jana Turpin, will be at Camp Site: 46A or 47 (Timber Ridge said this is the tentative location but may move once they check in. Hoosier Boy is in the 9:40 a.m. wave and after he finishes, showers and puts on dry clothes, will head to the campsite where there will be brats, burgers and of course, beer!

Note the campsite is on the south end of the park. The entrance and lodge are on the north end of the park. 

Is this a great country or what!?!

But that's not all! Belo News has learned that Iceman and the Team Taylor guys, as well as Cheese, will be camped somewhere in the campsite as well and we can only assume there will be a “party going on there!” as well! 

Oh, the humanity.

Meanwhile, Sharkman and Zychmaan will be “scouting out” possible bar locations for Saturday night and Sharkman will send out an email blast on Friday night with a location if he can find one. The main criteria will be beer and big screen TV for the MSU/OSU Game!

So stay tuned for an email on Friday night with more details for the Saturday night festivities!

Good luck riders and make the Nation proud (or at least finish!)!

Riders joining the Minion rides acknowledge the inherent risk involved with bicycle riding and by joining any Minion ride hold harmless any rider involved.

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