Wednesday, June 6, 2012






Belo News
June 2, 2012

Galesburg, Mi. – The event that the entire Minion Nation has been waiting for has finally arrived!  Yes, you’ve heard about it, you’ve read about it, you’ve talked about it, NOW YOU CAN EXPERIENCE IT!
The Gala Gazelle Girl Birthday Extravaganza and possible TdG2 is this Saturday!  Oh, the humanity!

Gazelle Girl recommends parking at her house at 11228 E. HJ Drive in Galesburg. It is also recommended that you bring a change of clothes for the post ride party festivities (who wants to sit around sipping adult beverages in wet lycra kit?).

Spouses and significant others are welcome and encouraged to come. The first lady of cycling, Lava Girl (actually, on Saturday, Gazelle Girl will be the first lady of cycling, but let’s not tell Lava Girl……) plans to be there along with our intrepid hero, the Sharkman!

Is this a great country or what!

Our intrepid hero, the Sharkman, will go to the regular start to marshal up the Minions who don’t read any of this important “stuff” and show up there. He will then meet the Gazelle Girl group heading north out of town where Gazelle Girl will win the honorary first sprint of the day!


After the finishing sprint, the Nation will head straight to Gazelle Girl’s Estate on HJ Ave. 
instead of the Klutch.  Gazelle Girl digs are very close to the finish of the ride!

This will be one great event that no Minion will want to miss!

Saturday, June 9 – Gazelle Girl’s Birthday Ride!

Launch Time 8:30 A.M. – SHARP from the normal start - a few minutes later from the Gazelle Estate!

If you can’t make the ride, come on out to the post ride activity around 10:15 a.m.!

Anyone who is anyone in the world of cycling with BE THERE!


Belo News
June 2, 2012

Galesburg, Mi. - Found on sidewalk outside the side door of the KK last Saturday: one inner tube - like new! Come to Gazelle Girl's birthday party to claim the tube! 

Were you parked outside the Klutch last Saturday morning? Are you missing a tube?


Belo News
June 2, 2012

Galesburg, Mi. – As dawn broke over the Shark Cove last Saturday, and as our hero got ready to ride to the KK-TdG, he opened the garage door and found Nikeboy, ready to escort our hero to the start.  It had been some time since Nikeboy had ridden with the Nation and Sharkman was pleased to have him along for the trip over to the start.

The morning was brisk but comfortable as a number of the Minions rode in for the start of the ride.  As the two riders rode into Galesburg they picked up Danimal at the light in front of the Klutch and they waved to the crowd gathering there to watch the start of the ride.

As they rolled into the parking lot they were met by Brewman, B-Rod, Ranger Rick and Hoosier Boy.  As the start time approached Bissell Boy, Tow Truck and Toast pulled in as well as the Cannon who was running late and said he would catch up with the start and to go ahead.

Somewhere north of the Klutch, Hossman jumped on as well as Gazelle Girl for a total of 13 riders on the day, however, Nikeboy had to head home and dropped off shortly after the start.  Someone in the crowd asked where Polar Bear was and when Sharkman speculated that he thought he had gone up north for the weekend, the comment was offered, “not cold enough for him here this week?”

B-Rod and Toast paced the Sharkman to the honorary opening sprint and the ride picked up pace as the mighty train pulled past the col de Twin lakes, over 89 and past the Yorkville Church.

Hoosier Boy and Hossman went to the front and ran a very controlled pace through the normally very fast Country Club section, where the entire nation came together to attack the stop ahead at route 43.

The riders formed back up at the top of the col de Norte and an informal, but well working pace line formed through the Bible Conference Hills and on to the C Ave. sprint where the Cannon pushed through to win.

As the pace line formed south of the Digital Divide, the Cannon took off at the front and Bissell Boy went ahead to try to form up the pace line, but the Minions didn’t seem to want to play that game and a messy train formed up as the riders headed to the GGG spot.  That is where the “incident” occurred that provides this space for a “Sharkman Safety Moment.”

Sharkman – “we need to remind everyone, including the Sharkman hizself, that we are getting a bit careless at intersections and crossings.  As the Mighty Nation stopped at the G Ave. crossing, several cars were coming in both directions.  One rider went ahead, followed by another, and then the Sharkman hizself pushed out shouting, “car left.”  Unfortunately, another rider was drawn out by the move, directly into the path of the Audi that was barreling down on the intersection.  The rider, trying to stop, was caught right in front of the car and if not for the fantastic braking system of the Audi car and the quick reflexes of the lady driver, a major catastrophe might have taken place.  The screech of the brakes and the sound of the skid froze the nations hearts and the close call brought home how we need to ALL CROSS THE INTERSECTIONS AT THE SAME TIME AND NOT TAKE UP THE ENTIRE INTERSECTION WHEN WE STOP.  When one rider makes the move, others assume it is safe to follow and as Minions we need to watch out for one another, so we all cross together and we need to form up tighter at the intersections so that cars turning right can do so around us!  Nuff said…..”

With rapidly beating hearts, the nation headed south with Cannon, Bissell Boy, Sharkman, Ranger Rick, Hoosier Boy, Hossman, and Brewman went to the front to take the speed up.  All the riders seemed impatient as the Mighty Nation crested the final hill and began to break for the finish.

Hoosier Boy went early and the Cannon used him to launch his attack with B-Rod and Sharkman in hot pursuit.

Sharkman attempted to go around B-Rod, but B-Rod was up to the challenge and fought of the surging Shark to take second with the Cannon on top of the podium and Sharkman making the podium for the second week in a row!

The crowds went wild on the Champs le Galesburg as the Nation rode to the Klutch.

The buzz at the Klutch was primarily about the gala Birthday the following Saturday and how anyone who is anyone in cycling will be attending! 

Be there!


Kalamazoo Gazette photo of our own Squeaky!
Belo News
June 2, 2012

Kalamazoo, Mi. – Guess who has a second calling!?  None other than the Style Guy himself, our one and only Squeaky!  This guy does it all!

Caught here in this Kalamazoo Gazette Photo, we see our own Squeaky not only running in this muddy event, but taking first in his age group! Great job Sqeakman, you made the Mighty Minion Nation proud.  After the event, Squeaky was quoted as saying, “While you guys were out enjoying the morning on a pleasant ride, I dressed up try to bring some respectability to myself.”  O.K. Squeakster, whatever you say!  All we know is that you were “styling” in those mud laden cloths and we loved the gloves!

(Where else can you get in-depth, hard hitting writing like this?  Is this a great country or what?)


Belo News
June 5, 2012

Battle Creek, Mi. – Though the wind was down for a change, the riders were up as All Black, Hoosier Boy, Airman, Cheddarhead and Rainman headed out for the Tuesday Night Chain Gang ride sans Sharkman.  Just before the start our hero had texted Rainman and All Black to say to go ahead as Mother Kellogg was going to get everything they could out of the old Shark before he retires!

Sharkman got a late start and rode the ride in reverse catching up with the chain gang as they came back into Augusta.  The six riders then headed back and finished with an average speed of 20.4 mph. 

Sharkman was quoted as stating that apparently the record cannot be broken without the Shark in the peloton for the entire ride!

If you are looking for some great pace line work, this is the ride for you!

Tuesdays, 6:00 p.m. from Kellogg HQ upper parking ramp!  Come on out!


Belo News
June 6, 2012

Mattawan, Mi. - We want to remind everyone that the Tour de Taylor is coming up on Saturday June 16, when the KK-TdG will be suspended so that the Mighty Minion Nation can take part in this important event. Sharkman is planning to ride and is hoping the Nation will follow! All proceeds go to Make a Wish so click on the website now and join Sharkman for the ride!
Rides of 10/30 and 62 are available!

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