Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Saturday morning at Ft. Custer!





Belo News
October 20, 2012

Shark Cove, Mi. - After being in Ireland for two weeks, and having not been on the bike for close to three, our intrepid hero awoke in the dark with trepidation as he contemplated a long ride at Ft. Custer.

Yeti Boy pulled into the Cove in his old pick up truck and Sharkman loaded up his stead in the back.

The two discussed the fact that they had both been off the bike and with the Iceman two weeks away, they obsessed about lack of training.  

Yeti Boy & Sharkman with their fans!
When the two Minions arrived at the Klutch, they were greeted by the Saturday early morning crew and Mary, Chief Minion Fan, came over to sit with the boys.  As more of the early morning crew came in, two more ladies joined the discussion as Yeti Boy gave a primer on the inconsistency of protein in store bought flour.  Once Sharkman introduced Yeti Boy as a famous baker of bread, the discussion turned to baking, flour and protein.  

Sharkman began to worry, as 8:00 a.m. rolled around, that no other Minions had come in for Koffee and he assumed they would be at the trail head.

At 8:00 a.m. - SHARP - the two riders bid a fond farewell to the biker chicks, and headed to the fort.  It was one of those drop dead gorgeous days that Michigan and the Fort are famous for.  The sun was breaking through the clouds with duck hunters sitting at the edge of lake Whitaker as our two heroes rode to the trail head.

Much to their surprise, the only Minion in the parking lot was Brewman, but he was ready to ride.  The three hearty Minions waited until 8:30 a.m. and when no one arrived, they took off to do the Blue, then the Red trails.

As our hero started the "Trenches" section he got a text message and wondered if someone had arrived late at the Trail Head.  But, as we all know, when Sharkman says, 8:30 a.m. - SHARP! he means SHARP and he kept on riding. He wasn't going to stop and pull his phone out of his Camel Back for a late Minion!

The day got even more beautiful as the three riders circled Whitaker Lake and headed into the Red Trail.  When they approached the Trail Head, Brewman said he was going back out to do the Green, as Yeti Boy and Sharkman headed back to the Klutch.  

As the two riders came out of Ft. Custer, it began to drizzle and Sharkman was glad he had gotten his ride in early.  When they got back to the Klutch, they had ridden 24 miles and were feeling marginally better about their training.  AS they got into the truck, Sharkman checked that Text Message….it was from Rainman.  "Ride this morning?  I looked at the radar and drew the white flag….."

Sharkman responded, "Wussy! Just finished 25 miles and only started raining when we got back to the Klutch." To which Rainman responded, "LOL, I'm packing up to go now!

Rainman found out the hard way and rode in the rain anyway!

Unfortunately, Lava Girl has other plans for our intrepid hero this week, so he will not be able to ride this Saturday and the following Saturday is the Iceman.  He is hoping to see a lot of the Minion Nation up at the Iceman this year!!

Watch for a report on the Iceman in an upcoming issue (if our hero survives...) of your source for all your cycling information, the Belo News!

Dr. Dave shows winning form!

Belo News
October 14, 2012

Caledonia, Mi. - As the mighty Minion Nation is aware, it is cycle-cross season and that means great racing at the Krisscross series of races across Western Michigan.

It also means the mighty Minion Nation is partaking of these events and doing pretty darn well!

Kato & Green Hornet...
Our own Dr. Dave recently won his first C Division Race and will be promoted to the "Big Boys" in the next couple of weeks!

Other riders who did well in the "B" group were the Green Hornet and Kato, Brewman and Ironman!

As Dr. Dave was quoted as saying, "One cyclo-cross race under my belt.  Will ride with the big boys in three weeks. Must do more intervals!  Great anaerobic fun!  Most fun since the North Country Trail Relay.

Liking Mud, Sweat and Cowbells."  

Ironmand & Brewman
We couldn't have said it better, Dr. Dave and thanks for the report!

For more information on these great races, check out the website;


Join the fun on December 3, 2012!

Belo News
December 3, 2012 

Battle Creek, Mi. - Minions!  Mark your calendars!

Arcadia Ales will be hosting a "Guzzle One Down for the Town" event on December 3, 2012 for the Calhoun County Trailway! Proceeds from beer sales that night will go to the Calhoun County Trailway Alliance. 

Please support this fantastic event! 

Special thanks to Arcadia for supporting this great cause!

Here is the link to the event:

Editors Note - Drink beer AND help the Calhoun County Trailway Alliance?!?  Is this a great country or what!

Sharkman plans to be there, and he hopes you will be too!  

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