Thursday, April 26, 2012

Niner Jet 9 RDO


Belo News
April 26, 2012

Santa Fe, NM. – Belo News is out west to cover the adventures of our intrepid hero, the Sharkman!

As the sun disappeared behind a layer of steel grey clouds creeping low over the humble Moulton estate in Santa Fe, our hero awoke to the sounds of Beck, his Grandson Sharklet, having a hardy breakfast with his Mom, the Nickster!

Upon his arrival, the Sharkman was the beneficiary of a retro Schlitz Jersey (eat your heart out Brewman, Sharkman is winning the next Brew Jersey Day!) along with a really cool U.S. Pro Cycling Challenge 2012 sweater (watch for a photo in future Belo News posts)!

Oh, the humanity!

Classic Schlitz Jersey!
As the old Shark watched his grandsharklet devour his sweet potato, brown rice, cumin, mango (and peas for finger food – does this kid eat healthy or what?), the Great Moultini rolled out of bed suggesting a mountain bike ride before he headed into work.  The Great Moultini wanted a shot at putting the Sharkman into the pain cave early in the trip!

Outfitted by the Great Moultini with a Niner Jet 9 RDO, dual suspension carbon fiber rocket (check it out at this link!).
Is this a great son in law or what?

Great Moultini & Sharkman!
Sharkman was more than ready to enter the “Pain Cave” that the Great Moultini likes to ride in on a regular basis.

The two riders headed out to the City Trails near the Moulton Estate where the Sharkman quickly realized he had not yet acclimated to the 7,000 foot elevation.  Sucking on his son in laws wheel like Brewman on a bottle of his own home brew, he began to enter the infamous "Pain Cave" that he has come to know!

10.8 miles with climps, dips, ascents and spine tingling drops! Oh, the humanity. 
Sharkman and Lily!
Sharkman was pleased to get his ride in by 9 a.m. as the Great Moultini showered up for his day in the office and he got a welcome hug from his grand daughter Sharklet, Lily! Is this a great country or what!

Stay tuned for more stories from the great west!  Until then……..
Sam's REI Bike Garage!

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