Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Rained out!




Belo News
April 14, 2012
Galesburg, Mi. – For the first time this season, it appears the Mighty Minion Nation was rained out of their beloved KK-TdG ride on Saturday morning.  With the Sharkman AWOL, attending a wedding in the Chicago area and with no one reporting in, it is feared that Mother Nature finally took revenge on the long streak of Saturday morning rides that the Nation has enjoyed.  Though our intrepid hero, the Sharkman will again be AWOL this week, the ride will go on!

This Saturday, April 21, 2012
Launch Time – 9:00 A.M. – SHARP!
Be there!
Tuesday Night Opening Crew!

Belo News
April 17, 2012 

Battle Creek, Mi. – After several aborted attempts to get the Tuesday night Minion Chain Gang ride together, success was finally achieved! At 5:46 p.m. on Tuesday night Sharkman led a field loaded with Minion talent off on the opening of the Tuesday Night Season!  Airman, All Black, Stingray, Yeti Boy, Wrongway, the Pirate (taking a break from his world tours) and the Ragin Cajun, returning to the Nation after a long absence! Rainman cut it close because he had his steed at Custer Cyclery for a tune up and had to send Tardette (best wife EVER!) to pick it up, which still made him a bit late, causing the one minute delay in the official launch time.
Rainman late again!

Though the early pace was social, a very nice double pace line formed.  As the Nation moved out River Road, the Skipper joined on, greeted with shouts of “Skipper, Skipper!” 

At the G ave. hill, the peloton blew apart and then formed up again on 37th for the run up to the KK-TdG finish line. 

Sharkman shouted for all the young “stud” minions to take the front as the nation developed a very smooth pace line on Rt. 89, with the old Shark near the back (giving pause to wonder, “why can’t the Minions do this on Saturdays mornings?”). 

As the lead riders peeled off, and accelerated, Sharkman had to dart up front to slow the mighty train down to keep from blowing Minions out the back!  The pace slowly worked its way up to close to 24 mph!

As the Nation cruised through Augusta and turned past Danimal’s digs at the Cyclery, the pace picked up again with the Pirate taking a long pull at the front.  He and his loyal side kick, the Skipper jumped off to head home as the train kept hustling back to Battle Creek.

As is the norm, when the nation got to Jackson St. and made the turn, the pack dug in to work for the best team average for the ride.  Even though the stop lights on Jackson did not cooperate, the average on Rainman’s computer read 19.6 mph!  Pretty quick for this early in the year! Oh, the humanity!

Don’t miss next week’s ride.  Launch time will be moved back to 6:00 p.m.  

Tuesday, April 24, Kellogg HQ upper parking lot – 6:00 p.m. launch! Be there!


Belo News
April 18, 2012
Mattawan, Mi. – As the Minion Nation knows, our own Iceman is also captain of Team Taylor, a Team that many of the Minions ride with, including our intrepid hero, the Sharkman.  Iceman sent the attached for Belo News to post in hopes that a few Minions can take part in this great event!  The Minions may need to shut down the KK-TdG so that everyone can make the special ride.

From Iceman himself: 

We have created a nice ride over here on June 16.  It’s called Tour de Taylor and named in memory of my daughter.  We have three loops (10, 30, 62 miles) Supported rest stops, free catered picnic for riders afterwards, t-shirts, free "stuff", all the makin's for a great day.   Maybe some of your Minion Nation will want to join us over here for some different scenery on a Saturday morning.  Maybe they would even put a challenge out to each other and ride over here, ride one of the loops, have some food and camaraderie and ride home.  
Please see our website for sign up and more information.  It's a bargain and cheap at only $30.  All proceeds go to Make A Wish of Michigan.  

Thank you and hope to see some Minions over in Mattawan enjoying the rolling hills and supporting a great cause.


Sharkman has reported he may even try to get Lava Girl to do the ride, along with some others!  More on that in future editions of Belo News.  Stay tuned!

The Style Guy!

Belo News
April 18, 2012

Richland, Mi.

Dear Style Guy,
I was very impressed with your cold weather riding gear featured in last week’s Belo News.  But I was wondering how safe it is riding with all that clothing on.  At the risk of sounding like Laurence Olivier, the diabolical dentist interrogating Dustin Hoffman in the Marathon Man, “is it safe?”

Signed:  Safety Minded Minion Rider 

Dear Safety Minded Minion,

Boy, am I glad you asked that questions Bunkie!  These cloths not only look great, but they have an aerodynamics that creates a protective bubble around your body so that if you should happen to crash, the jacket and pants are so puffed up, well you’d actually bounce down the road until you came to a safe stop! And I am speaking from experience! Did you notice the shredding on the bottom of the pants and the tear in my sleeve? Yep, these clothes have saved me on many a crash. 

 Yes, it can slow you down a bit as the jacket and sweat pants bubble up from the wind, but you’ll look great AND be safe AND warm. Sometime it bubbles up so much that your bike can become airborne (explains some of the crashing…..)

 Actually, I am hoping to develop an entire line of “Squeaky Wear” cycling clothes for cold weather riding which will be available at a second hand store near you soon! So stand by Bunkie! 

Thanks for writing Safety Minded Minion!
Next Question?

The Style Guy


Belo News
April 18, 2012 

Shark Cove, Mi. – Rumors have been flying that our intrepid hero, the Sharkman, has taken an early retirement and has left Michigan to join the pro tour.  Au contraire!  

Belo News has  it on good authority that the legend of the peloton is still at the Shark Cove and planning to return to the Nation and lead the Mighty Minions on May 5!  In the interim, he has a commitment this weekend and then is going out to Santa Fe to test bikes! Oh, the humanity! Our Sharkman is living the dream, Bunkie!

Carry on!

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