Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Iceman Cometh start in Kalkaska



Belo News
November 3, 2012

Traverse City, Mi. - The mighty Minion Nation was out in force for the Iceman Cometh 2012 edition and they came ready to make the Nation proud!

The weather was a bit more unfriendly this year when compared to last, but that didn't stop the Nation from stomping across 30 miles of northern Michigan's mud, sand and hills in spitting snow/sleet/rain! And oh, those hills!

Bissell Boy, Stryker Guy and Sharkman headed up to Traverse City early Friday, thinking about trying to ride the finish of the race to get an idea as to the new configuration.  However, it was raining/snowing when they arrived and they instead decided to get settled into their Condo, courtesy of McKeel Hagerty of Hagerty Insurance fame, and then go out to registration and the Bike Expo.  Sharkman was concerned that he needed to be there to sign autographs for his legions of fans who would be turning out to get a glimpse of the cycling icon.

The Bike Expo was by every description, OUTSTANDING!  

Registration was crowded but moved quickly.  Sharkman was a bit disturbed that no one asked for his autograph and completely confused by the fact that no one seemed to recognize the legend, yet Stryker Guy kept getting stopped to talk to by his adoring fans. 

Apparently the guy is a cycling icon! Who knew?

As Bissell Boy, Stryker Guy and Sharkman circled the Expo they ran into a few of the Minions, like Yeti Boy and Brent Slezak.  Yeti Boy reported he had ridden the finish and reported that it was both hilly and technical.  Brent reported that he had been interviewed on local TV!  Yes, even the press in Traverse City wants to interview the Minions!

Zickman joined the group later that evening at the Condo, after the trio had been out to dinner with their host, McKeel.  A big thanks from the Sharkman and his entourage to McKeel for all of his hospitality!

The four riders spent the evening discussing logistics and the weather conditions for the morning as Zickman and Bissell Boy were in waves that were an hour before Sharkman and Stryker Guy.  The weather, which had been predicted to be around 40 and partly sunny was changing……. and not for the better.

The riders woke up to snow and cold in Traverse City.  As they made their way to the finish area to drop off a car, the snow seemed to be increasing and the temps were around 29 degrees. Oh, the humanity!  The colder weather and the north wind were creating some lake effect snow that looked beautiful, but were going to create some slick conditions.  

Game on!  

This would be a real Iceman!

As they worked their way to the start in Kalkasa, the snow stopped and the sun began to play with the clouds as the wind seemed to calm.  The weather was beginning to look more manageable, at least in Kalkaska.  

Zickman's seatless stead!
As the riders began to unload their bikes, Sharkman jokingly commented to Zickman that it was going to be a tough ride without a seat on his bike.  Sharkman had assumed that Zickman had removed the seat to keep it dry on the ride up to Traverse City and that he would be putting it on in the parking lot.  

Au contraire mon frere!! 

As Sharkman and Zickman warmed up by riding in search of a port-a-jon and to get his registration package, Sharkman mentioned that Zickman had forgotten his seat.  

That is when Zickman stunningly revealed that he would be riding without a seat so he would not sit down and lose time!  

Wait? ......What?  .......Can that be right?  

You heard it here first, Bunkie!  Zickman rode the entire race sans seat!  

What a stud (or a nut)!  

Belo News reports, you decide!

MC Hammer & Chumbly
The buzz at the start is always great and Sharkman ran into Chumbly and M.C. Hammer who cheered him on as he started. He also saw Falcon who was heading out in an early wave. 

Sharkman was joined by Stryker Guy and Yeti Boy in his wave, along with the former Senior National Mountain Bike Champion! Talk about pressure!

At 10:36 A.M. Wave 33 which included Sharkman, Stryker Guy and Yeti Boy, took off with partly cloudy skies and 30 degree temperatures.

As the riders got off the streets and onto the trail, they hit their first sand pit and all the problems with getting through that was pretty interesting as a mass of riders fought to get into the right line.  It is always interesting how a rider (or at least Sharkman) forgets the difficulty of sand.  Last year, it was more dry and cold and the sand was hard packed,……however, that was not the case this year.

Iceman virgin, Yeti Boy turns in stellar performance!
The Iceman had increased the number of entrants for 2012 and it is believed the waves had larger numbers of riders rather than more waves.  The Iceman also changed the course, as they do each year, but this year there seemed to be much more single track.  Between the larger number of riders and with more single tracks, the bottlenecks were a major issue this year and at times riders had to stand in line for minutes at a time to get into the single track from two track sections.

As the riders got closer to Traverse City, the sky's darkened and the lake effect snow began to fall.  As they crossed Williamsburg Road, which is considered the halfway point of the race and where the hills really begin, there was a considerable drop in temperatures.  The single track did not let up and the hills got steeper and steeper as the Nation bore down on the finish area.

One of the wild things about this race is how they bring riders near the finish, where they can hear the shouting and cheering, then take them out again for another kilometer or so.  Weaving around those who had to walk up the hills was a major undertaking and anytime our riders got stopped, they too would have to walk, as there was no restarting on the bike halfway up a sandy/muddy hill.

Sharkman was excited, but gassed, as he approached finished and passed two riders at the top of a hill and as he got close to the tape he saw Hoosier Boy on the sidelines cheering him on.  The announcer was naming riders and Sharkman was pleased that his name was called out along with his advanced age, which brought a cheer from the fans.  

However, none of the Minions who had already finished heard the announcement and it is believed they were already in the Bell's Beer tent! 

Hey, where's the love?

Sharkman can walk!
However, good old Bissell Boy was waiting for our hero, having finished with a great time, and cheered as he and Stryker Guy came into the finish and as Sharkmans legs began to cramp.  

Stryker Guy and Yeti Boy had both had stellar first time Iceman's!

Sharkman was 20 minutes slower than last year, but as he talked to other Minions that seemed to be a common finish story as the course was purported to be a mile longer and the increase in single track and bottlenecks seemed to slow everyone down. 

Stryker Guy, a cycling icon!

An interesting aspect of cycling is that when riders are slower, they don't seem to want to give their time.  As Sharkman asked riders how they did, they would say, "fine" or "good" but not give a time, so he suspected that the course was slower this year which the times revealed later.

After a change of clothes, Bissell Boy, Stryker Guy and Sharkman headed to the Bell's Beer tent, while Zickman, who actually rode the entire race without a seat, headed back to Kalkaska to get his car.

Sharkman ran into Gazelle Girl near the beer tent (where else) and learned that her tandem partner couldn't make the race, so she rode the race on her cross bike!  As she has always said, her cross bike is "the sports car of mountain bikes" and to prove it, she had beaten our hero by over 20 minutes! It is hard to believe that anyone could get through those sand sections on a skinnier tire, but she did and did it fast!  

Whoa Bunkie! What a studdette!

Our hero with his hero, Gazelle Girl!
Oh, the humanity!

Stryker Guy again, had an entourage around him as he moved around the finish area.  This guy may have to start his own blog!

The finish area was rocking as riders talked of their "epic" rides and the thrills and spills of this legendary race.  

Sharkman's entourage host, McKeel Hagerty had an outstanding race considering he had not ridden the event in a number of years.

Other Minions who took part were Falcon and his son, the Unnamed Rider, who both had sensational times, particularly with Falcon coming off his major elbow injury/reconstruction.  

Rainman snapped his chain in the final kilometers and had to run his bike in to the roar of the crowd and still had a fast time! 

Wrongway also had a great performance on his new dual suspension single speed!

Hutch, Brewman, Hoosier Boy, Danimal and Polar Bear all reported in with great performances.

For all the finishing results check out the following website;

We apologize if we missed any Minions, but these are the only riders Belo News was made aware of.

Stryker Guy, Sharkman & Bissell Boy
Mean while, Bissell Boy, Stryker Guy and Sharkman stood with their Bells beverage in hand, with chunks of snow falling into their beer from the trees and splashing the suds on their jackets.  They could only smile with the satisfaction of knowing they had finished this epic ride and were now enjoying beer enhanced by falling snow.  Pure Michigan, eh Bunkie?

Is this a great State or what?

After some Mac and Cheese (Sharkman loves the Mac and Cheese at the food court of the finish area as he needs comfort food after an "epic" ride!), they decided to head back to the Condo to meet Zickman and to shower their wet and cold bodies.  

However, Sharkman did have to get in and out of the car a few times with foot cramps, however, he did make it on his third try.

Sherpa, Buick Boy, Bissell Boy, Iceman, Nick Head, Cleary & Zickman party!
Some of the Team Taylor riders showed up at the condo to celebrate along with their Super Sherpa who had done the logistics for them. (see photo). Super Sherpa, Iceman, Nick Head, Buick Boy and Cleary all reported solid performances.  The entire group partied as they watched the MSU/Nebraska game and drank a few adult beverages.

It was another great Iceman and everyone was already talking about next year!
Bissell Boy kicks back to watch the Spartans!

If you would like to see some photos from the Iceman you can find them at this link:

And for the Velo News story on the event, check out:

Hopefully even more of the Minions Nation will be able to make it next year!


Belo News
November 8, 2012

Ft. Custer, Mi. - One of the big questions at Iceman was, "will there be anymore mountain bike rides at the Fort?"

Oh, yes there will be Bunkie! Well, at least one more!

You asked for it and you will get it!

The weather is looking good for this Saturday and Deer Season opens the week after, so get those mountain bikes ready to ride!

This Saturday, November 10, 2012

Meet at the Ft. Custer Trail Head!

9:00 A.M. launch - SHARP!  

We'll let it warm up at bit!

Be there!


Date Correction! - New Date!

Join the fun on Monday January 7, 2013!

Belo News
November 7, 2012

Battle Creek, Mi. - The date for Acradia's Ales hosting of "Guzzle One Down for the Town" event has changed from  December 3, 2012 to Monday, January 7, 2012.  

This event is for the Calhoun County Trailway! Proceeds from beer sales that night will go to the Calhoun County Trailway Alliance. 

Please support this fantastic event! 

Special thanks to Arcadia for supporting this great cause!

Here is the link to the event:

Drink beer AND help the Calhoun County Trailway Alliance?!?  Is this a great country or what!

Sharkman plans to be there, and he hopes you will be too!   Besides, what else is there to do on a cold winter's Monday night, eh Bunkie?

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