Monday, October 1, 2012

The Mighty Minion Nation's Season Ender!





Belo News
September 29, 2012

Shark Cove, Mi. - Is there anything as beautiful as a fall morning in Western Michigan?  Belo News doesn't think so!

This past Saturday was one of those picture perfect days that come in the fall, with crisp, cool air and brilliant colors that pop out as a rider heads to the start of the final road ride of the KK-TdG season.

Our intrepid hero, the Sharkman, rolled out of his Sharkbed in the Cove thinking, "how could the season be over already?" but knowing that all good things must come to an end and with his upcoming two week trip, and everyone needing to move to the mountain bike in preparation for the Iceman, it was just a good time to wind things down.  But, it was hard to think about with the weather so great!

The old Shark had to put on his lights as dawn had not yet broken over the Cove as he headed out to the start.

As he turned on to Watkins Road he noticed a biker on the side of the road in the dark working on his tire.  The beam of Sharkman's bike light revealed the rider to be Mad Dog, who was already complaining that it was the third flat on that wheel since last Saturday's rainy ride.  Mad Dog told Sharkman to go ahead to insure the start and told him he would catch on.

As Sharkman arrived into the parking lot, in drove Yeti Boy, who jumped out of his car in riding shorts and said, "Whew, I didn't realize it was this cold!"  When Sharkman left the cove, the shark thermometer read 44 degrees and it seemed to have gotten colder during the ride over!  Undeterred, Yeti Boy began pulling his bike out and getting ready as he blew on his hands to get a bit of warmth on his ungloved mitts.

Hoosier Boy rode in with a coffee travel mug in his bottle cage (has this guy got class or what?), followed by All Black who had been missing in action the past few weeks.

Bissell Boy, Wildman and Zickman then rode in followed by Mad Dog, who was able to get his tire fixed, Ox, Kid Gallagher, Boatman, Skipper, Pirate, B-Rod, Cannon, Rainman, and Danimal.  Though there was nothing formal, 6 of the riders were wearing Bissell Kit, probably because it is the best warm riding gear they own (see photo).

The Skipper back to lead the Nation!
Skipper took charge and told the Nation to saddle up to head out.  The sound of shoes "clicking in"to pedals resounded around the school parking lot and the Mighty Minion Nation was pulling out of the station for the final ride of the year.

The Minions were stopped by the light in town and the early morning group at the Klutch waved our hero's on as they rode by and picked up Stingray who had parked at the Klutch and had ridden north to warm up.

Other Minions jumped on as the train pulled out of town, with Ironman, Falcon, Stryker Guy (who had started the morning with a flat) and Kid Doster all joining on.  The count was 23 or 24 Minios as the Skipper led the train out of town.

The Pirate and Wildman took over and led our hero out to the honorary sprint where he attempted to get an official count, but as we all know, he has a problem counting over 20.  Suffice it to say there were around 23-24 riders on this beautiful fall morning. We apologize if we missed anyone.....

The Minions were very sociable and the chatter went on through the next sprint and into the climb at the col de Twin Lakes where the sun danced across the water creating a fine, morning mist.

Falcon in his Shark Jersey was looking good!
As the Nation moved past the Yorkville Church, Kellogg Korner (where Bissell Boy had to drop off) and into the Kountry Klub section, "mechanical" rang out in the peloton and the Nation splintered.  There were some who thought it was just a thrown chain and others who said it was a flat, so Sharkman decided to go back to find out. 

Sharkman found Rainman on the side of the road working on his tire, with major supervision from several Minions, including the Skipper, Hoosier Boy, Kid Doster and Falcon who road back  and continued to claim it was the slowest tire change on record.

The Nation came back together at Rt. 43 and stayed together through the Bible Conference Hills, Frona's and then all watched Zickman take the Inlet Sprint hammering that wooden bike like a lumberjack on a tree trunk. You could almost smell wood smoldering as he went by!

Rainman got into a discussion with the Pirate and the Skipper, who both had to jump off at Yorkville, and almost missed the turn on to 37th, which was finally open and paved smoother than a baby's butt.  It was good to be back on 37th Street!

It had been a while since the Nation had lined up for a pace line, so Sharkman went to the front and led it off.  Taking the speed up on the smooth road, the pace line hit speeds of 23-24 mph as the Nation performed a half way decent pace line until they got close to the G Ave. sprint where the nation broke a part.

As the Nation crossed the GGG Spot, Sharkman cautioned everyone to watch their lines as it looked like there would be a bunch finish with no Tow Truck or Hossman to pull the nation apart.

Sharkman jumped to the front with Ox and Stingray on his wheel.  After a minute or so at the front, Sharkman pulled off and Ox took over.  As Sharkman moved back, Stingray, a couple of bike lengths backed, told him to go ahead an move in.  "Move in?"  Where were the Minions?

As Ox and Sharkman threw themselves on their swords, they approached the ascent to the final sprint when Ox asked Sharkman, "are we the only ones pulling?" and "where is everyone?"

Sharkman replied, "Oh, they're there, they are just waiting to make their moves…."

At the top of the hill, Mad Dog broke loose with a huge surge, with Minions all over his butt!

Sharkman feared for the worse as the mighty Minion Nation bore down on the finish like a herd of buffalo with riders all over the road, fighting for position!

Ironman clinches the final!
But the Minions did hold their lines and though there was some minor "bumping,"it was a clean finish and Ironman took the sprint, with B-Rod and Canon on his tail.

The crowds went wild on the Champs le Galesburg as the tofosi turned out to see their heroes for the final time this season and the riders zipped up their jerseys for the sponsores.

The Klutch was crowded and rocking as one of the bigger turn outs of the year seemed to all stop for a a bottomless kup of joe.

There were Minions all over the Klutch and Luann had to reload and brew more koffee as she ran out after the first round.  Falcon, always wanting to get his name in the news, actually bought Sharkman's Bottomless Kup and all was well with the Nation.

Another great year for the Mighty Minion Nation!

However, it is not really over!

Sharkman will be taking a brief two weeks hiatus but hopes to be back to lead the Nation on some Ft. Custer riding on October 20th.  Watch for an email update on Friday October 19 for a Saturday morning ride!

Minions will either meet at the Klutch and ride into the Ft. or can meet at the trailhead.  Times to be determined (based on daylight).  These will be informal rides with several levels of riding ability.  So if you haven't ridden in a while, blow the dust off that mountain bike and get it ready!  

Or, get your cyclocross bike ready! As Gazelle Girl says, "the cyclocross bike is the 'sports car' of mountain biking!"

Thanks to the Mighty Minion Nation for another magical season on the field of dreams we have come to know as the KK-TdG!

Thanks to Luann and our home, the Koffee Klutch, for putting up with the Nation on Saturday mornings and for the best Koffee anywhere!

Wrongway fixes tire while B-Rod takes notes.

Belo News
September 30, 2012

Three Oaks, Mi. - Rainman led a talented group of Minions at this years Apple Cider Century, the largest one day ride in America!

Riding over in the Team Active Van, Rainman and Wrongway met up with B-Rod for the famous ride.  Airman and Dutch were also suppose to be in the mix, but Airman was sick and Dutch had broken his collar bone, so the Minion threesome headed out and despite a flat tire experienced by Wrongway, had a great ride! B-Rod was quoted as saying it was his longest one day ride!

You did the Nation proud Minions!

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