Wednesday, April 25, 2012

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Tuesday Night Ride Report!
Belo News
April 25, 2012
Galesburg, Mi. – With our intrepid hero, the Sharkman, AWOL yet again, Minion Stingray submitted the following, very well crafted report, on last week’s action! 

Official report to the Commissioner of Cycling regarding last Saturday’s ride: 

It appeared to be a beautiful sunny Saturday morning over the KK-TdG-Field of Dreams, except the temperature was only in the mid 30’s and there was a mean wind coming in from the northeast.  Nevertheless, 6 fearless minions clipped in at 9am sharp!  All Black, Airman, Cheddar Head, Brewman, Stingray, and new rider Kevin Long---nickname TBD, but a possible nickname could be Polar Bear as he was the only one to ride in just shorts and a jersey---brrr!  Welcome Kevin! 
As the minions rode past the Koffee Klutch and waved hello to Luann, they noticed fellow minion Pirate in the parking lot fixing a flat.  Well trained by their intrepid hero, they waited for Pirate while he readied his trusty steed.  With the flat fixed the peloton of now 7 riders rolled out of town.   As we headed north the ride was social as the cold wind made it feel like an early March ride.  Gazelle Girl quickly joined on to the shouts of “Gazelle Girl!”  As always, Sharkman won the first sprint.  As the riders approached the Cul de Twin Lakes the speed picked up, the riders launched up the hill, and heading towards the stop ahead it looked like Brewman would cross the line first.  Airman, however had victory plans of his own and caught onto Brewman’s wheel, quickly attacked and was able to win the sprint!  It would be the first of many victories for Airman.
As we neared Gull Lake High School the riders stopped for another flat.  This time it was on Airman’s bike.  It was determined the flat was caused by the unprecedented levels of torque applied to the wheels during the previous sprint.  The flat was quickly fixed and the minions pushed on!

The pace continued to be friendly as most riders were just happy to find a wheel to tuck in behind as the blustery wind continued to batter them.  Soon after the last stop for the flat repair the minions were joined by Squeaky, wearing his patented parachute pants and somewhat-matching jacket.  Trending away from the “I-just-got-in-a-fight-with-a-Badger” look, Squeaky chose to use a leg cover (or was it a tube sock?) on his right leg so the remaining shreds of material would not get caught in the chain.  Good thinking!

The pack of 9 riders made the turn south they began to warm up some, though the thought of a bottomless kup of koffee was still great motivation to keep pedaling.  Airman continued to rack up sprint victories, while Kevin, aka Polar Bear, snagged a victory for himself on the sprint up to the inlet.  After crossing G ave, Airman took the reins with yet another monster pull.  As the minions crested the last hill leading to the final sprint, Airman pulled off, with his fellow minions saluting him for his herculean efforts of the day!  Brewman quickly took over the duties of leading the minions charging towards the finish in a pull of epic proportions, with Stingray and All Black on his wheel. With the finish in sight, Stingray swung out and accelerated, crossing the line first in what is being described as a “rare, fluke-like victory”!  All Black, riding velvety smooth on his Kuota, squeaked into second and Brewman took 3rd.  It was a great victory for Steamboat Springs, CO as the Moots team took 2 podium spots!  As the riders arrived back in town the throngs of fans were shouting “Moooooooots!” “Moooooooots!”.  Is this a great country or what?
The Mystery Rider!

Inside the clutch Luann presented the minions with a photo of a rider who actually showed up to ride on the previous rainy Saturday.  Realizing no one was going to show, they rode to the Klutch for Koffee, and Luann snapped a photo for evidence.  Ironically, none of the minions present this week were able to identify this lone minion in the picture for 3 reasons:  The top of the photo was a little dark, the rider had taken off his helmet and sunglasses, and none of the minions looking at the picture had their glasses with them!  The photo was submitted to the Commissioner of Cycling for further investigation and it was determined that the lone-wolf rider was……………Zickman!!
You won’t want to miss this week’s edition of the KK-Tdg!

Saturday, April 28, 2012
Launch Time – 9:00 A.M. – SHARP!
Our intrepid hero, the Sharkman, is out in Santa Fe testing bikes with his son in law, the Great Moultini!  Watch the blog for “possible” posts of his adventures out west!  Sharkman hopes to return for the May 5, 2012 KK-TdG!  Is this a great country or what?

Belo News

April 24, 2012 

Battle Creek, Mi. – “It was an angry sea, my friends!” Or at least that is what Sharkman and Rainman were thinking as they were the only ones who launched at 6:00 p.m. SHARP from Kellogg HQ!  With winds of 25 mph, gusting to over 200 mph (O.K. it just seemed that way) Sharkman suggested a 30/30 approach to the ride.  Sharkman would do 30 second pulls while Rainman would do 30 minute pulls.  Rainman wasn’t buying it, but was on fire for the night. 

Looking AND riding like Andy Schleck , he and the Sharkman fought their way out to G Ave., bucking what seemed like hurricane winds, the two crested the G Ave. hill only to face even greater winds as Rainman threw his chain. In the twink of an eye, Rainman had it fixed and was on point once again.
As they turned south on 37th Street, the average was at a lowly 17.1 mph and our riders were gasping for air! 

With the winds at their back for the return, the cagey veteran Sharkman volunteered to pull the entire way back, but Rainman was in no mood to ride in the back seat for long!  With Sharkman holding on for dear life, Rainman took speeds up to 25 mph on the return to the Cereal City! 

As the two turned onto Jackson, Sharkman shouted out for Rainman to go for it, but he would have none of it!  The two hung together, making up incredible time, for a finish average of 19.9 mph despite the crushing northwest winds! Oh the humanity! 

Next Tuesday, May 1, 2012 – Yes May Day, May Day! 

Launch time – 6:00 p.m. SHARP from Kellogg HQ upper parking deck!

The Squeak Man
Dear Style Guy, 
I find that when I wear long pants, especially when I commute to work, my pant legs get caught in the crank and make a darn mess of my cuffs.  This not only can leave a “grease tattoo” on my pants, but sometimes I actually get them caught in the crank and completely shred them.  Someone told me to put a rubber band around my leg, but that didn’t seem to work well.  Is there anything the King of Style can suggest to this torn pants rider? 
Signed: Bance Barmstrong
Dear Bance,
Rubber Bands?  Rubber Bands?  What kind of style is that?  No style at all I say! 
For years, I have mastered the fine art of what I call, “Squeaky Stuffing!”  Yes, there isn’t anything you can’t stuff in your shorts, jersey or even your socks!  I’ve stuffed pumps, water bottles, broken watches, small animals and even a 12 inch black and white TV into my socks!  Not all at one time mind you, but you can really pack the “stuff” away!  And you know how we style riders like our “stuff!”
So here is what you do, Bunkie!  Stuff those pant legs into, you guessed it, your socks!  Just tuck those cuffs away into the friendly confines of your  very own socks and enjoy riding in style like me, the Squeakman!

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