Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Hands across the ocean!





Belo News
May 26, 2012

Galesburg, Mi. – The Shark Phone rang at the Cove early Saturday morning as our intrepid hero, the Sharkman dashed to answer it.  It was none other than All Black asking the status of the ride.  Sharkman had been all over the radar trying to figure out his options.

"I'm game......"
“Are we riding?” asked All Black.  “I think I will ride to the start and see who shows…..”  was Sharkman’s reply.  As he said this he got a funny look from Lava Girl who commented, “you’re not riding in the rain! If you go, I’m not coming to get you!”  Just as Sharkman began to give her that “No one tells Sharkman what to do” look, and as if to extenuate Lava Girls vast superior wisdom, the first roll of thunder could be heard approaching the Shark Cove.

In pouring rain, Sharkman drove the Sharkmovibe to the start, wondering if anyone would actually show.
"Really?  We're going to ride?"

When he got to the parking lot, no one was there and though the rain had stopped, he began to convince himself that he was not going to get to ride.  It was then that All Black drove in, followed by Hoosier boy, then Polar Bear.  Squeaky soon joined the group on his bike with a rain jacket that seemed to be twice as big as he was.  Since Sharkman didn’t notice any artic gloves on Squeaky, he knew that though the weather was a bit wet, at least it wasn’t cold!

As they waited for any others and discussed whether to start, Squeaky stated that it should not be a matter of discussion and that as Minions the group would START because it wasn’t raining at the time.  Silence fell over the small quorum as Hoosier Boy stated, “I’m game….”

Red, white & blue weekend!
Interesting that it only takes one to say “I’m game….” and everyone is automatically “in.”
Sharkman, clad in his Red, White and Blues, and Polar Bear looking dapper in his Union Jack kit, the four mighty Minions headed out and had to slow at the Klutch so the crowd would notice they were riding by.  After all, no one at the Klutch thought the Minions would be out in that type of weather.

Just then, Hutch joined on and then they were five!

Shortly after, Tow Truck, Bissell Boy (looking fast in his red, white and blue Mick Jaggar kit), Cheetah and Ironman jumped on!

And then they were 10!

Polar Bear lead our hero out to the honorary first sprint, where he decided to take off his rain jacket as he was getting warm.

Squeaky jumped out to take the next sprint and shortly after the climb on the col de Twin Lakes, Stryker Guy and Hockey Boy jumped on!

Hockey Boy sighting!
And then they were 12!

Cheetah made a move in the Country Club section and Polar Bear stayed with him, but the rest of the peloton let them go.  Polar Bear noticed the lack of enthusasum for the pace and came back to the peloton while Cheetah seemed to disappear after the sprint to Rt. 43.

In the Bible Conference Hills, Sharkman stole the C Ave. Sprint before heading down across the Digital Divide, where one of the better pace lines of the season formed up.

With the peloton back down to 10 riders, with Cheetah and Ironman dropping off to go home, the pace line was humming like a whiporwills rear end! 

As the line stayed precise and well mannered, Squeaky decided to break away to take the G Ave. sprint, with his rain jacket now slung on his handlebars looking like a safety air bag.

The run to the finish turned out to be a barn burner.

Hockey Boy led things off and got the pace line started before turning it over to the ever present Tow Truck.  Tow Truck took the speed up a notch before Polar Bear and Sharkman came to the front to spell the clydesdale.  Meanwhile, Hoosier Boy moved into contention and the fast moving train began bunching up in the run up ascent before the finish.
Press Conference at the Klutch

Sharkman and Polar Bear dropped back while Bissell Boy and All Black threw in moves as the nation rolled down the final descent to the finish.

Tow Truck returned to the front to make his move and caught the peloton off guard, as Hoosier Boy, Bissell Boy and All Black tried to respond.

Hoosier Boy couldn’t close the gap, but Sharkman took advantage of the move and rode Hoosier Boy like a rented mule and nipped him at the line to take the second step on the podium.

The crowds on the Champs le Galesburg went wild as our hero’s approached the Klutch.  As the riders leaned their trusty steads against the walls and under the awnings of the Klutch, the sky’s opened up and it poured rain!

Interestingly, it stopped as the riders left the press conference and they rode dry once again.  Sharkman reported that when he got home, and pulled into the garage, the sky’s opened up again.

The Mighty Nation had beaten the rain!  It was a victory for America!

You won’t want to miss this week’s edition of the KK-TdG! 

Saturday – June 2, 2012 (June already?!)

Launch Time – 8:30 A.M.

Be there!


It was an angry sea, my friend!

Belo News
May 30, 2012

Battle Creek, Mi. – Tuesday the winds were blowing at gale force speeds (gusting to 30 mph) so everyone knew it was time for the Tuesday Night Ride!

It seems this season that the Mighty Minion Nation has had a series of incredibly windy Tuesday nights.  This past Tuesday was no exception for the four mighty Minions who toed the line to start their Chain Gang weekly ritual.

Along with Sharkman, All Black, and Hoosier Boy, making his first appearance of the year, Dutch, got ready to face the very angry sea of wind heading out of the west.

This wind was of Biblical proportions as the intrepid pace line decided to take 30 second pulls at the front.  The wind was so strong that at times, while riding behind the lead rider, the gust would take the leader down a mile or two per hour and it was like putting the brakes on.  The pace line yo-yoed its way out to Augusta, up the G Ave hills and on to Galesburg before the riders could get the wind at their backs.

Of course, the ride back to Battle Creek was incredible as the pace line hit speeds of 24-26 mph quite easily with the gusting winds.  Ending average speed was 20.6 mph despite the strong headwinds going out to Galesburg.  Sharkman commented that it was one of the hardest rides of the year, but a fantastic workout!

If you are looking for some great pace line work, this is the ride for you!

Tuesdays, 6:00 p.m. from Kellogg HQ upper parking ramp!  Come on out!

The Durango Kid!

Belo News
May 26, 2012

Durango, Colorado – The President of the Mighty Minion Nation Western Chapter, the Durango Kid once again took on the Iron Horse Race, sans Sharkman, Yeti Boy and the Great Moultini this past Saturday.  He reported in on the race and though he did not beat the train this year, he apparently had a great ride and made the Mighty Nation proud!  He is planning on being back in Michigan later this summer and he will be featured as THE celebrity rider the Saturday he is here.

From the Durango Kid himself:

Under clear skies and at times very windy conditions the Durango Kid completed the 2012 Iron Horse Bicycle Classic.  Although the wind was helping most of the ride, the 50 MPH wind gusts on the mountain descents did not stop the Kid from reaching the finishing line in a respectable 3 hours and 50 minutes. The unofficial time for the train was 3 hours and 35 minutes.  The Kid was disappointed he did not beat the train but was happy to be celebrating a safe and successful ride with friends, family and food provided by Toni Abbey, the Minion Western Division Team Hospitality Manager. 
Great job Durango Kid!
Sharkman and Lava Girl are planning to go out to visit with the Kid and the lovely Toni and take in the 2012 U.S. Pro Challenge Bike race! Oh the humanity!


Gazelle Girl - “Bring you spouse/significant other!”

Belo News
May 22, 2012

Galesburg, Mi. – The entire Minion Nation is a buzz with talk of the gala Birthday Plans for our own Gazelle Girl on June 9.  This could be the cycling birthday party of the century!  Gazelle Girl wants to make sure that everyone knows that spouses and significant others (sigoths – see photo) are welcome to take part in this  gala event!

As you can see from the flyer and this story, Gazelle Girl wants the Nation to come out to her digs and help her celebrate!

The game plan is to do the usual KK-TdG ride but end up at the Gazelle Girl estate (there might even be a Dr. Toe sighting!) post ride for adult beverages and other assorted goodies. Then, for those that are up to it, a second ride around the lake in reverse direction to get the miles our Gazelle Girl needs to ride her age!
Come on out and help Gazelle Girl remember this birthday (probably for a long time!)!

When - Saturday June 9, 2012

Where - Gazelle Girl Estate aka - Triple Nasty Rancho!

The flyer has all the information!

Sharkman says, "Be There!"


Belo News
May 30, 2012

Mattawan, Mi. - We want to remind everyone that the Tour de Taylor is coming up on Saturday June 16, when the KK-TdG will be suspended so that the Mighty Minion Nation can take part in this important event. Sharkman is planning to ride and is hoping the Nation will follow! All proceeds go to Make a Wish so click on the website now and join Sharkman for the ride! Rides of 10/30 and 62 are available!

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