Monday, December 13, 2010




Belo News
Galesburg, Mi.
December 11, 2010

Galesburg, Mi. – If you checked the Belo News on Saturday morning, then you know the mighty Minion Nation hit the trails again this past Saturday! Though the weather was iffy, the riding wasn’t!

Yeti Boy, Iceman, Bissell Boy and our intrepid hero, the Sharkman, circled up at the Klutch before driving over to the Trail Head, as the roads were a bit icy in Galesburg. Luann was surprised to see everyone and thought there might be too much snow to ride. After enjoying the early morning Klutch ambiance, our hero's left for Ft. Custer.

Stingray was waiting at the Trail Head, unloading his trusty Felt 29er and ready to lead again.

Bissell Boy was sporting his new Niner and was ready to rock!

Stingray, once again, led our Minion Train out on to the Red Trail. The snow was not deep, but was well frozen, causing our riders to slip and slide their way through the early trenches and the rock garden. Somewhere before Cardiac Hill, Yeti Boy took a fall at speed and crunched his thigh and it took some time before everyone started to feel comfortable on the trails. The crash left a bruise the size of Texas on the Minions thigh!

Even Team Bissell was in attendance! Well sort of........

It was a great finale to the season, as the storm that hit over the weekend will probably put an end to the formal Minion cycling season.

We hope to put out a final edition before the end of the year with a recap on a fantastic season!

We will also put out any announcement on winter rides, either on the road or trails, as well as possible Cross Country skiing opportunities.

Have a Merry Christmas and a mile filled New Year!

Saturday, December 11, 2010



Belo News
Galesburg, Mi.
December 11, 2010

Galesburg, Mi. – Game on! We ride today! See you all at the Klutch!

Saturday, December 11, 2010
Koffee Time – 8:30 A.M.
Launch Time – 9:00 A.M. or there abouts….
Trail Head – 9:30 A.M.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010




Belo News
Galesburg, Mi.
December 4, 2010

Galesburg, Mi. – As a frigid dawn broke over the Shark Cove, our intrepid hero, the Sharkman, felt like staying right in his warm Shark bed. After all, it had been a tough week, it was dark and cold outside and more importantly, it was warm in the cozy confines of the Cove.

As our hero threw back the Shark bedspread and slipped on his shark slippers and robe, visions of icy single track danced in his head. The Shark thermometer was registering a very cool 23 degrees, but after a taste of koffee from his Shark Sippy Kup, it was game on!

As Sharkman drove over to Galesburg, he wondered if anyone else would show up on this frosty morning. Several Minions had emailed saying that it was too cold and snowy to ride.

When our hero pulled into the parking lot, for the first time ever, he found it completely empty. He thought to himself that certainly someone would show as he pulled his trusty GT off the rack on the car. But alas, no one was arriving on the scene.

As the old Shark saddled up and rode to the Klutch, he began to wonder, “will this be the first time no one showed up for a Shark Minion Ride except the Sharkman himself?”

As he rode up to the front of the Klutch and rested his steed against the window, he looked in to see the back of Hoosier Boys head, hands wrapped around a nice hot kup of Klutch koffee! Yes, at least one other rider.

As the Shark entered the Klutch wearing his mountain bike boots, he was greeted by a retired Kellogg employee he knew who wanted to know if he was planning a “moon walk” with those cool boots. Sharkman simply invited her to ride with the Minions next week and find out!

Bissell Boy entered from the back door and immediately bought our hero a Bottomless Kup! Is this guy great or what?

Moments later, Stingray pulled in and then they were four!

Obviously the entire Minion Nation had ignored their hero’s request to park at the school. Guess he will park behind the Klutch next week!

At 9:00 A.M. the fearless four set out to the trail head through the west end for Ft. Custer. This entrance is about 1 ½ -2 miles from the Klutch and offers a nice warm up to the ride.

Stingray led the group, being the most knowledgeable about the trails in Ft. Custer. Stingray maintained an easy, but steady pace over slightly snowy trails taking mercy on the Sharks poor conditioning of late.

As our foursome got to the trailhead, Sharkman commented that everyone needed to be careful, as the road was slick. It was just then that Hoosier Boy’s back tire slipped out from under him and down he went. No harm, no foul, and no other Minions at the Trailhead, so the group headed out on the Red for a great ride around the course.

It was when the mighty Minion Nation just started the section next to Eagle Lake that our intrepid hero performed, what has now come to be known as, “The 10 point drop and roll” move.

With Stingray leading the pack through a hair pin switch back, Sharkman took the short, steep climb with no momentum. As he tried to stand to pedal over a root, his back wheel spun out as he fell to his left. It was then that he performed a maneuver that will be talked about in the annals of Miniondom for years to come.

Falling to the left, he was able to unclick, roll on to his shoulder, flip over two times, bounce to his feet, snow falling off of his camelback, shouting, “I meant to do that!”

Immediately, Hoosier and Bissell Boy held up small signs that had 10’s on them, signifying the perfection of the fall! Stingray, riding head, stopped to give a standing ovation as our hero picked up his bike and pushed off up the hill.

After one loop of the red, the group headed back to Galesburg. The number of tofosi and paparazzi on the Champs le Galesburg was way down, due to the cold, but the small number made up for it with enthusiasm as they cheered the mighty Nation back to Galesburg!

Total miles registered, 19.14. Another great ride!


Belo News
December 11, 2010
Galesburg, Mi.

Galesburg, Mi. – The Mighty Minion Nation will ride again this weekend, weather
permitting. *** Same plan as last week.


Saturday, December 11, 2010
Koffee Time – 8:30 A.M.
Launch Time – 9:00 A.M. or there abouts….
Trail Head – 9:30 A.M.

Park where ever you want!

Be there!

*** Because the snow could put a damper on the ride, it may be cancelled. If the snow gets too deep, or if there is a thaw and the trails get muddy, the ride will be cancelled. If the ride is cancelled, it will be posted here at Belo News by 7:45 A.M. on Saturday morning.

So check back here Saturday morning to confirm if the Minions will ride!

Wednesday, December 1, 2010




Belo News
Galesburg, Mi.
December 1, 2010

Galesburg, Mi. – Did you miss the Cyclocross Season like the Sharkman did? Where did the season go?

As we all know, cyclocross is a very short season, but one hell of a fun form of cycling if you can fit it in.

Unfortunately, our intrepid hero, the Sharkman, just never got out there this season, but the famous Brewman did and reported in on the season finale and included the attached photos.

Brewman reported the finale had a really fun course on a beautiful day, unlike last year’s mud fest! Food and drink at New Holland Brewery after the event?

Is this a great country or what?

We are not quite sure who the dog belongs to, or how he did in the K-9 Division, but he sure is living the Shark Minion creed; “if you can’t be good, look good!”

Thanks Brewman!
You're looking good too!

Next big Cyclocross event is the Barry-Roubaix next March 26, 2011, and registration opens December 15, so mark you calendars now! Sharkman is planning on entering, pending appearance fee approvals and sponsor commitments, of course.


Belo News
Augusta Mi.
November 23, 2010

Augusta, Mi. – As previously reported, albeit on short notice, the DNR held an open meeting regarding the use of the trails at Fort Custer for both bikers and horse riders.

What we thought was a horse rider proposal actually ended up being a proposal to split the trails by the South Western Michigan Mountain Bike Association (SWMBA).

Both Danimal and Stingray were present for the proceedings which outlined a proposal to give the eastern trails (red and green) to the mountain bikers and the western trails (blue) to the horse riders. Actually, we here at the Belo News have not had any problems with the horses and would hate to see any trails restricted. But the thought seems to be that the horse riders chew up the trails making it more difficult for the DNR and the SWMBA to maintain them.

As we got to press, we have not heard what the out come of the meeting was but stay tuned for more breaking news as it becomes available.


Belo News
December 1, 2010
Augusta, Mi.

Augusta, Mi. – Back by popular demand, the Minions will launching yet another assault on Ft. Custer this coming Saturday.

As we all learned three weeks ago, thanks to Gazelle Girl, it is an easy ride to the west park entrance from the Klutch, so we will meet at the Klutch at 8:30 a.m. for Koffee and then head out to ride around 9:00 a.m. Those who don’t drink Koffee (which is hard to believe) or want to sleep in can just show up at 9:00 a.m. to ride from the Klutch.

We strongly suggest parking at the normal start area so we don’t take up Koffee Klutch Kustomer parking while we are out riding the trails. It is less than a mile to the Klutch and a great shake down ride before going out to hit the trails.


Saturday, December 4, 2010
Koffee Time – 8:30 A.M.
Launch Time – 9:30 A.M. or there abouts….

Parking at Galesburg Middle School, the normal place.

Be there!
Belo News
Battle Creek, Mi.
Battle Creek, Mi. - For those of you looking for a good winter road ride, Team Active in Battle Creek is sponsoring a Polar Bear ride on Sunday's at Noon from behind Team Active. They actually had 5 riders last Sunday and anyone is welcome to join Dutch and the group. So if you're looking for some winter action, here it is. You can check out their calendar of events at:
Where else can you get this type of cycling news?

Wednesday, November 17, 2010





Belo News
Galesburg, Mi.
November13, 2010

Galesburg, Mi. – As our intrepid hero, the Sharkman, loaded his old Timberline GT mountain bike on the Sharkmobile and drove over to pick up Yeti Boy, he had no idea of what to expect for the first ever, KK-TdG, (or should we say the first ever KK- TdCuster?). Would anybody show up for a trail ride? Would Gazelle Girl deliver and show the Minion Nation the short cut into the park? Would there be strange bikes? O.K., so the Sharkman wasn’t thinking about that last one, but he WAS wondering if anyone would show up!

And show up they did. When Sharkman and Yeti Boy pulled into the Klutch, All Black was unloading his sons mountain bike that he had to take in to get tires put on, as it had been so long since it had been ridden (6 years) he had to get the old ones replaced. Several Team Taylor riders with names like Doctor Doctor and Buick came in along with the Iceman himself. Wolf King and Conor also arrived followed by Stingray and Hoosier Boy! (and we are sure we’ve missed a couple or other Minions).

Game on!

Gazelle Girl came rolling in with some mail she had to send and after some great Koffee at the Klutch, the Minions were ready to rock!

It was determined that Gazelle Girl would lead a group to the Post Office, were she would mail her package, and then on to Fort Custer through a route not too far from the Klutch. Sharkman, Yeti Boy, Wolf King and Conor drove to the Trail Head to meet any other Minions who where not at the Klutch and going straight to Custer.

It was noted that Gazelle Girl was riding a cyclocross bike and when asked about it she stated that the Cyclocross Bike is the “sports car” of mountain biking! Is this woman one tough rider or what! She proved it all day too as she lead the group and kicked some serous butt on the bike trails!

At the Trail Head, Danimal pulled in sporting a “Pugsley” bike made by Surly (see photo). This bike has huge tires and rolls over everything! It was a major hit with everyone, and many of the Minions had to try it out!

As Conor and Wolf King unloaded their single speeds and Ridley pulled in with something other than a Ridley, the group from the Klutch, lead by Gazelle Girl rolled up to the Trail Head and it was then that the Minions spotted Wolf Kings daughters helmet on his head. It has not been confirmed if he picked up the helmet by mistake or if he likes flowers on his helmet, but he seemed happy to have the helmet on so the Nation stifled the giggles and let it go as they all began to head out on the trail.

Some of the riders took off fast, while others took to the trails to enjoy the fantastic morning. Danimal was kind enough to give Sharkman, Yeti Boy and Hoosier Boy a personal tour of the Fort. None of them had been out on the trails in a while and it was great to get his perspective on the course, as well as watch the “Pugsly” in action. Danimal had no problem rolling over everything on the trail! This is one very cool bike! It would be fantastic in the snow!

As the group got about half way through the trail, Kid Doster made an appearance as well.

Some of the riders stayed to do a second lap, while some decided one lap of the blue and red was enough.

It was a fantastic ride and it was determined that the Minions would do it again!

However, hunting season starts this Saturday and the Sharkman for one, does not want to be out there when the shooting starts. So it has been determined that the Mighty Minion Nation will take the next two weeks off and if the weather permits, we will pick things up again December 4.

Stay tuned for more information.

Have a great Turkey Day and remember, rubber side down!

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Wednesday, November 10, 2010





Belo News
Galesburg, Mi.
November 6, 2010

Galesburg, Mi. – With our intrepid hero, the Sharkman being missing in action so much this fall season, the Iceman Cometh being contested and the fact that the prediction for Saturday was in the low 20’s, the talk in cycling circles was whether anyone would show up for this weeks edition of the KK-TdG.

As the Sharkman loaded up his cyclocross bike into the sharkmobile and looked at the temperature reading on the dash at 23 degrees, he wondered if this would be the first Saturday that he would find no one at the start.

As the Sharkman drove into the parking lot at the start he was pleased to see Thor unloading his steed and next to him, the Wolf King!

Wait, the Wolf King arriving early? Is that possible?

Following our hero into the lot was Bissell Boy making it four hearty Minions ready to ride……well, sort of…..

Wolf King realized that he had packed his mountain bike shoes instead of his road shoes. But he had his single speed mountain bike in the back as well, so he could change the pedals as they had different cleats. Unfortunately, no one had an allen wrench to change the pedals. Soooo, the Mighty Minion Nation had to wait for Wolf King as he went into the hardware store, bought a set of allen wrenches, changed pedals, ran to the Klutch to have a confused Luann hold on to his road pedals and the wrench set while he rode, all while the Mighty Nation froze on the sidewalk.

Temperature at launch time, 25 degrees!

As the Minion Train pulled out of town, the crowds were down due to the cold. Sharkman announced that he would not be contesting the honorary sprint, or any other sprint on this day, while riding out of shape and on his cyclo cross bike.

The peloton was kind enough to wait for their hero on each of the hills as he struggled due to being out of shape, riding a cyclo cross bike (what was he thinking?) and wearing enough clothes to be mistaken for a Shakleford survivor from Antarctica.

The ride was fairly uneventful and by the time the Nation crested the cul de Norte, they were warm enough that the feeling began to return to their fingers and toes.

As the riders began south through the Bible Conference Hills, the sun began to warm their faces as well.

The ride turned out to be quite social and the four riders began to execute an extremely effective pace line. It was actually hard to believe this was a Minion pace line as it began to work along very smoothly. No one contested the G Ave. Sprint and as the group crested the final hill, Wolf King made an early move. Thor went after him, riding Wolf Kings wheel until just before the finish, were he came around the legendary sprinter to take the tape. Bissell Boy rounded out the podium finishes and Sharkman struggled in with his fin between his butt cheeks.

The Klutch was abuzz with Paparazzi wanting to know how the riders had survived the cold. Thor stepped up and to celebrate his win, bought the entire Mighty Minion Nation koffee! Good man, Thor, good man!

Discussion revolved around the average speed of the ride (17.29 mph) and Wolf King shared that he down loaded an app for his iPhone that records that information from GPS and actually shows a map of the route when you are finished.

The following is from his app:

Your Performance on the trip started on: Nov 6, 2010 at 9:44 AM
Trip time: 01:34:08

Trip distance: 43.3 km

Trip calories: 1864 kcal
Average speed: 27.7 km/h

Maximum speed: 55.4 km/h

Climbed altitude: 452 m

Yes, you are reading those numbers correctly. Wolf King, being the bike fanatic he is, does everything in metric. You do the math....

But it is a pretty cool system and if you have an iPhone, you can down load the app for $9.99. And there is also a “miles” option for regular Americans! Is this a great country or what?
Or you can buy a $400 Garmin!

The attached is from the Apps site courtesy of Wolf King;

B.iCycle is the best cyclometer app for the iPhone and we are working hard to make it even better. To help you enjoy all features of B.iCycle, we have created a comprehensive manual for you. This guide is available for you both as online-manual and within the app as “Help” within the “Settings” tab. If you like B.iCycle you can help us by leaving a review in the AppStore that shares your experience with other bikers.For feedback, requests and problems please contact us at can view your track by opening the KML file in Google Earth (download it for free on ). Just double click the file and it will load (requires v5.0 or newer).


Belo News
November 6, 2010

Galesburg, Mi. – Though the forecast for this weekend is for warm weather, there have been a lot of requests to move to mountain biking. You asked for it, you are going to get it, Bunkie!

Since riding at the Fort is a bit difficult in large groups, taking some of the social aspect away from the ride, the Commissioner of Minion Riding has decreed the following test schedule for next week will be implemented.

We say “test” schedule as this will be a work in progress to keep the riding going for a few more weeks. Anything for more riding, eh? We will see how it works and adjust accordingly.

The Minions will meet at the Klutch for Koffee at 8:30 A.M.

If a Minion does not want to stop at the Klutch, they can go straight to the Fort Custer Trail head for a 9:30 A.M. launch.

Gazelle Girl knows a way to ride to the Fort from the Klutch through an entrance that is less than a couple miles from the Klutch so some may ride from the Klutch or drive to the Trailhead and ride from there.

So you have two options. Klutch at 8:30 A.M. and or meet at the Trail head at Custer at 9:30 A.M.

Be there!


Belo News
November 6, 2010

Traverse City, Mi. – As we all know, this weekend, the famous “Iceman Cometh” race was held with another record crowd of riders, including several Minions. The Belo News was able to research some of the results and we apologize if we missed some of the riders, but we only know their Minion names and not their real last names. However, we have listed the results of those who we can find:

Queen of the G Ave. Sprint, our own Gazelle Girl and riding partner Richard Neuman took 8th place in the Tandem Division and did the ride in a remarkable 2:27:38! Whoa, way to go Minion!
Other Minions;

Brewman – 2:23:15

Hoosier Boy – 2:55:09

Danimal – 2:35:44

Falcon - 2:20:51

Iceman – 2:13:45

Cleary – 2:41:43

Way to go Minions! You did the Nation proud!


Belo News
November 6, 2010

Traverse City, MI. - Our own Iceman (not to be confused with the race name) sent the following reports:

“Epic racing in the snow, ice and mud. Iceman conditions were some of the toughest of recent years. Below freezing temps when my wave 8 rolled out at 9:28 A.M. on a crisp sunny morning. Fresh snow from the day before made much of the course icy for the early waves and it turned to mud later in the day. Descents were very slick with crashes all around the course. As a Clydesdale, gravity is my friend in only one direction! The ice slung me 20 feet into the woods at a pretty high rate and I hung on long enough to T-bone a small fir tree. Cold conditions must have been tough on the equipment because there were mechanical stories, (also known as fish tales) all over the camp ground later that fine day. Broken chains right and left, spokes, it. I was lucky mechanically speaking but I could not get my left thumb warmed up and it turned to stone about 15 miles in. I could have gnawed it off and I would not have felt anything. Tough to hang on and shift, but the show must go on. I reached over with my right hand to shift the front derailleur when I had the chances. (Actually kind of hard to do on a bumpy trail while delirious, with a half frozen RIGHT hand) It's the ICEMAN baby, gotta keep going!

Saw several Minions and enjoyed some time with Gazelle Girl around a campfire as she was reeling off one joke. Yes just one joke, but it was a good one. She did great on the Tandem with her partner. Not sure how they navigated some of the single track, but the show must go on. It's the ICEMAN baby. Great job Gazelle Girl!

Had a campsite next to the Danimal. Sweet Trailer. Great time had by all. Lots of Minions and lots of Team Taylor (17 of us) represented SW Michigan!

Sign-up is in March, mark it down and don't be late. The climbs, the descents, the self inflicted head games, the weather, the friends, and of course the beer. Be there!"


Impressive Iceman stat of the day.

Andy Jacques Maynes of Team Bissell Pro Cycling was in the lead pack when he broke his chain with 8 miles to go. That's 8, not .8. We saw him pushing his machine and sprinting across the finish line for a 2:05.xx finish. He RAN the last 8 miles!! I do not feel that bad anymore. (Even though my left thumb tip is still tingly). Its the ICEMAN baby!

Have a good day and remember, in everything we do in life, there is always someone in a worse situation, struggling even more with something. Its all relative.... So stay positive.


Belo News
November 6, 2010
Gazelle Girl

Traverse City, Mi. - My story of the Iceman has me feeling rather lucky for my experience. (Well, most of it.) My tandem partner, Richard Neumann and I, started in wave 9 at 9:31. It was in the low 20s. Quite chilly, but no frozen fingers, toes, noses or drive trains. We were both quite pleased with our thermal management and – save for one incident of pretty severe chain suck – the performance of the bicycle.


Check that - I shed a bit of blood. We were working our way through some particularly tricky single track, the kind that draws a crowd just to watch the carnage. I saw a series of slick tree roots coming up and readied myself for my role in keeping the bike upright as we went over them. As we approached a man yelled out, “Watch those roots, tandem!” In one split second I thought, “GAH! Bad mojo, bro!” We slid along the roots instead of going over them and were immediately sent off the trail headed for two trees. Miraculously, Richard avoided the trees, kept the bike upright and stayed aboard. Somehow I came off, whacking my shin on a pedal, but kept both feet on the ground. We maneuvered the bike back onto the trail, I leapt on and we pedaled away to the cheers of onlookers. I must say, it was some pretty decent teamwork because it felt like the kind of incident that should have put the three of us on the ground. Other than that, no falls. And the trail was VERY SLIPPERY in spots. I did a lot of giggling, as it was fun to feel the bike slip around but still stay upright. Kudos to Richard for his superior handling skills!


The best unprepared rider was a bloke sporting torn tube socks for arm warmers and a tall kitchen garbage bag fashioned into a vest. He looked C-O-L-D. But in the words of the Iceman himself… The show must go on. It’s the Iceman, baby!


My two race buddies and I were quite happy to bed down on Saturday night knowing that the restless pre-race night we’d previously spent in our motel room would be replaced by a well earned, restful sleep on race night. (Of course, a few post race beverages would help us ease into our slumber.)


Sadly, we were awakened about 3 a.m. to the sound of voices in the room next door. LOUD chit chat. Sounded like at least one girl and two guys, maybe more. They were yappin’ up a storm. I must have dozed off at some point because the next thing I was awakened by was the sound of – ahem – well, you know. Logical assumption? Party over. They’ll get this out of the way and we’ll finally have some peace and quiet.


The sounds that followed the din of coitus were the same din of multiple voices as before. What the…? Eventually, we all fell back asleep again only to have the pattern repeat itself. This time with what sounded like a different - albeit a bit more vocal - male at the helm. Then more chit chat. Mon dieu!


I snuck around all the tables of the continental breakfast room looking for a girl with the hair on the back of her head teased into a rat’s nest as we were most curious about this band of disruptive swingers. (Were they fellow Icemen and an Icewoman???) No dice. My pals and I surmised they were all back in their room working on yet another round.


Before leaving, I was half tempted to knock on their door to see if they might want to purchase one of my Team Harry Kreempye jerseys. How apt! I was driven away by the din. Mon dieu!

Thank you for reading my “tail.”


Reported by our own Brewman;

Kalamazoo’s own Fabri-Kal Corporation’s Greenware brand is sponsoring the US Grand Prix of Cyclocross this year:

I traveled to the last race, The Derby Cup in Louisville. What an experience racing on a professional course with professional riders (in other words, I got pounded into the ground). At least there were some nice perks being one of the sponsors. These are awesome events and the Pro’s are incredible athletics. Very fun to watch and be part of.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010




Belo News
Galesburg, Mi.

October 16, 2010

Galesburg, Mi. – As the Mighty Minion Nation bore down on the finish line this past Saturday, Sharkman began to write the headline in his shark head. Sharkman was leading as the peloton closed in on the finish and our intrepid hero, the Sharkman was thinking to himself, “could I actually win this thing after two weeks of eating my way across the Mediterranean?” Well could he?

As dawn broke over the Shark Cove, our intrepid hero, the Sharkman was thinking that after three weeks off the bike, it might be better to drive to the start. The temperature on the dash of the Shark mobile was registering a very cool 37 degrees. But the sun was shining and the wind was light, it was time to ride!

Brewman was waiting in the parking lot, after studding up and riding to the start. To everyone’s surprise, Rainman, who normally doesn’t ride in weather colder than 70 degrees was also unloading his bike. New Minion, Jesse who was riding a Ridley and will here in be known as Ridley, was also unloading his, well, Ridley bike. Welcome Ridley!

Soon Stryker Guy rode in, sans stocking cap, tights or anything that looked warm. Is this guy a stud or is he crazy?

All Black, Thor, Stroker, Hossman were also in attendance and of course, Wolf King drove in late and made everyone wait for him, as he did the entire day on any incline more than 1% of grade.
Sharkman announced at the beginning that he would not be contesting the honorary Sharkman sprint and it was up for grabs. Problem was no one seemed too interested in taking it as everyone was complaining about being off the bike.

It was learned in the early, social part of the ride that the Minions had not been on the bike while the Sharkman was gone. Bad Minions….bad…..

As the Mighty Minion Nation train moved to the Cul de Twin Lakes, the sun was casting a shadow through the mist that created a pallet of colors that only a fall in Michigan can bring. Of course, it also brought a cold that was causing the Minions to lose feeling in their fingers, toes and dorsal fins.

Wolf King struggled on the hills after not being on the bike for some time. The Minions waited for Wolf King at the sprint after the Cul de Twin Lakes, the hill up to the Rt. 43 stop ahead and at the top of the Cul de Norte. That is why our intrepid hero didn’t think that he would be a factor at the finish.

Sharkman had forgotten a water bottle and at the Rt. 43 stop, Stryker Guy insisted he take one of his. Sharkman was suspecting that perhaps Stryker Guy was cutting his water with some Jameson’s to keep warm, but was somewhat disappointed to learn it was, in fact, simply water. Thanks for the water bottle, Stryker Guy!

Sharkman did take the Inlet Sprint, while Stryker Guy locked up the G Ave. Sprint.
As the Mighty Minion Train headed south towards the finish, Hossman went to the front and took a humongous pull right up until the hill to the finish. Thor took over with Stroker and Sharkman and a cast of thousands right behind. As the thundering herd rumbled down the final ascent, Sharkman again worried that the peloton was dangerously bunched together for the finish. Sharkman pulled wide to the center of the rode and went around Stroker and Thor to take the lead.

Since Sharkman never looks back, he had no idea of who might be following him. As he held the lead for a longer and longer time, he started thinking of the victory. As he was beginning to write the headline in his head, he noticed a rather large mass of biker going by to the left, followed by another, less large rider.

It was Wolf King stealing the finish, with Thor catching our intrepid hero, the Sharkman, at the tape for second. But Sharkman was ecstatic with the podium finish and was mobbed at the Klutch during the press conference.

The Nation did the Champs le Galesburg sans Sharkman and All Black as they went back to look for Stryker Guy, only to learn at the Klutch that he had told Brewman he was parked at the high school and was heading home.

But Rainman had a kup of Koffee waiting for our hero as the Tofosi and the Paparazzi went wild. Another great Saturday ride!

There are only a few weeks left this season! You won’t want to miss another ride!

Unfortunately, the Sharkman will be gone again this weekend, as he has a family commitment.

But the Minions will ride!

New Start Time - New Start Time - New Start Time!

Saturday – Launch Time 9:00 a.m. – SHARP!


October 20, 2010

Napa Valley, California – Dr. Dave checking in to let us all know he and his lovely wife Michelle are having a great time in California on the bike AND at the winery’s!
Man, does that look like some great riding?

Thanks for checking in Dr. Dave!

Where else can you get this kind of in depth cycling news! Is this a great country or what!?!

Wednesday, October 13, 2010




Belo News
Galesburg, Mi.

October 13, 2010

Galesburg, Mi. – After two weeks of cruising the Mediterranean, eating his way through every buffet line on the Cruise Ship and not turning one pedal stroke, our intrepid hero, the Sharkman has returned to the mighty Minion Nation and his Kingdom, the Shark Cove!
The Sharkman is back! All is now well in the realm!

Well, sort of…..

Since the Belo News was following our hero as he ate his way across the Mediterranean Sea, we have no idea of what happened back at the KK-TdG. We did receive a report on the first weekend that read as follows:

Hey Sharkman,

Did you take all the minions with you?????
Now it was on the cooler side, and a little blustery...nothing that some arm warmers couldn't handle.

Ryan and I were ready to roll at 8am... and all alone!!!!! (I even had my shark socks on! We did represent the Nation well by putting in a stellar ride, winning ALL the climbs and sprints along the way.

Safe travels,

Jo MaMa

Nice report Jo MaMa, and extra points for the socks. But who won the final sprint and did anyone buy the Sharkman a kup of joe at the Klutch even though he wasn't there?

The following weekend, this report came in from Brewman;

Saturday, October 2, 2010 only two Brave and Hearty Minions showed up for the weekly KK-TdG. Brewman and Zickman were the only riders and both wondered where all the other so called Minions were even though they knew that all the others were tucked snuggly in bed.

Well said, Brewman, well said. However, the question we all wonder is “Did you ride?” Or did you go back to your "snuggly bed?"

We did not receive a report of the ride last week, but we know the weather was fantastic AND someone asked the Sharkman at work if he was one of the riders in Galesburg on Saturday. So somebody rode, but we don’t know who.

There are only a few weeks left in the season! How long can this great weather last? Will it be warm this Saturday? Are there any Minions left to ride after Sharkman was AWOL for three weeks? Well, come on out to ride and find out!
You don’t want to be sitting around this winter thinking, “if only I had gotten one more ride in when the leaves were in full color and the sun was warm on my back!”

Besides, it will be hysterical to watch Sharkman try to ride a bike after putting on all that cruise weight and having not been on a bike in three weeks. Oh the humanity of it all.

Come on out and ride!

This Saturday, October 16, 2010

Launch Time – 8:30 A.M. – SHARP!

Be there!
October 13, 2010
Battle Creek, Mi. - Did we read that headline correctly? A Duggan in the Pro Peleton? Breaking news in the story on!

King, Duggan and Wurf confrmed with Liquigas-Cannondale

Click on the headline above to read the latest from Cycling News!

Wednesday, September 22, 2010




Belo News
Galesburg, Mi.

September 18, 2010

Galesburg, Mi. – As dawn broke slowly over the Shark Cove, our intrepid hero, the Sharkman, jumped from the warm, cozy comfort of his shark bed and padded to the kitchen to stoke up his Shark Koffee Grinder and the Shark Koffee maker. The Sharkman loves the smell of Koffee in the morning!

Having thought he heard a good weather report the night before, our hero didn’t bother to check the Shark Radar and it was so dark outside, it hid the weather that was apparently approaching the Cove from the west.

Our hero struck out from the Cove with lights on his bike, as it seemed to remain dark longer than expected on this warmish Saturday morning. Little did our hero know what lay ahead as ominous storm clouds began to form over Western Michigan, much like a panther ready to strike its prey.

Toast and Danimal were unloading their steeds as our intrepid Hero, the Sharkman, rode into the parking lot. All Black rode in as Stroker and Stingray arrived by car and began to get ready. Occasional Minion and Team Taylor rider Ryan also pulled in as the crowd began to grow.

Jo-MaMa rode in from Portage and Stryker Guy and new Minion, “The Don” came in from the north. Welcome “The Don” to the mighty Minion Nation!

Dutch then rode in completing the official start count.

As these twelve brave Minions gathered for the start of the KK-TdG this past weekend, major storm clouds continued to form just north of the Galesburg Middle School Parking lot and over, what the Minions have come to know as their field of dreams around Gull Lake. They would not be denied their start to the ride, though Stingray, logical as ever, asked if a southern route was going to be considered as lightening had been predicted.


After giving consideration to a southern route, it was determined there were more areas of safety to the north if lightening struck, and the Sharkman assured everyone that that would not happen, so the Mighty Minion Nation clicked in and headed north past the Klutch.

Stryker Guy set the early pace alongside Sharkman as the peloton moved into the darkening clouds. Gazelle Girl and then Falcon joined on as the train moved steadily up 36th Street making the number of riders 14. It was then that Falcon assured the Sharkman that the rain would hold off for at least two hours as the first sound of thunder was heard in the distance and the sky continued to darken in front of the riders. Of course, Falcon is a pilot and knows the weather like the back of his hand…..or does he? After all, wasn’t it Falcon who was the only rider to show up in a lightening and rain storm a couple of seasons ago?

Falcon led our hero out to the honorary first sprint with the assistance of Danimal, who had cancelled his intended ride of Barry-Roubaix due to the threat of rain.

Threat of rain?

As Sharkman took the sprint and did his count at the G Ave crossing, the first lightening bolt shot across the sky in front of the riders, lighting up the dark storm clouds to the north! Confusion hit the peloton as no one seemed to know whether to ride into the storm or to retreat. Sharkman called out that everyone should head back to the Klutch as a second bolt of lightening shot across the sky to the west.

Sharkman took his second sprint of the day (the same one he had just won) as he high tailed it back south on 36th St. Meanwhile, some of the riders, Stryker Guy, The Don, Falcon, and others chose to just head to the safety of home and rode into the storm. The entire peloton came apart and scrambled in different directions to seek safety from the lightening ahead. The Mighty Minion Nation scattered like cockroaches running for cover when the lights go on!

Forming his own lightening bolt, Dutch was not going to take any chances and put the pedal down as he headed back. After giving the honorary sprint to our hero for the second time this day, Dutch was moving so fast he was on his second Kup of Koffee by the time the Minions got back to the safety of the Klutch!

(We may have to change Dutch’s name to Lightening Boy or Bolt! We knew he was fast, but faster than lightening? Whoa! Lightening can be one hell of a motivator, eh, Dutch?!)

This past Saturday’s ride was a bit like the Alfred Lord Tennyson poem about the Charge of the Light Brigade. We’ve taken some liberties here, as we review Saturday’s short but epic edition of the KK-TdG. Hopefully, Lord Tennyson can forgive us for this from the grave…..

The Charge of the Mighty Minion Nation!

Half a league onward,
All in the valley of Death
Rode the 14 Minions.
"Forward, the Mighty Minion Nation!"
Charge for the lightening!" Sharkman said:
Into the valley of Death
Rode the Mighty Minion Nation!

"Forward, you Minions!"
Was there a man dismay'd?
Not tho' the Minions knew
Someone had blunder'd:
Theirs not to make reply,
Theirs not to reason why,
Theirs but to do and die:
Into the valley of Death
Rode the Mighty Minion Nation.

Thunder to right of them,
Thunder to left of them,
Lightening in front of them
Volley'd and thunder'd;
Storm'd at with rain and hail,
Boldly they rode and well,
Into the jaws of Death,
Into the mouth of Hell
Rode the Mighty Minion Nation!

Flash'd all their spokes bare,
Flash'd as they turn'd pedals in air,
Chain rings purring there,
Charging at the teeth of the storm, while
All the world wonder'd:
Plunged in the rain and hail,
Right thro' the line they broke;
Rider and Bike
Reel'd from the rain and stroke
Shatter'd and sunder'd.
Then they rode back, but not
Not all the starters…...

When can their glory fade?
O the wild charge they made!
All the world wondered.
Honor the charge they made,
Honor the Mighty Minion Nation,
Noble riders all!

When our Minions returned to the Klutch, Luann was there to greet them, as well as a number of locals who wondered why the quick return, until the lightening began to flash around the Klutch. Gazelle Girl, B-Rod, Toast, Sharkman and All Black were all that was left of the brave 14 who attacked the storm. All Black and Sharkman made calls to their respective spouses to procure rides home, as the lightening didn’t seem to want abate. Stingray returned to the Klutch after loading his bike and offered the Sharkman a ride home. Lava Girl, who didn’t seem too worried when Sharkman called to say he was O.K. (as matter of fact, the rain and lightening hadn’t started at the Cove yet and she wondered why he was calling) was pleased that Stingray was giving our hero a ride home.

So, Mother Nature won this round, but there is always next week!

The Sharkman announced that he will be gone the next three weeks! This is a first for our intrepid hero! Yes, the peloton will have to go on without their old Shark! There will be no email updates going out for the two weeks, so the following schedule will apply and due to the morning darkness, the time will change accordingly in October;

This Saturday September 25, 2010 – Launch Time – still 8:00 A.M. – SHARP!

Saturday, October 2, 2010 – NEW Launch Time – 8:30 A.M. – SHARP!

Saturday, October 9, 2010 – Launch Time – 8:30 A.M. – SHARP!

Be there!

Sharkman hopes to be back to ride on Saturday, October 16, 2010 weather permitting.
Fall is the best time to ride and the season is quickly coming to an end, so don’t miss anymore rides! You'll regret it this winter!

Wednesday, September 1, 2010





Belo News
Galesburg, Mi.

August 28, 2010

Galesburg, Mi. – The dog days of summer are upon us and that seemed to work just fine for College Game Day this past Saturday. For what ever reason, this week’s edition of the KK-TdG was much mellower and a bit more social than it has been in recent weeks. Perhaps it was the long summer of riding, or maybe the fact that some Minions who haven’t been able to be at many of the rides this year were in attendance, or just that everyone was more social, but it was one of the more memorable rides of the season.

When one thinks of College Game Day, it tends to evoke thoughts of cool, crisp Saturday’s with lots of color, particularly College colors, marching bands and the thumping drums, along with shouts and cheers from the crowd. But this was another warm Saturday in a string of warm Saturday’s and perhaps that is why there weren’t as many jerseys….it certainly can’t be that people aren’t reading the Belo News, right?

However, on this warm Saturday morning there were fewer college jersey’s than is the norm, despite the large turn out for the KK-TdG.

Early talk the previous week predicted the usual battle between U of M and MSU, which has handily won the title of most popular jersey the past couple of seasons. However, they were both edged out by none other than Purdue, as both Hossman and Ironman showed up in Boilermaker colors, beating out the single MSU jersey (worn by none other than Bissell Boy) and the only U of M jersey (worn by Falcon). Of course, in addition to the single MSU jersey was the ever present Wisconsin Badger jersey (Sharkman hizzelf), as well as Colorado (University Bikes in Boulder - Skipper), Central College (Iowa - Cheddarhead), University of Cincinnati (the Pirate) and interestingly, the first Notre Dame jersey to make an appearance and it was very questionably on the back of an MSU grad who will remain nameless to protect him from any retribution he may be due. Though un-named, everyone did mention that he does resemble Andy Schleck on the bike when he wears yellow or white, but not a Notre Dame jersey.

(Editor’s Note – we apologize if we left off any college jerseys. We weren’t taking good notes.)

However, and coincidentally, there were three Frosted Flakes Jerseys (Dutch, B-Rod and Hutch) that would come into play as the morning moved on! Several reasons were given for the Frosted Flakes Jerseys, but best among them was that these were University of Frosted Flakes jerseys because of all the Tony the Tiger Frosted Flakes that had been consumed during the rider’s college years! Is this a great country or what?

As the Skipper ordered everyone to click in, approximately 22 riders headed out through Galesburg. The Mighty Minion Nations Official Barista, Luann, came out to cheer the riders on as they passed the Klutch and a number of riders, Gazelle Girl, Ironman, Boatman, to name a few, joined on as the Mighty Minion Nation moved north of town.

The Pirate led our intrepid hero out to his honorary sprint and though the Sharkman tried to get a count of Minions at the G Ave. crossing, he considered it impossible. Suffice it to say there were about 26 or 27 riders on the day.

A neutral zone was declared in the sprint run up to the col de Twin Lakes due to fresh chip and seal, but the riders got back into the pace as the climb began.

In the Kountry Klub section between the Yorkville Church and the Rt. 43 Stop Ahead, the pace picked up and the group was splintered, but it didn’t seem to matter as the riders were socializing and enjoying the fantastic morning.

The group didn’t push the pace too hard on the col de Norte or in the Bible Conference Hills and the camaraderie continued unabated.

As Chico, looking quite dapper in his University of Oberon Black jersey, dropped off just before the Digital divide, the Minions came together as a group and the mass of the Mighty Minion Nations lined up for the pace line to the 3 GZone.

The pace was at 19.1 at the 3 GZone crossing and the whole train slowed as they began snaking south to the finish. Worried once again of a mass sprint, our intrepid hero moved to the front of the slow moving train to push the pace, with Peugeot Guy and another new, young Minion in tow. A small gap opened up, but not for long as the entire mass of College and Frosted Flake jerseys began to descend on the final sprint.

As the Minions worked to get in position, the three Frosted Flake Jerseys went to the front along with a lone Purdue jersey. Dutch, Ironman and Hutch were shoulder to shoulder with Ironman in his Purdue Boilermaker Jersey making it look like a Tony the Tiger Team commercial filmed at Purdue University.

The riders remained four abreast as they bore down on the finish while Falcon and others tried to get into the mix, but it was like pushing cabbage through a key hole. It was not to be as the wall of Frosted Flakes careened towards the finish!

Dutch took the tape, with B-Rod inches behind, followed by Hutch and Ironman!

Both Hutch and Ironman attempted to give the third place finish to the other rider, but Sharkman, proud of his Minions humility, awarded a tie to them both. It was a victory for Frosted Flakes, as well as Purdue!

Average speed, 19.4 mph.

The fans went wild on the Champs le Galesburg as Team Frosted Flakes zipped up their jerseys for the sponsor while Purdue bowed to the crowd.

The Klutch was rocking as a large number of Minions stayed behind for Luann’s Hospitality. Some of the Minions stayed inside while others chose to sit outside. Those who sat outside were greeted by a bright super nova that came riding up in the form of Nikeboy sporting his all white Mellow Johnny kit! He immediately stated that it was still not Labor Day and he could wear white, while riders started to line up to see if he was selling Good Humor bars.

Skipper took one look at those white shorts and mentioned that the Minions were one rain storm away from seeing Nikeboys big, hairy, you know what (this is a family publication) and Sharkman was riding home behind him! Whoa, Nellie!
Mellow Johny never looked so good! Nikeboy then pulled our intrepid hero home from the Klutch.

You won’t want to miss this week’s edition for the Labor Day Weekend!

Saturday, September 4 (whoa, is it September already?) 2010

Launch Time – 8:00 A.M. – SHARP!

Be there!


Belo News
Galesburg, Mi.

September 4, 2010

Galesburg, Mi – Saturday is our lovely Barista’s Birthday! Yes, Luann is celebrating by NOT working this Saturday but we Minions want to make sure we wish her a very Happy Birthday. A card will be available for everyone to sign this weekend at the Klutch in recognition of our gratitude and love for our very special Barista! So stop by the Klutch to sign your Minion name to honor our very own Luann!



Belo News
Galesburg, Mi.

August 28, 2010

Kalamazoo, Mi. – After reports of Shark Socks being on sale at Alfred E. Bike last week, there was an unexpected run on the slick hosiery and you guessed it, several Minions went in to purchase the socks and there were only a couple of XL pairs left. Minions, being known for their delicate and diminative feet (it is small feet they are known for right?) were unable to purchase their very own pair of Shark Socks and protests and grievances were registered with the Sharkman hizzelf.

Never fear, however, AEB has assured our intrepid hero that additional Shark Socks will be a part of the next order of Cycling socks.

Minions need to be mindful that when Shark parifinalia goes on sale, they gotta get their little feet moving and get to the shop to buy that stuff!

In honor of the Sharkman and the holiday weekend, this weekend has been designated as “Shark Jersey/Sock or whatever fish stuff you got” Day! Yes, the Sharkman isn’t the only one who has cool shark stuff, is he? Put on your favorite Shark Jersey/Socks or whatever fish stuff you got and come out and ride with the Mighty Minion Nation!


Many of the Minions have asked, “What happened to the Sharkman Advisor column, where our intrepid hero and wise cycling sage would impart his wisdom on the masses?”

Well, there haven’t been too many questions of late, but the Sharkman is ready to field whatever questions come his way. Gear recommendations like yes, you should have brakes; or questions on attire, like yes, if you can't be good, look good; and nutritional questions like, is it really the prunes that make the Sharkmans hair so thick? (yes, as a matter of fact, it is!).

So send your questions to the man hizzelf, the Sharkman and he will start imparting some of that sage wisdom!

Wednesday, August 25, 2010




Belo News
Galesburg, Mi.

August 21, 2010

Galesburg, Mi. – Dawn broke wet over the Shark Cove on Saturday morning and our intrepid hero was pretty sure there would be no ride. Interestingly, however, even though the radar was showing rain, there was no rain on the Cove driveway.

As 7:00 a.m. approached, a slight rain began to fall and Sharkman decided to drive to the start at 7:30 a.m. Sharkman hates those “tweener” mornings when Mother Nature can’t decide weather to really rain or or just tease our intrepid hero.

As he debated whether to go or not, Lava Girl commented, “you better get moving, Sharkboy, or you’ll miss a second start….” Not wanting that to happen again, our hero rushed out the door, threw his trusty steed in the back of the Shark Car and headed out.

Positive no one would be at the Start, our intrepid hero was stunned to see Thor getting his bike ready, Cheddar Head looking up at the sky as he contemplated pulling his steed out of his car, and Jo MaMa on his bike and ready, indicating he had ridden to the start!

As Sharkman contemplated whether to break the Minion rule of not “Starting” in the rain, Hoosier Boy pulled in and made the comment, “I’m game…” just as Tow Truck and Ironman came riding into the parking lot. Jo MaMa had actually ridden over from Portage. Who was the Sharkman to say no to such dedication (or stupidity)!

Game on!

And thus, the Magnificent (or idiotic) Seven clicked in and headed out as the rain gently fell on the road ahead.

Tow Truck and Hoosier Boy lead our intrepid hero to the honorary first sprint and the pace picked up considerably in the run up to the cul de Twin Lakes. At the base of the climb, Jo MaMa had a flat at the back of the peloton and no one heard his shout of having a mechanical. It was only when they had contested the next sprint finish that they noticed they were minus a rider and headed back to find him.

With the tire fixed, and the rain no worse than before, the mighty Minion Nation continued their rain soaked odessey around the lake.

Cresting the cul de Norte as a group, the Minions fell into a rhythm with Tow Truck and Ironman doing a lot of the work up front.

Pleased that they had made it past the flat tire Bermuda Triangle section after the Digital Divide without a flat, the train continued heading to a hotly contested 3G Zone sprint where Tow Truck, who had pulled a large portion of the leg, and Thor fought it out with Thor managing to nip Tow Truck at the Stop Ahead.

Ironman pealed off before the finish to head home and Tow Truck again threw himself on his Minion sword to pull the Mighty Nation down 37th Street.

As the train crested the hill before the finish, Jo MaMa came out of no where to take the lead, while Sharkman latched on to his wheel with the Thor close behind.

As the riders bore down on the finish, Sharkman made a move and went around Jo MaMa, but Thor, learning from the previous week, was right on our intrepid hero’s wheel. As they both flew by Jo MaMa, Sharkman thought he might get the win, but Thor made his final move and went around the old Shark to take the win.

Final average for the ride was a strong 20.3 mph!

The rain kept the crowd’s down on the Champs le Galesburg as the riders zipped up their jersey’s for the sponsors.

The rain had continued the entire ride and it sure made the Koffee that Luann was serving taste special. Jo MaMa had to ride back to Portage in the rain and was not looking forward to getting back on the bike, but he checked in later to report he had made it home without any more flat tires.

The weather is sounding pretty good for this weekend, so you won’t want to miss this weeks edition of the KK-TdG!


Saturday, August 28, 2010!

Launch Time – 8:00 A.M. – SHARP!

That’s right, College season is just around the corner, so in recognition of the start of the gridiron season, it is College Game Day this weekend! Wear you College Jersey to the ride this weekend and show off your favorite college team! The past few College Game Days we’ve seen MSU take the title for most popular jersey, but rumors are flying the Michigan will make a strong showing. So come on out and show your college pride!

Be there!


Belo News
Galesburg, Mi.

August 21, 2010

Galesburg, Mi. – Rumor has it that Alfred E. Bike had a special on Shark Socks at their big sale last weekend. Through an in-depth investigative Belo News initiative it has been learned that the Shark Socks were a big success and a number of Minions picked up a pair. In recognition, we hope to have a Shark Sock Day soon so if you didn’t get your socks during the sale, you may want to get over to AEB and get your pair now! After all, the Minion Credo is, "if you can't be good, look good!"