Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Iceman, Sharkman & Lava Girl






Belo News
June 16, 2012

Lava Girl & Sharkman
Mattawan, Mi. – Dawn broke hot and humid over the Shark Cove as our intrepid hero loaded up both his and Lava Girls bikes for the trip over to Mattawan for the Tour de Taylor. 

As many of our readers are aware, the ride was a major success with 359 riders registering to do the three ride options.  The ride was organized in fantastic fashion, particularly when considering this was the first time for the event!  The course was well marked, the aid stations (particularly the cookies) were outstanding and the lunch was delicious!  Everything was extremely well coordinated.  

After signing a few autographs, and some photo opportunities for the paparazzi, Lava Girl and Sharkman headed out on the 10 mile ride.  Lava Girl loved the scenic route and both riders loved the chocolate, macadamia cookies at the rest stop! MMmmmm cookies!

Sharkman & Stingray!
The first couple of cycling bumped into Stingray, who had done the 31 miler, and B-Rod, who had done the 62 miler, at the post ride lunch and enjoyed burgers and hot dogs in the shade of a nearby tree. 

Dr. Dave reported in later that he, Stryker Guy and Airman did the 62 miler as did Cheddarhead. It could not be determined what other Minions took part in the event, but all involved thought it was a great ride!

Sharkman & B-Rod!
Sharkman realized a major mistake in not arranging a start time for Minions to meet and ride together.  Since he was doing the 10 mile with Lava Girl, he did not think of organizing the rest of his Minions and that became apparent when he began to get emails from the Nation asking about start times on Friday.  After all, it is well known that Minions need Sharkman to organize them!

Sharkman plans to lead the Minions next year on the 62 miler!


Belo News
June 16, 2012

Comstock, Mi. – At the Tour de Taylor on Saturday, many of the Minions asked about Brewman and his son Brewboy.  The entire nation was worried about the pair and wanted an update, so Editors contacted Brewman and he forwarded the following good news:

Crime scene photo
“Thanks for checking in. Brewboy is doing better. He is in a flexible back brace until a follow up visit in a few weeks. Limited activity but he is getting around well and off any pain meds. My rash is mostly healed. Still sore in some areas and not quite ready for the jarring of a ride on a bike. My bike is mostly recovered but brewboy's was laid to rest along with both helmets. The police report should be complete this week and I am interested in seeing the results of that. It should not have happened but we both realize it could have been much worse.

Here is a picture of the crime scene. It was on old Douglas, just north of Martin, still in the 35 mph zone.

Be safe out there!

(Editor’s Note: Glad to hear both riders are on the mend!  We too, are very interested in the police report and how this could have happened.  The Nation is with both riders as they heal up after the accident and there is a spot waiting for both in the peloton!)


NEW LAUNCH TIME - 8:00 a.m.!

Belo News
June 23,2012

Galesburg, Mi. – After two weeks of partying with Gazelle Girl, riding the Tour de Taylor and generally goofing off, the Nation gets back into action this Saturday and to kick things off, the Commissioner of Cycling has declared it “Beer Jersey Day!”

Heck, it is summer, it is hot, we’re getting close to the 4th of July and that means beer!  So what better way to say summer than to wear your favorite Beer Jersey!  Besides, Sharkman has a new, cool retro Beer Jersey (see photo - and he use to work for them!) that he has been dying to wear!

Because of the heat and in keeping with previous season practises, we will be moving the start up to 8:00 A.M. for the summer. Minions seemed divided on moving the time up, but the majority did want to go earlier as the summer heat came on.

So, this Saturday, June 23, 2012!

Beer Jersey Day!

New Launch Time – 8:00 A.M. – SHARP!

Be there!


Raindrop has arrived!
Raindrop Makes Her Debut!

Belo News
June 17, 2012

Battle Creek, Mi. – Just in time for Father’s Day, we are pleased to introduce the latest edition to the Mighty Minion Nation! 

Born to Rainman and Tardette at 6:30 A.M. on June 17, 2012 (Raindrop obviously was not aware that Tardette and Rainman are NOT morning people, but they are about to become morning/evening/late night people shortly!):

Lauren Elizabeth Engelhardt
6 Ibs. 12.9 oz.

What a cutie!  Welcome to the Mighty Minion Nation little lady!


Dutch? Is that you?
It Was Dutch in the Photo!

Belo News
June 14, 2012

Battle Creek, Mi. – We here at Belo News strive to get the news to you in an accurate manor, and we know the Mighty Minion Nation will let us know if we don’t!

Last week we failed to name one of the three riders in the photo of the Minions who rode in the Michigan Mountain Mayhem Ride.  However, when the photo was texted to the editors, no names were given.  However, the editors knew the texter, and recognized Wrongway and did not recognize the "handsome" third rider.

Though when we learn that people are actually reading this major cycling publication (actually, we realize that most Minions don’t read it and only look for their photos, which is confirmed here), we are saddened when we learn of any mistakes that are made (though we do reserve the right to make stuff up if we want to...).

We got the attached from Dutch the following morning!

Editors of Belo News;

"What the???!!!

That handsome guy next to Rainman is none other than Dutch.  Have I been black-balled?



The Editors apologize to Dutch, however, we want it clear that we share the blame with Rainman for not mentioning it in the texted photo who the riders are!   

(Editor’s note: Dutch actually didn’t want the Editors to correct this in the Belo News but we couldn’t let this pass! Oh, the humanity!)


How Hot Was It?

Belo News
June 19, 2012

Battle Creek, Mi. – With the heat index approaching 100, and the winds up indicating it was time for the Tuesday Night ride, only two insane Minions showed up for the Tuesday Night Ride!  Sharkman launched from home and could feel the heat radiating from the pavement as he headed downtown wondering if anyone else would be crazy enough to show.

There was one lone rider waiting for the old Shark in the parking lot.  Hoosier Boy, who because of a conference call that ended up getting cancelled anyway, did not make his morning ride, decided to gut out the heat and ride with the old Shark.

With the temps at 95 degrees at launch time, and the winds gusting to 15-20 mph out of the west, the two intrepid Minions headed out wondering if anyone else would be crazy enough to join on during the ride.

The pair rode side by side, while Sharkman reminisced about the “old days” at Kellogg.  Though Hoosier Boy is not old, he has been at Kellogg long enough to remember many of the “old days” and Sharkman was enjoying the discussion as they headed west.  Rumor has it that Hoosier Boy was born in the Kellogg lobby!

At the G Ave. hill the going got tough and our intrepid hero started to feel the heat.  He had drunk a full 12 oz.  glass of water before leaving the Cove, would consume two full water bottles during the ride, reload a third bottle at Kellogg, which he consumed on his way home, drink a 16 oz.bottle of Gatorade when he got home, followed by a 16 oz. diet Coke with his pizza dinner (yes, Sharkman always has pizza after his Tuesday Night Ride), followed by another 12 oz. glass of water before bed and still didn’t have to go to the bathroom until Wednesday morning (Man, where else can you get this kind of in-depth, investigating reporting, eh Bunkie?)(too much information? Go to the comment section!)

During the ride, Gazelle Girl pulled up along side the duo on her  motorcycle on the way to a meeting!  She commented that she would normally ride her bike to the meeting, but it was too hot. And she was correct, it was too hot to be on a bike!

Though Sharkman tried to claim a new speed record of 27.2 mph and began shouting, “It’s a victory for America!” and “Is this a great country or what!?” as they approached the finish, it was obvious that he was suffering from heat prostration.  The much more stable Hoosier Boy confirmed that the average speed for the night was a very respectable 19.5 mph for the 30 mile ride.

You won’t want to miss next week’s ride! How hot will it be? How hard will the wind be blowing?  Come on out and find out for yourself!

If you like a great workout doing pace line riding, this is the ride for you! 

Launch Time – 6:00 P.M. – SHARP! From Kellogg HQ upper parking ramp! 

Be there!


Belo News
June 21, 2012

Shark Cove, Mi. – Sharkman wants to thank those who have offered bikes for his son in laws.  As you may have read last week, his two son in laws will be coming the week of July 4-15 and he wants to find both road and mountain bikes for them to ride while they are here.  One son in law is 6’2” and needs larger frame sizes.  His other son in law is the same size as Sharkman.

Sharkman thinks he has it covered, but is always looking for more opportunities for bikes!  If you have bikes that that you can lend to the Sharkman (particularly in a small size) please contact him.  Please let Sharkman know ASAP.

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