Wednesday, October 13, 2010




Belo News
Galesburg, Mi.

October 13, 2010

Galesburg, Mi. – After two weeks of cruising the Mediterranean, eating his way through every buffet line on the Cruise Ship and not turning one pedal stroke, our intrepid hero, the Sharkman has returned to the mighty Minion Nation and his Kingdom, the Shark Cove!
The Sharkman is back! All is now well in the realm!

Well, sort of…..

Since the Belo News was following our hero as he ate his way across the Mediterranean Sea, we have no idea of what happened back at the KK-TdG. We did receive a report on the first weekend that read as follows:

Hey Sharkman,

Did you take all the minions with you?????
Now it was on the cooler side, and a little blustery...nothing that some arm warmers couldn't handle.

Ryan and I were ready to roll at 8am... and all alone!!!!! (I even had my shark socks on! We did represent the Nation well by putting in a stellar ride, winning ALL the climbs and sprints along the way.

Safe travels,

Jo MaMa

Nice report Jo MaMa, and extra points for the socks. But who won the final sprint and did anyone buy the Sharkman a kup of joe at the Klutch even though he wasn't there?

The following weekend, this report came in from Brewman;

Saturday, October 2, 2010 only two Brave and Hearty Minions showed up for the weekly KK-TdG. Brewman and Zickman were the only riders and both wondered where all the other so called Minions were even though they knew that all the others were tucked snuggly in bed.

Well said, Brewman, well said. However, the question we all wonder is “Did you ride?” Or did you go back to your "snuggly bed?"

We did not receive a report of the ride last week, but we know the weather was fantastic AND someone asked the Sharkman at work if he was one of the riders in Galesburg on Saturday. So somebody rode, but we don’t know who.

There are only a few weeks left in the season! How long can this great weather last? Will it be warm this Saturday? Are there any Minions left to ride after Sharkman was AWOL for three weeks? Well, come on out to ride and find out!
You don’t want to be sitting around this winter thinking, “if only I had gotten one more ride in when the leaves were in full color and the sun was warm on my back!”

Besides, it will be hysterical to watch Sharkman try to ride a bike after putting on all that cruise weight and having not been on a bike in three weeks. Oh the humanity of it all.

Come on out and ride!

This Saturday, October 16, 2010

Launch Time – 8:30 A.M. – SHARP!

Be there!
October 13, 2010
Battle Creek, Mi. - Did we read that headline correctly? A Duggan in the Pro Peleton? Breaking news in the story on!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Good to see you back, Sharkman!