Monday, December 13, 2010




Belo News
Galesburg, Mi.
December 11, 2010

Galesburg, Mi. – If you checked the Belo News on Saturday morning, then you know the mighty Minion Nation hit the trails again this past Saturday! Though the weather was iffy, the riding wasn’t!

Yeti Boy, Iceman, Bissell Boy and our intrepid hero, the Sharkman, circled up at the Klutch before driving over to the Trail Head, as the roads were a bit icy in Galesburg. Luann was surprised to see everyone and thought there might be too much snow to ride. After enjoying the early morning Klutch ambiance, our hero's left for Ft. Custer.

Stingray was waiting at the Trail Head, unloading his trusty Felt 29er and ready to lead again.

Bissell Boy was sporting his new Niner and was ready to rock!

Stingray, once again, led our Minion Train out on to the Red Trail. The snow was not deep, but was well frozen, causing our riders to slip and slide their way through the early trenches and the rock garden. Somewhere before Cardiac Hill, Yeti Boy took a fall at speed and crunched his thigh and it took some time before everyone started to feel comfortable on the trails. The crash left a bruise the size of Texas on the Minions thigh!

Even Team Bissell was in attendance! Well sort of........

It was a great finale to the season, as the storm that hit over the weekend will probably put an end to the formal Minion cycling season.

We hope to put out a final edition before the end of the year with a recap on a fantastic season!

We will also put out any announcement on winter rides, either on the road or trails, as well as possible Cross Country skiing opportunities.

Have a Merry Christmas and a mile filled New Year!

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