Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Pirate turns 60 but rides like he's 20!






Belo News
September 22, 2012

Shark Cove, Mi. - Things looked pretty bleak at the Shark Cove as our intrepid hero, the Sharkman, poured over weather charts under the green glow of the Shark Radar.  It was pouring rain when he threw back the Shark Bed Spread and padded to the Shark Weather Room concerned about the sound of rain on the Cove roof.  The radar was not re-assuring…….

The Commissioner of Cycling hates those days when the weather isn't easy to predict.  Cancel the ride and the sun almost always comes out, go ahead with the ride and the Minions get soaked.  

Though it did look like there was a break in the rain, it looked like it would be very short lived.  Sharkman, needing to post a cancellation at least an hour before start time so that the Nation knows, was under the gun to get the cancellation out so at 7:30 a.m. the decision was made to cancel the ride.

Sharkman, at weather central immediately got a response from Bissell Boy stating "good call." 

Yeti Boy also sent a quick note wanting to know if Sharkman was up for a ride later in the morning if the rain stopped.

Sharkman then noticed that the sun was breaking through the eastern clouds, but the radar still showed rain heading in from the west, out over 131 just west of Kalamazoo.  He told Yeti Boy he was heading down to the basement to ride his trainer.

When Sharkman came back upstairs from his workout, it was pouring rain once again and he felt justified in his call. He then checked his email and there was a note from the Green Hornet stating "38F and snow up here in Wisco - we're riding!!! Suck it up Sharkman!

Oh, the humanity!

However, it was still pouring rain when the old Shark headed out to the Western Michigan Bronco game and he felt good about the call.

When he got home from the game, there were two emails.  One from Squeaky, the Style Guy, and one from the Pirate!

Yes, four Minions showed up to ride!  The old Shark didn't know whether to congratulate them OR have them committed, but here are their stories;

The Pirate:

Although you canceled, there were four who showed up for this historic ride.  Is this a great country or what?  

As I hauled my sorry butt out of bed, I notice that there was this bright Orb in the eastern sky.  Throwing my bike in the car I made it to the starting line with B-Rod, MadDog and Squeaky biting at the bit for a fast and furious ride.

There was a four way tie at the honorary Sharkman first sprint, so the decision was settled that our beloved HERO took the first sprint!!

The pace began to increase when Squeaky finally got into the top ring with and incredible 21.5 mph (do you believe that??) well we were there so no one can dispute us!!!

MadDog had some bad luck with not one but two flat tires.  The decision was to ride down 37 Street which was the right decision.  Riding on smooth blacktop was like riding on glass.  The final sprint was led by B-Rod with Pirate on his wheel, Squeaky tried to pass, but in the end the Pirate would not be denied on the birthday ride winning by several bike length!!  

Mrs. Pirate surprised him by bringing balloons and signs for him at the Koffee Klutch!  

Thanks B-Rod for the free coffee!


Style Guy!
Squeaky, the Style Guy:

You missed it. 

I think I counted at least 25 - would you believe 4 riders, and I think 5 squirrels who joined along the way. 

But not a drop fell until after the ride ended. I was warm with my winter gloves - and so ends another year for me. (Editor's Note - Say it ain't so, Squeaky!)

As far as I remember I was at least 3rd in every sprint! :-) 

I will let another of the great writers fill in some of the other details.

Take care feeding all the little sharklets until next spring.

Squeaky - the Style Guy

(Editors Note - Thanks for the write ups, gentlemen, and nice ride.  But like the NFL, the Commissioner of Cycling is sticking with his call…..of course, he also has no other choice!)

This Saturday, September 29, 2012

Last Road Ride of the Year!

Launch Time 8:30 A.M. - SHARP!

You won't want to miss the last ride of the year!  

Sharkman will be gone for two weeks, but hopes to start up Ft. Custer rides when he returns on October, 20, 2012 in preparation for Iceman!

So watch for future ride announcements later in October.

See you all on Saturday!

Tardette and Stingray enjoying Arcadia Pizza!

Gala Arcadia Pizza Party!
Baby Sleeper Hold Demo!

Belo News
September 25, 2012

Battle Creek, Mi. - It was the final night of the Tuesday Night Chain Gang and 5 hearty Minions showed up to ride into yet another SSW wind!  Rainman, Hoosier Boy, Polar Bear, Stingray and Sharkman toed the line for the final summer ride.  Each of the riders rode a bit harder, knowing there was pizza waiting at Arcadia after the ride.  The five "horseman of the peloton" marched through Augusta, up the G Ave. Sprint, stayed together on 37th and returned all taking short, quick stretches and the front and bringing the ride in at 21.4 mph despite the strong SSW winds (it was Tuesday night alright.).

Wrongway and Lava Girl!
After the ride, Lava Girl, Tardette and Raindrop, as well as Yeti Boy and Wrongway joined the riders to celebrate the end of the season at Arcadia with beer and pizza.  Raindrop was a major hit as Yeti Boy demonstrated his "baby sleeper hold" on the young rider.  It was Raindrops first bike party and it completely wore her out.  Tardette reported that Yeti Boys "baby sleeper hold" worked so good that the little rider slept the entire night! Is this a great country or what?  Polar Bear bought the first round of drinks as a good time was had by all! 

Yeti Boy teaching "Baby Sleeper Hold."
The riders regaled each other with their riding prowess over the past season as Lava Girl and Tardette mollified themselves with beer and pizza.

And so another Tuesday Night Chain Gang Season draws to and end.  

But as all the Cubs fans say, "Wait till next year!"

"just get Raindrop positioned..."

"And that is how it is done, Rainman....."

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