Thursday, November 13, 2014

The Mudman! Oh, the humanity!




Belo News
November 8, 2014

Traverse City, Mi. - It had rained most of the week and the prediction for start time for the 2014 edition of the Iceman Cometh was not looking good.

Zychmaan and Sharkman had spent the afternoon checking into their Condo and scouting out possible pubs for Saturday night, post ride, Minion beer drinking where the big MSU/OSU game could be watched on big screen TV's. After all, this is America and big screen TV is what it is all about! As they reviewed the spots and texted with Brewman who was also checking out places, it was decided that most of the downtown pubs would be too small, too crowded or didn't have enough TV's. A quick Google found a Buffalo Wild Wings on the south side that would be perfect!

Danielle Young & Sharkman at Registration.
Registration was buzzing as Sharkman, Zychmaan and Stryker Guy retrieved their race numbers and toured the endless booths of bike gear. Sharkman signed a few autographs, had a chat with Frankie Andreu, and bumped into one of his daughters old friends and had a photo op.

After getting registered, the three proceeded to Team Headquarters for Reb and Yeti Boy. Yeti Boy was kind enough to invite the three for his home cooked, pre-race, spaghetti dinner, complete with some of his home made bread. The dinner was outstanding, as well as the banter about Minion names and how Zychmaan did not like his
Yeti Boy and his free hat. Sometimes
you shouldn't wear a hat even if
it is free!
name and wanted to be referred to as “Fabio” from now on. Sharkman informed him that thought the name was humorous, he had already had “Zychmaan” embroidered on his jersey collar and his hair was too short. Other Minions in attendance were Cool Dad and Hambone, as well as Johnny Vegas. The riders filled themselves on spaghetti and wine and were ready to ride! Yeti Boy was sporting his new hat that he got for free at Registration!
Yeti Boys Spaghetti Dinner!

Sharkman had promised to blast an email out to the Nation about where to meet on Saturday night, but when he got back to his condo, for whatever reason, he could not do an email to the entire Nation from his iPad and instead, sent the email to a limited number of riders he knew were in attendance but was sure he had missed a few (after all, he had a couple of glasses of wine with the spaghetti). In the email, Sharkman asked them to “pass the word” that they would be meeting at BW2 on Saturday night.

The photos don't do justice to the mess!
As dawn broke over Traverse City, our intrepid hero, the Sharkman, was checking the portable “shark radar” that indicated rain and a temp of 37 degrees. Not great riding weather. Meanwhile, Zychmaan had realized that he had forgotten his helmet but luckily, he had found one on a parked bike in the basement garage of the condo. Needing a helmet and basically desperate, he left a note on the bike, stating that he had “borrowed” the helmet and would return it later. Crisis averted, well, other than the helmet had Snoopy's on it......

As Styker Guy, with his fat tire bike, Zychmaan and Sharkman headed out, the rain started to stream off the windshield in rivers and the temp was not moving in the right direction.

Zychmaan was first to launch, followed by Sharkman and Stryker Guy.
Hoosier Boy back at the campsite.

Sharkman was in wave 17 at 9:48 a.m. along with Yeti Boy, Gazelle Girl and her tandem Partner, Richard.

As the clock clicked down to 9:48, the rain continued to fall.

Sharkman and wave 17 were off in the rain!

Before the riders even got out of town, they had to traverse a huge puddle of water that crossed the entire road, which was a portent of things to come.

To say this ride was muddy would be a major understatement. The logging roads were loaded with water and sand and when the riders got to the 12 mile marker, the mud began in earnest!

Riders were experiencing major chain suck and bikes were all over the trail with riders trying to clear the mud from their drive trains. Sharkman was slipping and sliding and at times it seemed like his GPS was frozen and no distance was being recorded. Oh, the humanity!

The carnage was unbelievable where Minions broke chains, derailleurs, and assorted gear as they rode on.
Cheese's derailleur, gone!

Brewman and Rainman both broke their chains, with Brewman having to drop out at Williamsburg and Rainman being close to the finish had to run his bike in!

Cheese broke his derailleur and cable, others had chain suck so bad they had to drop out.

Yet others had fantastic rides considering the conditions. Yeti Boy finished 8th in his age group but was only seconds out of 6th place while Sharkman finished 12 in the same age group of old guys. Guys in the 2:30 range included Nickhead, Iceman (12 in his age group) and Polar Bear. Hutch was in around 2:44!

It was an epic ride with riders fighting the elements as well as their machines.

Stryker Guy, who had only 9 miles on his Fat Bike was able to ride up every hill with the exception of Anita Hill and was very pleased with his new bikes performance as well as his own!

Sharkman was just happy he finished. Though his bike, at times, sounded like it was about to fall apart and he had the occasional chain suck, he was able to make it to the finish without falling and in one piece.

Despite his broken bike, Minions reported that Cheese celebrated with a party at his
Cool Dad makes the cover of the Paper!
campsite with the Team Taylor riders!

The link to finishing times is below so you can check out the times yourself:

To add insult to injury, as Sharkman crossed the finishing line to a cheering fandom, it began to sleet!
Team Taylor at the campsite!

At the finish, the changing tent was a welcome site and even the mud floor was just a minor nuisance as the Minions changed out of their wet, muddy clothes. The longest line was for the WD-40 free bike clean up. It was hard to find other Minions and it seemed that everyone just wanted to leave and get cleaned up.

This was an epic ride that will not be soon forgotten. Sharkman spent most of Sunday afternoon cleaning both the bike and his clothing. He reports that he is still not sure he got all the sand and grit out of either......

Iceman shared the following, which will give our readers more perspective on just how difficult this ride was this year.

Fun pics of fall in TC and of the race with a short article on one of the largest Mountain Biking sites out there.

Different types of bikes for the Iceman mud in this link.

It was an interesting end to the 2014 season, and though there may be some riding left, Sharkman will be off until after the hunting season as he took his bike in for a complete tune up after this ride!

Do you like beer Bunkie? Come on, what Minion doesn't, eh?

Well here is your chance to tip a few with the Team Taylor Minions AND help them raise fund for Make a Wish!  Sharkman will be making an appearance (come on, there's beer!)!

Taylor’s Holiday Wish
Benefitting Make-A-Wish® Michigan
Latitude 42 Brewing Company
7842 Portage Rd
Portage, MI 49002
November 15th
Raffle 3:00pm

Come join us in celebrating Taylor Grainger’s giving spirit while benefiting Make-A-Wish Michigan. There will be a Keg tapping of a special holiday brew. And a Raffle with some great prizes from local Team Taylor supporters at 3:00pm! Proceeds for the entire day will go directly to making wishes come true in Michigan. Bring the family, bring a friend, and celebrate Taylor’s Holiday Wish!!

Raffle Prizes from our valued Team Taylor sponsors include: (total value of prizes is well over $1,500!!!)
  • Autographed guitar form Styx lead drummer, Todd Sucherman
  • WMU Football tickets for 11/28 game – Consumers Credit Union
  • Kwings hockey tickets - Consumers Credit Union
  • Auto detail package – Maple Hill Auto group
  • Golf gift bags – Wells Fargo Advisors
  • Sunglasses gift card – RX Optical
  • Services gift card booklet – Seelye Ford
  • Gift card for Services – Agility Physical Therapy and Sports Performance
  • Big Burrito gift card
  • Massage gift card – Custom Chiropractic
  • Cycling gift bag – Pedal Bicycles
  • Meat and Cheese gift package – Carlson Farms
  • Visa Gift Cards – Northpointe Bank

Please come join us for lunch, dinner, raffle or all three. Enjoy the food, the beer, the company and camaraderie of making wishes come true.

Spread the word, and watch your Facebook page…please share with your friends!! It’s for the kids and families…Rob and Brian

Riders joining the Minion rides acknowledge the inherent risk involved with bicycle riding and by joining any Minion ride hold harmless any rider involved.

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