Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Tow Truck takes it all!




Belo News
March 31, 2012

Galesburg, Mi. – It was an All-Star weekend for that legend of the peloton, the Tow Truck, as he completely swept every sprint and took the finally uncontested!

Yes, you heard that right Bunkie, every single sprint.

With the Sharkman out of action, and the Klutch klosed for the weekend, we were a bit unsure as to how the attendance for the ride would be.  Little did we know that it would mean only one, determined Minion would toe the line!

Tow Truck, not one to mince words, reported in last Saturday;

“I am reporting that I showed up at 8:58am EDT. For your info I pulled the entire route and won every sprint....and I was the only one riding. Must be that either your absence or no coffee kept all riders away.

I also took the entire group on a southern route.

Hope you are enjoying family.

Safe travels!”

Well, that says it all and a big thanks to Tow Truck for reporting in!  Even Luke Skywalker, Tow Trucks son was absent! 

Oh, the humanity!

We know that Tow Truck has been on fire this year, so he probably would have won anyway, but a clean sweep is pretty impressive! 

Congratulations Tow Truck and thank you for keep the streak of consecutive weekends of riding intact!  Belo News is unsure of how many consecutive weekends there are in the streak, but suffice it to say, there are so many, well, no one knows how many there are!

Hopefully, the Nation will be back this weekend and Belo News can confirm that the Klutch will be open for all the post race activities!

It is Spring Break so we are hoping at least a few riders show up!  So come on out to help the old Shark take at least one sprint away from the Tow Truck! After being off the bike for over a week, the Shark needs all the help he can get!

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Launch Time – 9:00 A.M. – SHARP!


Belo News
April 4, 2012

Galesburg, Mi. – It has been reported that the famous and perennial winner of the final sprint, Hawkeye, has been seen riding and is definitely on the mend and getting ready to return to action! As our readers know, Hawkeye was diagnosed with stage 3 skin cancer last summer and has been fighting back all winter.

Hawkeye checked in with Belo News this week and reported that he is riding again, albeit on a limited bases, just enough to get the “legs and blood flowing.”  Hawkeye does have 3 more months of shots left, but hopes the treatments will end by mid June and after that will only need periodic scans. 


Hawkeye sends his regards to the Minion Nation and hopes to be back in the peloton later this summer! He also thanks the Nation for all their thoughts, well wishes and prayers!

The Mighty Minion Nation looks forward to seeing that Iowa Hawkeye jersey back in the peloton soon!

Tuesday Night Ride Doesn’t Happen Either!

Belo News
April 3, 2012

Battle Creek, Mi. – Our intrepid hero, the Sharkman, was on a real roll this past week, as no one showed for the Tuesday Night ride either! 

Scheduled to lead the ride this past Tuesday night, our hero got delayed returning from visiting with the Sharklets in California and was unable to be in attendance.  When he sent out a message to his Minions to report his absence, it appeared no one was riding! (Oh, yeah, it is Spring Break Week).

Sharkman will not be in attendance next week, but the ride is scheduled none the less and it is hoped that someone will report back to Belo News!

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Launch Time – 5:45 p.m. – SHARP!

From the Kellogg Headquarters upper parking deck!

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