Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Gazelle Girl!





Belo News
June 9, 2012
Gazelle Girl Reporting

Galesburg, Mi. – Dawn broke over the Triple Nasty Rancho waaaay earlier than it seems to on most Saturdays, with Gazelle Girl groggily muttering, “What the hell am I doing up so… “

Oh yeah, there’s a party to throw!! And it’s a beautiful day!
Dr. Toe serving up the goodies!

After getting the party deck ready for the arrival of the guests, Gazelle Girl met the Mighty Minion Nation just around the corner from her house. She couldn’t wipe the smile from her face as the peloton belted out “Happy Birthday” as they crested the hill. Is this a great country or what?

Gazelle Girl was ceremoniously led out to the first birthday sprint by Sharkman hizself. Thank you, Sharkman! And it was pretty much downhill from there when it came to Gazelle Birthday Girl sprints, as Gazelle Girl had to fight tooth and nail for all of ‘em, only winning one, maybe two, the rest of the ride.

Sharkman, "drinkstrong!"
Gazelle Girl had two options when it came to what to think of this surprising turn of events: 1) the majority of the Nation is clueless about birthday sprints 2) Gazelle Girl is SO one of the boys that it never occurred to anyone to give a girl (a birthday girl at that) a break. Gazelle Girl sort of lands in the middle on this one. Lucky for her, her jaunty cap is not in need of the feathers that winning sprints provides.

 If so, Gazelle Girl would have sat right down at the Digital Divide and cried her birthday eyes out. Instead, she didn’t really give a damn and had a marvelous ride with the Mighty Minion Nation! Wheeeeee!

Many from the Nation descended upon the Triple Nasty Rancho to enjoy post-ride refreshments. Gazelle Girl was showered with fabulous gifts, cards and well wishes, with Sharkman and Lava Girl’s card likely being the most… how shall we say… startling.

After much relaxation, the party thinned down to Ranger Rick and his gal Robin, Dr. Toe, Gazelle Girl and Gazelle Girl’s longtime trouble making companion, Red (for lack of a better nick name).

Birthday Girl & PBR!
Finally, ‘round about 3 pm the trio of Dr. T, GG and Red struck out on the second lap of the day in an effort to ride Gazelle Girl’s age in miles. The counter clock-wise ride idea was nixed when it was decided that a stop at the beer store was in order so the riders could fetch a 6-pack to enjoy a cool one at the boat launch and then another at Ross Township Park.

Gazelle Girl had a fun surprise near the Country Club when the riders came upon a carcass of some sort resting by the roadside. Its condition, species and placement begged the question… did a food fight ensue at Chico’s kid’s grad party the previous night? Inquiring minds want to know! If only Gazelle Girl had been equipped with a Baggie. This little varmint would have made it into all the ride photos from here forward. (Sadly, the little guy was just too greasy to plop into GG’s new Gazelle Sports jersey.)

Mystery road kill?
The tired trio returned to the Triple Nasty Rancho safe and sound with 51.4 miles for the day. But, the biggest birthday surprise was yet to come… Gazelle Girl’s mother, Mary Jo Mama, phoned ‘round about 7 pm asking if Dr. Toe had given her one and only daughter a special birthday gift that Dr. Toe had fetched from Mary Jo Mama the day before. Gazelle Girl was perplexed… What? No gift as yet. “Uh oh,” said Mary Jo Mama. “Uh oh what?” Gazelle Girl asked. “Just ask him where your gift is,” replied MJM.
Missing Birthday Cake!

When plied with this question, Dr. Toe deflated to the size of the lonely carcass perched on the roadside by Chico’s house. “Dammit,” he was heard muttering under his breath as he hung his head and trudged to the wood shop. He emerged holding forth a familiar object. It was Mary Jo Mama’s famous cake carrier with – what else – her famous German Chocolate Cake tucked inside!

OH, THE HUMANITY!!! Dr. Toe had forgotten to put out the cake for the Mighty Minion Nation! Oh no, Dr. Toe! For shame!!

Gazelle Girl & Red!
What to do with SOOOOOO much cake? Let’s just say Gazelle Girl will be riding a lot this summer in an effort to burn off many bits of pecan and coconut.

THANK YOU to the Mighty Minion Nation for coming out to celebrate GG’s birthday! We might just have to do it again in 2013. I’ll see if Mary Jo Mama will bake another cake…

Til next time,

Gazelle Girl



Belo News
June 13, 2012

Mattawan, Mi. – Belo News wants to remind everyone that the Tour de Taylor is coming up this Saturday, June 16!  Sharkman and Lava Girl, the first couple of cycling, will be in attendance doing the 12 mile route.  The KK-TdG has been suspended so that the Mighty Minion Nation can take part in this important event. Sharkman is hoping the Nation will follow him and Lava Girl (though probably on the longer rides).  Remember, all proceeds go to Make a Wish and also remember, “It’s for the kids!”

Belo News spoke with ride organizer, the Iceman, this past week and they have over 300 riders signed up for the ride.  They also will have fantastic rest stops and a lunch at 11:00 A.M.  Belo News is hoping the Minion Nation will come on out and join the fun!

So click on the website now and join Sharkman for the ride! 

Rides of 12/30 and 62 are available!


Belo News
June 7, 2012
Brewman Reporting

Kalamazoo, Mi. – This past Saturday, perennial Minion Brewman was not in attendance for the Gazelle Girl Birthday Extravaganza and the entire Nation wondered where he was.  Actually, knowing there was beer practically insured that the Brewman would be in attendance. 

On Saturday afternoon, Belo News got the answer when Brewman sent the following update:

My son and I were hit by a car Thursday morning. We were riding single file on the far right side of a wide shoulder. I was in back. The driver hit me on the side and then hit Matt direct. I was on the ground and could see Matt in convulsions. I was able to get up and to him. Someone had already called 911. I was never more scared in my life. Help was fast getting there. A ton of helpful people materialized. The driver did stop but never said a word or offered help. The car was impounded.

Matt was transported to Bronson. He is ok. Concussion and a few fracture’s in his lower back, probably where he was hit. They are away from the spinal cord. Full recovery is expected. He has been training for the Madison ironman for almost a will not happen this time. He came home late yesterday. I am just bruised, scrapped and sore.

We could not have been riding any safer or preventable. Distracted drivers are dangerous. Be safe.


Thanks for the report Brewman, and let’s hope the police check the drivers’ phone records to see if they were talking or texting at the time of the accident!


Stryker Guy in Redwing Jersey!
Belo News
June, 2012
Stryker Guy Reporting

Day 2: Lizard Head Pass – Our own Stryker Guy was out west, doing the “Death Ride” as the Nation was partying on Saturday.  Stryker Guy reports that it was a tremendous ride, beautiful but scary hard.  Unfortunately, he had to cut the ride short to come back to work (now that Sharkman is on vacation until retires, he thinks everyone should be either on vacation or retired!).  Stryker Guy reported that his fellow riders stated the last two passes were a “bear!”

When asked for some “in-depth” tidbits on the ride, Stryker Guy was quoted a stating:

“Tidbit #1 - I was scared to death coming down the backside of Red Mountain Pass--17 miles of hairpin turns on the mountain with no railings!”

“Tidbit #2 - however hydrated you are it's not enough.  I cramped in places I didn't know you could cramp.  Drank 2 liters of Pedicare after the first night! (Editor’s Note – we prefer Oberon to Pedicare, but that is just us…..).

(see photo of Stryker Guy in his Redwings Jersey with some other Kalamazoo riders)

Great job Stryker Guy, you did the Nation proud!

Wrongway & Rainman!

Belo News
June 9, 2012

Traverse City, Mi. - Rainman reported in this weekend that he and Wrongway took on the Michigan Mountain Mayhem ride with 6,333 ft. of total climb in 105 miles of riding!  It was reported that it was in the  mid-80's with 15 mph winds and one of their fellow riders dehydrated in the heat and had to drop out.  But not our Minions!

Congratulations, you did the nation proud!


Belo News
June 13, 2012
No one Reporting

Battle Creek, Mi. – It was windy again on Tuesday night and every Minion knows what the means!  Tuesday Night Ride!

Sharkman was AWOL, attending a dinner and though he had confirmation that several Minions would be in attendance, Belo News regrets to report that no information on the ride was submitted.

This would seem to indicate that without Sharkman, no record was achieved, so all that can be reported is that “they showed, they road, the conquered!”

If you like pace line work, this is the ride for you!

Tuesdays, 6:00 p.m. from Kellogg HQ upper parking ramp!  Come on out!


Belo News
June 13, 2012

Shark Cove, Mi. – Sharkman is in need of a couple of bikes.  His two son in laws will be coming the week of July 4-15 and he would like to find both road and mountain bikes for them to ride while they are here.  One son in law is 6’2” and needs larger frame sizes.  His other son in law is the same size as Sharkman.

Anyone who has bikes that they can lend to the Sharkman should contact him.  He does have some back up for the shorter son in law, but needs the larger bikes.  Please let Sharkman know ASAP.

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