Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Wildman steals the show!





Belo News
June 23, 2012

Galesburg, Mi. – Anticipation was high at the Shark Cove this past Saturday for a number of reasons.   
Not only was our intrepid hero, the Sharkman excited to get back to his beloved KK-TdG roads of dreams, but he was expecting a very special guest to be joining him.

Sharkman & Kannibal!
A bit of Minion History…….back in 1988, when our hero was starting his second bike life, after a long and undistinguished Marathoning career, he actually bumped into his first Minion (though, as hard as it may seem to believe there were no Minions in those days) while purchasing his new Trek 1000 at Alfred E. Bike.  

Bullet Bob, who Sharkman knew from work, was in the store at the time and asked our hero if he would like to go for a ride the following Saturday.  True to his word, Bullet rode to Sharkman’s house and off they went as the very first two Minions.  However, within a week or two, Sharkman’s neighbor’s son, Karl, later to be known as the Kannibal because of his beautiful Eddy Merckx bike, asked if he could ride with the Minions.  So Bullet Bob and Karl the Kannibal became the first Mighty Minion Nation citizen’s!

Kannibal was 28 years old at the time and single, so he was like the perfect biking friend.  Sharkman would give him a call on the spur of the moment and ask if he wanted to ride and before he could hang up the phone, Kannibal was waiting in the driveway.

Alas, all good things come to an end and Kannibal got a job in Jackson with Consumer Power, got married and the two lost track of one another.

However, this past winter as the Kannibal was searching mountain biking videos on YouTube, he came across the award winning video that Sharkman and Bissell Boy had produced (see the December 2011 archived Belo News) and immediately sent an email to our hero asking if it was the same “Sharkman.”  Well, since there is only one Sharkman, he confirmed it was indeed his video and he shared the Belo News site and Kannibal had called the past week to say he was driving over from Jackson to do the ride!

Kannibal was this weeks "Celebrity Rider!"

When Sharkman hit the garage door, none other than Woody from Team Active was in the drive waiting, followed by Nikeboy!  Kannibal arrived shortly after and a bit late, which caused the four riders to have to hustle to the start.

As the riders made their way over, Wildman joined on east of the Eaton Plant explaining that he was trying to get miles in before the "Make A Wish Ride" in a few weeks.

Beer Men of the Peloton!
The Minions were circling in the parking lot, unloading cars and generally looking to get back into action after the past couple of weeks of Extravaganza’s!

In addition to those already named, the Great Dane, sporting a very cool Dos XX Beer Jersey, was making a return to the peloton for the first time this season!  Stryker Guy, B-Rod, Dr. Dave, Bob the Builder, Luke Skywalker, Tow Truck, Hoosier Boy, Squeaky, All Black, Peugeot Guy, CheddarHead and Airman (hope we’re not forgetting anyone!) were all ready to rock as Sharkman, in the absence of the Skipper, got things started.

Belo News is disappointed to report a low turnout of Beer Jersey’s for Beer Jersey Day, however those who did wear them were looking good!  Though Bell’s, and more specifically Oberon, again easily won for the number of jerseys, everyone agreed that the Sharkman’s retro Schlitz Jersey was the hands down winner despite strong entries from Ryder (All Black) and Dos XX (the Great Dane)!

As the Nation rolled by the Klutch, Luann, their favorite barista waved to them from the door and shouted, “Ride safe!” ........and they were off!

Gazelle Girl joined on as the train moved north to the usual shouts of “Gazelle Girl!”

Squeaky, wanting to make sure he was mentioned in the Belo News for reasons other than being the Style Guy, led our hero out to the first sprint.  As a matter of fact, both riders were feeling so frisky that they went out way ahead of the peloton to grab the sprint.

Squeaky kept his momentum up and took the second sprint as well!

Heads were counted after the col de Twin Lakes and with all on, the usual attack on the Country Club section began in earnest after Kellogg Korner.  Riders toyed at the front with the Kannibal taking his first ever KK-TdG sprint at the Rt. 43 Stop Ahead sign.

It was at this intersection that the Minions failed their credo to not leave any Minion behind.

Sharkman took a count and two riders were off the back.  As one of the riders came back on, there was a major discussion that the Great Dane was missing.  The Nation waited for some time and came to the conclusion that no one heard a mechanical and since he had not been out on the bike much, he must have turned back and the peloton went on.  The Minions later learned that the Great Dane had experience a flat tire, but no one reported hearing a yell out for a “mechanical” and the Minions rode on!

Editor’s Note – The importance of letting other riders know if you have a mechanical or if you drop off the ride is very important.  With a number of riders each week jumping on and off, it can be extremely difficult to keep track of riders.  Please let Minions know if you are; 1.) experiencing a mechanical of any type and; 2.) if you are dropping off the ride. Though this is NOT an excuse for leaving any Minion behind......we feel better saying it!

The ride moved on to the col de Norte and the pace picked up again in the Bible Conference Hills were Airman and Tow Truck fought for the sprint with Airman just nudging Tow Truck out of the win by less than a half of a wheel!

South of the Digital Divide, the Sharkman attempted to get the pace line going, but for whatever reason, no one wanted to play in the sandbox.  What could only be described as organized chaos, the Minion Nation looked like a bunch of riders going home on bikes after a three day Irish Funeral!  Even Gazelle Girl couldn’t seem to get the Nation to get in line as they rode all over the road with no semblance of a pace line.

As the nation crossed the GGG Spot, Sharkman had to chastise a rider for crossing and circling the intersection. (This is another reminder that all Minions need to cross the intersections together and should stay to the center of the lane and not take up the entire intersection as they wait to cross, nor should they circle in the intersection!)
Nikeboy, Woody discuss final sprint!

As Sharkman crossed the GGG Spot, he worried that there were a lot of riders who would be bunched at the finish, so he went to the front with Stryker Guy right on his wheel to try to move things along.  The two exchanged the front spot until Tow Truck, B-Rod, Hoosier Boy, All Black and Airman came forward, just before the final ascent before the finish.

As the mighty train crested the final hill, Wildman who had been quiet most of the ride, shot out to the front and there didn’t appear to be any response to cover the move.  As Wildman began to build momentum on the downhill, riders began to shout, “he is going to stay away, someone get on his wheel!”

B-Rod, Hoosier Boy, All Black, Kannibal, Tow Truck and others amassed behind him but the daring move from the Wildman looked like it would pay off.

Meanwhile, the cagy Sharkman, knowing B-Rod would never give up, grabbed on to B-Rod’s wheel like he grab’s his Whitsun if the waitress tries to take it before he has drained the entire glass!

Minion left behind - the Great Dane!
Riding B-Rod’s wheel as they passed other riders, Sharkman felt he could make a final move on B-Rod, but it was to no avail!  Wildman had pulled off one of the great wins of Minion history by “stealing” the finish, while B-Rod and Sharkman finished second and third!

The riders were jovial in the fantastic weather as they zipped up their jerseys for the sponsors and waved to their adoring fans along the Champs le Galesburg.

Luann was patiently waiting for the Nation as they approached the Klutch!  Sharkman, feeling good about his podium finish, bought hot chocolate for Airman, who had forgotten his wallet and for B-Rod for pulling him on to the podium!

As the riders spread out to drink their brew and take photos of the Beer Jersey’s, some mentioned that the Great Dane had just pulled up! As previously mentioned, he had flatted out in the Country Club section and had been left behind!  All the Minions apologized and also noted how impressed they were that he was only a few minutes behind the Minions!

Gazelle Girl takes a call?
During all the frivolity, Luann took a call and said it was for Gazelle Girl, which impressed the hell out of the Minions.  Who takes calls at the Klutch?  Gazelle Girl, that’s who!

Wildman, still high after his win and looking for miles, rode with Kannibal and Sharkman back to Battle Creek and reported ending up with 50+ miles for the day! Wildman also supplied the photo of Nikeboy and Woody on G Ave.

You won't want to miss this weeks ride, Bunkie!

This Saturday, June 30, 2012 (the last day of June? Can you believe it?)

Launch Time – 8:00 A.M. – SHARP!

Be there!


Word from Hawkeye & Falcon!

Belo News
June 27, 2012

Galesburg, Mi. – After all the news about Brewman and Brewboy, Belo News decided to check in with two Minions who are on the injury list to determine how they are doing.  As has been reported in the pages of Belo News, Hawkeye has been battling skin cancer, while Falcon is mending from a shattered elbow. We have some great news from each Minion and in their own words!

First, from Hawkeye:

Hey Shark,

Thanks for checking in.  Today is actually the 1 year moment in which my surgery took place last year to remove the lymph nodes.  I have 2 more weeks of shots left to complete then I am on the down side of this thing.  All my CT scans have come back clean so all is good there.  I can't wait to be off the meds so I can get back to feeling normal.  Once that happens I hope to get back on the bike and get back into shape and into the swing of things.

Overall, things are good.  Thanks for asking.

Thanks for the updates on the TDK gang.  I hope to make the ride at least once yet this summer.

Ride safe and keep the rubber side down.


Thanks Hawkeye, great news! The Minions are holding a spot in the peloton for you!

From Falcon:


The bones are healing and the range of motion is coming along nicely. I have clearance to get in the pool to start swimming if I want. I was hoping to be able to get out on the bike to start doing some solo rides in a week or two. However, I have a nerve in the elbow that has started to cause numbness in my pinky and ring fingers. It is also causing some issue with the fine motor skills in my hand. It’s not an uncommon problem. I’m waiting to hear back from the Dr.’s office as I type this. Right now, it looks like I might have to have another surgery to relieve the pressure on the nerve. If I have to have surgery, I’m not sure how much longer that will delay my return to the peloton.


Take care Falcon, the Nation awaits your return!


Belo News
June 23,2012
Reporter: Stryker Guy

Galesburg, Mi. – Stryker Guy reported in after the Belo News went to press last week and his comments were so good, well we just felt we had to print them! 

Stryker Guy wrote:  “I will be there with bells or Bell’s on Saturday! I did the 62 miler with several lunatics (including Dr. Dave). As the pace quickened to 26+ I wondered first, Why? Secondly, how do I bow out without looking like a complete wimp.  I hung on like your grandmother’s ugly drapes and finished with my tongue lagging about 10 miles back.  The excuse of me riding mountains evoked ZERO sympathy.

I love the Schlitz jersey---that will win the award unless someone finds a Stroh’s jersey!

Well said, Stryker Guy, well said!  “I hung on like your grandmother’s ugly drapes!” Why can’t Belo News come up with lines like that!  Oh, the humanity!


Rainman still on dooty!

Belo News
June 27, 2012

Shark Cove, Mi. – We are pleased to report that the newest addition to the Nation is doing well and has Rainman and Tardette hoping!  We are also pleased to report the little cutie is doing well, however we have no idea when the Rainman, or Tardette for that matter, will return to the roads as both are heavily involved in Diaper Dooty! (Editor’s Note – sorry, we just couldn’t help ourselves).


Old Record Shattered!

Belo News
June 26, 2012

Battle Creek, Mi. – With the wind and the temps down, the Minions this week weren’t sure it was Tuesday Night, but it was and several Minions showed up for the ride.  In addition to our hero, the Sharkman, Airman, Stingray, All Black, Hoosier Boy, and the handsome guy of the peloton, Dutch, were in attendance.  Though no firm strategy was in place, the riders seemed to settle into a nice rhythm, taking pulls for as long as they wanted.

With the cool temps and negligible winds, the riders were on a good pace when Dutch dropped off for home in Galesburg.  Working like a fine tuned watch, the riders picked up even more speed as they headed back to the Creek and with everyone pounding hard in the finish, they ended up with a new season record of 21.6 mph for the ride!  Oh, the humanity!

You won’t want to miss next week’s ride! If you like a great workout, doing pace line riding, this is the ride for you!  Launch Time – 6:00 P.M. – SHARP! From Kellogg HQ upper parking ramp! Be there!


Belo News
June 27, 2012

Shark Cove, Mi. – Several riders have asked if there will be a 4th of July ride this year.  As all Minions know, we have periodically had 4th of July rides over the years and if there is enough interest, we will again have one this year.  Please let us know if you want to ride and we will set up a time.  The Klutch will be closed, but the Minions can either go to McDonalds or head home after the ride for their 4th festivities. 

Let us know!

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