Wednesday, August 25, 2010




Belo News
Galesburg, Mi.

August 21, 2010

Galesburg, Mi. – Dawn broke wet over the Shark Cove on Saturday morning and our intrepid hero was pretty sure there would be no ride. Interestingly, however, even though the radar was showing rain, there was no rain on the Cove driveway.

As 7:00 a.m. approached, a slight rain began to fall and Sharkman decided to drive to the start at 7:30 a.m. Sharkman hates those “tweener” mornings when Mother Nature can’t decide weather to really rain or or just tease our intrepid hero.

As he debated whether to go or not, Lava Girl commented, “you better get moving, Sharkboy, or you’ll miss a second start….” Not wanting that to happen again, our hero rushed out the door, threw his trusty steed in the back of the Shark Car and headed out.

Positive no one would be at the Start, our intrepid hero was stunned to see Thor getting his bike ready, Cheddar Head looking up at the sky as he contemplated pulling his steed out of his car, and Jo MaMa on his bike and ready, indicating he had ridden to the start!

As Sharkman contemplated whether to break the Minion rule of not “Starting” in the rain, Hoosier Boy pulled in and made the comment, “I’m game…” just as Tow Truck and Ironman came riding into the parking lot. Jo MaMa had actually ridden over from Portage. Who was the Sharkman to say no to such dedication (or stupidity)!

Game on!

And thus, the Magnificent (or idiotic) Seven clicked in and headed out as the rain gently fell on the road ahead.

Tow Truck and Hoosier Boy lead our intrepid hero to the honorary first sprint and the pace picked up considerably in the run up to the cul de Twin Lakes. At the base of the climb, Jo MaMa had a flat at the back of the peloton and no one heard his shout of having a mechanical. It was only when they had contested the next sprint finish that they noticed they were minus a rider and headed back to find him.

With the tire fixed, and the rain no worse than before, the mighty Minion Nation continued their rain soaked odessey around the lake.

Cresting the cul de Norte as a group, the Minions fell into a rhythm with Tow Truck and Ironman doing a lot of the work up front.

Pleased that they had made it past the flat tire Bermuda Triangle section after the Digital Divide without a flat, the train continued heading to a hotly contested 3G Zone sprint where Tow Truck, who had pulled a large portion of the leg, and Thor fought it out with Thor managing to nip Tow Truck at the Stop Ahead.

Ironman pealed off before the finish to head home and Tow Truck again threw himself on his Minion sword to pull the Mighty Nation down 37th Street.

As the train crested the hill before the finish, Jo MaMa came out of no where to take the lead, while Sharkman latched on to his wheel with the Thor close behind.

As the riders bore down on the finish, Sharkman made a move and went around Jo MaMa, but Thor, learning from the previous week, was right on our intrepid hero’s wheel. As they both flew by Jo MaMa, Sharkman thought he might get the win, but Thor made his final move and went around the old Shark to take the win.

Final average for the ride was a strong 20.3 mph!

The rain kept the crowd’s down on the Champs le Galesburg as the riders zipped up their jersey’s for the sponsors.

The rain had continued the entire ride and it sure made the Koffee that Luann was serving taste special. Jo MaMa had to ride back to Portage in the rain and was not looking forward to getting back on the bike, but he checked in later to report he had made it home without any more flat tires.

The weather is sounding pretty good for this weekend, so you won’t want to miss this weeks edition of the KK-TdG!


Saturday, August 28, 2010!

Launch Time – 8:00 A.M. – SHARP!

That’s right, College season is just around the corner, so in recognition of the start of the gridiron season, it is College Game Day this weekend! Wear you College Jersey to the ride this weekend and show off your favorite college team! The past few College Game Days we’ve seen MSU take the title for most popular jersey, but rumors are flying the Michigan will make a strong showing. So come on out and show your college pride!

Be there!


Belo News
Galesburg, Mi.

August 21, 2010

Galesburg, Mi. – Rumor has it that Alfred E. Bike had a special on Shark Socks at their big sale last weekend. Through an in-depth investigative Belo News initiative it has been learned that the Shark Socks were a big success and a number of Minions picked up a pair. In recognition, we hope to have a Shark Sock Day soon so if you didn’t get your socks during the sale, you may want to get over to AEB and get your pair now! After all, the Minion Credo is, "if you can't be good, look good!"

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