Thursday, May 24, 2012


Stryker Guy!
Belo News
May 19, 2012
Reporter: Stryker Guy

Galesburg, Mi. - A beautiful day greeted the Minion Nation as the group readied itself for yet another attack of the Tour de Gull.  It was Kellogg jersey day and since only about 30% of the boys had Kellogg jerseys the hope was that Sharkman might grab a box or two of the fabled jerseys as he makes his final exit next month.   The team was in good shape in case anyone got sick during the ride as both Dr. Zick and Dr. Dave were there at the start line.  Unfortunately, that was as far as Dr. Z made it, as he suffered multiple flats coming out of the parking lot.

The Skipper led the group out and set a torrid pace.  Danimal and his sidekick Bill (Mini-Me) were right behind with B-Rod ready to pounce on the first sprint.  It’s been awhile and my short term memory is about 5 minutes max, but I think Bill took the first sprint…or maybe Sharkman (was he there?)  Gazelle Girl jumped on board and made a comment about Tony the Tiger’s hand on the back of the jersey that almost made me ride into a ditch.  Chico, wearing the Kellogg jersey of Mexico—El Toro—decided that he needed to pull the group for about the next 10 miles and the Minions were happy to oblige.

I don’t remember what happened until we got near the Country Club where Chico tried to give the pull to Squeaky, who respectfully declined.  He mentioned being weighed down by the winter gloves that he had stuffed in the back of his jersey.  Bissell Boy looked like he was up there pushing for the lead and it was a blur until we reached M-43.

Dr. Dave returned to the group after leaving his medical colleague to fend for himself and jumped into the lead pack as the Nation headed to Frona’s.  Since it was my birthday I felt the need to try and win one sprint.  So after sucking Chico’s wheel for about a mile I edged out B-Rod for my first and last win of the year. 

The final sprint was neck and neck all the way with the usual suspects—Chico, B-Rod, Polar Bear, Dr. Dave and others vying for the finish.  Again since I can’t remember that far back—we’ll call it a tie.

Coffee, stories and much more at the Klutch. 

Respectfully submitted,

Stryker Guy

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