Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Gathering of the Klan!



Belo News
November 10, 2012

Augusta, Mi. - As dawn broke over the Shark Cove, we find our intrepid hero, the Sharkman, padding through the shark kitchen with the smell of fresh coffee wafting in his gills and the excitement of a ride on his little mind.  

Sharkman was excited to be riding with his Minion Nation at Ft. Custer for the last ride before the Deer Hunters take over his beloved mountain bike playground. 

The weather was cooperating and it was shaping up to be another fantastic day for the mighty Minion Nation!

Styker Guy gets ready....
As Sharkman sipped his first cup of coffee, the Shark Phone began to buzz with a text from Zickman inquiring if the Shark was starting from the Trail Head, to which he responded that he was indeed! Well, at least one other Minion besides Yeti Boy would be there!

Yeti Boy pulled into the Cove with his old pick up truck, where Sharkman was waiting with his camel back in one hand and a fresh cup of coffee for Yeti Boy in the other.

He quickly threw his bike on the back of the truck, handed Yeti Boy his coffee and off they went to the start, yapping about the ride and sipping their joe. Is this a great country or what?

As the duo pulled into Ft. Custer they found Stryker Guy on their tail, and when they pulled into the Trail Head, Sharkman was happy to be greeted by a cast of Minions waiting to do the last ride before Deer Season! 

Oh, the humanity!
Da Yoop makes an appearance!

All Black was there with his brand new Giant 9er for his virgin mountain bike ride on the new steed!

A couple of long lost Minions were also in attendance as Da Yoop, long time Minion, occasional rider, was in the peloton along with the longest serving Minion in the Nation, Karl the Kannibal who came all the way from Jackson to join in the fun.

Tow Truck and side kick, Luke Skywalker along with Danimal, Gazelle Girl and of course, Zickman were circling the parking lot ready to ride as Stryker Guy got his bike unloaded and ready.

Tow Truck, who has had major shoulder/rotor cuff surgery on BOTH shoulders debuted what was promptly named by Gazelle Girl as the "Kevlar Stole" shoulder pads! (see photo).  As Tow Truck said, "these shoulders can't take anymore injuries!"  Tow Truck was living the Minion Credo, "If you can't be good, look good!"  However, as Tow Truck demonstrated on the trails, he not only "looks good" he is "good!"

Gazelle Girl, who had broken the rear derailleur on her "sports car of mountain bikes" cross bike while doing a night ride at the Ft. (You heard that right, a night ride.  Sharkman doesn't think he has good enough night vision for riding at the Ft. at night!) was riding a real mountain bike! What a studdette!

longest serving Minion, the Kannibal!
Since this was his virgin ride on the new 9er for All Black, our intrepid hero, the Sharkman, announced he would be leading a ride out on the Blue while he asked legendary trail blazer Danimal to lead the rest of the riders out on the Red.

Danimal took the main group out through "the Trenches" as Sharkman, Yeti Boy, Stryker Guy and All Black followed but cut off at the Blue trail after the Camel Humps.

All Black took well to the trails and was buzzing along easily when, unfortunately, his handlebars came loose.  No one had an allen wrench to tighten the bars and the foursome headed back to the Trail Head to see if any of the Red Loop group had returned and had a wrench to tighten down the bar.

Unfortunately, the main group was still out on the trails and All Black decided he would ride back to his car and head home as any further riding would be hazardous to his health and he was not wearing a "Kevlar Stole."

Tow Truck, Luke Skywalker & "the Kevlar Stole!"
Meanwhile, Yeti Boy, Stryker Guy and Sharkman headed back out on the Red Trail and when they returned, the main group was still not back, or at least most of them were not as their cars were still in the parking lot.  Apparently, they were having a great time out on the trails!

Thus, the 2012 Minion Season draws to a great close!  

It has been a phenomenal year for cycling, but the Nation holds out hope there may be some additional rides after Deer Season closes and if the snow fall is light like last year.

All Black on his new 9er!

So stay tuned for occasional updates and news on the Minion Nation this winter!

Thanks to Nation for a great season!


Join the fun on Monday January 7, 2013!

Belo News
November 15, 2012

Battle Creek, Mi. - Acradia's Ales is hosting "Guzzle One Down for the Town" event on Monday, January 7, 2012.  

This event is for the Calhoun County Trailway! Proceeds from beer sales that night will go to the Calhoun County Trailway Alliance. 

Please support this fantastic event! 

Special thanks to Arcadia for supporting this great cause!

Here is the link to the event:

Drink beer AND help the Calhoun County Trailway Alliance?!?  Is this a great country or what!

Sharkman plans to be there, and he hopes you will be too!   Besides, what else is there to do on a cold winter's Monday night, eh Bunkie?

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