Wednesday, May 23, 2012





Belo News
May 19, 2012

Galesburg, Mi. – The editors of Belo News waited all week to hear if any of the Minions rode this past Saturday.

Who showed up? 

How many Minions?

Who won the final sprint?

We regret to inform our readers that NO ONE reported in to Belo News.  We have confirmed that there was a ride, there were somewhere around 20 riders, the weather was beautiful, a few people wore Kellogg Jersey’s, but other than that, we got NOTHING!

Remember Minions, WE NEED NEWS!

So let’s make some news this weekend when the Sharkman returns! Yes, our intrepid hero returns for Memorial Day Saturday!

As is tradition, and it being a holiday weekend, the Commissioner of Cycling has declared it Red, White and Blue Jersey Day!  Yes, pull out those stars and stripes for Memorial Day and pay honor to our veterans.  Even if it isn’t the stars and stripes, just wear the old red, white and blue anything!  Heck, even Polar Bear can come out with a Union Jack Jersey!  After all, it is Red, White and Blue, right!

Is this a great country or what!

Saturday - May 26, 2012

Launch time – 8:30 a.m. – SHARP!

Be there!


New Season Record Set!

Belo News
May 22, 2012

Battle Creek, Mi. – For the first time this season, the Tuesday Night Chain Gang Ride did not have a hurricane force wind to face.  Though the wind was out of the North West and it was around 10 mph, another adaptation of the steady, well-mannered pace line helped the Mighty Minions to a season high 20.8 mph!  Stingray, recovering from a major bout with bronchitis, Airman, just off the disabled list with gall bladder problems, along with All Black, Hoosier Boy and Sharkman launched from the Kellogg HQ parking lot at exactly 6:00 p.m.

Wildman met the fast moving train on River Road and helped pace the Nation as it moved through Augusta and up the G Ave hill.  Sharkman did miss the cowbell from the previous week, but Wildman mentioned he didn’t like to carry it on the bike.

Wildman peeled off just before the return to Augusta to go home, while Stingray and Airman put in major pulls.  As a matter of fact, Sharkman mentioned at the post ride press conference that he was planning to contract gall bladder problems with some bronchitis on the side if he could ride like that.

On the return on Jackson Street, the Mighty Nation hit and average of 20.8 mph when they got stopped at light at 20th Street.  The speed briefly dropped to 20.7 as they ramped up the speed to bring it home. Hoosier Boy and All Black pulled Sharkman, who made a move at the end to lead the train in for the final season high 20.8 mph average!  Interestingly, Sharkman reported his average HR was very low for the ride, clearly showing the effects of a strong pace line.

If you are looking for some great pace line work, this is the ride for you!

Tuesdays, 6:00 p.m. from Kellogg HQ upper parking ramp!  Come on out!


Belo News
May 22, 2012

Galesburg, Mi. - Guess who is having a birthday! You guessed it, our own Gazelle Girl! And she has planned a party and has invited the entire Minion Nation! What was she thinking? Too many PBR's and/or Bloody Mary's when she thought this up?

No, we're serious. As you can see from the flyer and this story, Gazelle Girl wants the Nation to come out to her digs and help her celebrate her birthday!

The game plan is to do the usual KK-TdG ride but end up at the Gazelle Girl estate (there might even be a Dr. Toe sighting!) post ride for adult beverages and other assorted goodies. Then, for those that are up to it, a second ride around the lake in reverse direction to get the miles our Gazelle Girl needs to ride her age!
Come on out and help Gazelle Girl remember this birthday (probably for a long time!)!

When - Saturday June 9, 2012

Where - Gazelle Girl Estate aka - Triple Nasty Rancho!

The flyer has all the information!

Sharkman say's, "Be There!"


Belo News
May 22, 2012

Mattawan, Mi. - We want to remind everyone that the Tour de Taylor is coming up on Saturday June 16, when the KK-TdG will be suspended so that the Mighty Minion Nation can take part in this important event. Sharkman is planning to ride and is hoping the Nation will follow! All proceeds go to Make a Wish so click on the website now and join Sharkman for the ride! Rides of 10/30 and 62 are available!

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