Wednesday, November 17, 2010





Belo News
Galesburg, Mi.
November13, 2010

Galesburg, Mi. – As our intrepid hero, the Sharkman, loaded his old Timberline GT mountain bike on the Sharkmobile and drove over to pick up Yeti Boy, he had no idea of what to expect for the first ever, KK-TdG, (or should we say the first ever KK- TdCuster?). Would anybody show up for a trail ride? Would Gazelle Girl deliver and show the Minion Nation the short cut into the park? Would there be strange bikes? O.K., so the Sharkman wasn’t thinking about that last one, but he WAS wondering if anyone would show up!

And show up they did. When Sharkman and Yeti Boy pulled into the Klutch, All Black was unloading his sons mountain bike that he had to take in to get tires put on, as it had been so long since it had been ridden (6 years) he had to get the old ones replaced. Several Team Taylor riders with names like Doctor Doctor and Buick came in along with the Iceman himself. Wolf King and Conor also arrived followed by Stingray and Hoosier Boy! (and we are sure we’ve missed a couple or other Minions).

Game on!

Gazelle Girl came rolling in with some mail she had to send and after some great Koffee at the Klutch, the Minions were ready to rock!

It was determined that Gazelle Girl would lead a group to the Post Office, were she would mail her package, and then on to Fort Custer through a route not too far from the Klutch. Sharkman, Yeti Boy, Wolf King and Conor drove to the Trail Head to meet any other Minions who where not at the Klutch and going straight to Custer.

It was noted that Gazelle Girl was riding a cyclocross bike and when asked about it she stated that the Cyclocross Bike is the “sports car” of mountain biking! Is this woman one tough rider or what! She proved it all day too as she lead the group and kicked some serous butt on the bike trails!

At the Trail Head, Danimal pulled in sporting a “Pugsley” bike made by Surly (see photo). This bike has huge tires and rolls over everything! It was a major hit with everyone, and many of the Minions had to try it out!

As Conor and Wolf King unloaded their single speeds and Ridley pulled in with something other than a Ridley, the group from the Klutch, lead by Gazelle Girl rolled up to the Trail Head and it was then that the Minions spotted Wolf Kings daughters helmet on his head. It has not been confirmed if he picked up the helmet by mistake or if he likes flowers on his helmet, but he seemed happy to have the helmet on so the Nation stifled the giggles and let it go as they all began to head out on the trail.

Some of the riders took off fast, while others took to the trails to enjoy the fantastic morning. Danimal was kind enough to give Sharkman, Yeti Boy and Hoosier Boy a personal tour of the Fort. None of them had been out on the trails in a while and it was great to get his perspective on the course, as well as watch the “Pugsly” in action. Danimal had no problem rolling over everything on the trail! This is one very cool bike! It would be fantastic in the snow!

As the group got about half way through the trail, Kid Doster made an appearance as well.

Some of the riders stayed to do a second lap, while some decided one lap of the blue and red was enough.

It was a fantastic ride and it was determined that the Minions would do it again!

However, hunting season starts this Saturday and the Sharkman for one, does not want to be out there when the shooting starts. So it has been determined that the Mighty Minion Nation will take the next two weeks off and if the weather permits, we will pick things up again December 4.

Stay tuned for more information.

Have a great Turkey Day and remember, rubber side down!

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