Wednesday, August 11, 2010




Belo News
San Rafael, CA.

August 7, 2010

San Rafael, CA. – “We need to make sure these bikes fit you properly!” said Tony, the owner of Bike Odyssey in Sausalito, California as he prepared the Focus, Team Milram carbon fiber bikes for our intrepid hero, the Sharkman and his Son in Law, the Great Moultini.

Yes, it was Marin Century weekend and the Sharkman and his two sons in law, MK and the Great Moultini were off to another bike adventure!

The Great Moultini had arranged for the Focus Bikes P.R. guy to supply two carbon fiber, Team Milram bikes for them. These team bikes were outfitted with Sram force and Tony wanted to make sure the bikes fit perfectly and he did! Both Sharkman and the Great Moultini reported that the bikes felt like their own bikes back home and rode fantastically!

Without knowing the terrain around Marin California, our intrepid hero had no idea just how hilly the course would be. MK had stated that it was “hilly” but that was not the appropriate description of a course that included 6700 ft. of climb with grades of 10.7%!

Fortunately, the bikes were equipped with rear cassette’s sporting a 28 gear, however, our host and the Father or our hero’s newest Sharklet was sporting a 25!

Dawn broke foggy over the West Coast Shark Cove as the Sharkman, MK and the Great Moultini loaded the bikes in the car. Of course, it was no small miracle that they fit two bikes on the roof and another, half in the trunk and half in the back seat with Sharkman, but miraculously, all three bikes, riders and gear fit into the Honda Civic!

The fog looked even thicker as the Honda motored across the Golden Gate Bridge and on to the start at San Rafael. The three had decided to launch as early as practical to beat any late day heat, but the temperature at the start required arm warmers and light jackets, except for MK who seemed to be able to manage the temperature in nothing more than his jersey.

At 6:43 a.m. the trio launched and was immediately faced with a major climb out of San Rafael. It was only a portent of the ride to come!

After making this climb, that seemed to take some time, and then gliding down to the first rest stop at 18 miles, MK mentioned that we would be returning on the same road and would need to climb the same hill going back, only at about 95 miles into the ride!

Though the ride remained “hilly” through Petaluma and on to the 50 mile rest stop, the course really became mountainous between the 50 and 77 mile rest stops. During the 50 mile rest stop, MK was looking at the map and a veteran rider told him that that real climbs were about to begin and that, ended up being an understatement.

At around 62 miles, one of the first 10+% grades was encountered by the Sharkman and his son in law Minions. The Great Moultini quickly went to the front, followed by the Sharkman who was standing on the pedals and swerving as he lost speed, with MK close behind grinding out his 25 rear cassette.

Though MK had to fight up the hills, he had no problem on the descents, dropping like a rock, riding to the front without fear as he let it all out on the road ahead. Mean while, the Great Moultini continued to pull the threesome as they found some of the most beautiful scenery on the ride. As they traversed the Tomales Bay area, they continued to face some of the steepest climbs of the ride. At this point, the weather had remained cool and foggy, but just as they approached the 77 mile rest stop, the sun began to creep past the clouds and the temps began to rise.

The riders started loading up on both cookies (the Sharkman reported that this ride had some of the best food ever, but the cookies were beyond description and at one point, all you could see was the bottom of our hero’s cleats as security had to pull him from the peanut butter and chocolate chip section of the cookie bins) and sun screen as they peeled off their jackets, vests and/or arm warmers.

The Sharkman’s knees were starting to talk to him as they began the last miles of the ride and the talk wasn't nice. In the back of our hero’s mind was that last hill he knew had to be climbed before the descent to the finish. The Great Moultini and MK pulled the Sharkman as they began to feel a tail wind come up behind them. As they turned on to the last section of the course it did not seem as hilly as they thought it would be. As they began the climb the wind continued to be at their backs and they found the ascent to be much easier than they thought it would be and were quite surprised when the summit came up quickly (the photo was taken on the last summit and you can see the San Rafael Valley off of Sharkman’s muscular left shoulder).

The descent into San Rafael was one of the great parts of the race and MK was like a horse that smelled the barn as he went screaming down the road with Sharkman and Moultini hot on his wheel.

As the finish approached, 105 miles, 6700 ft. of climb at 15.0 mph average had been completed!

The crowds went wild on the Champs le San Rafael as our three hero’s waved to their adoring fans. “It was a victory for America!” Sharkman was quoted as saying at the press conference where Moultini fielded questions about the great Focus carbon fiber bikes and MK talked about his “gutty” performance riding with a 25 rear cassette.

It should also be reported that all three riders, after a celebration dinner at the Chieftain Irish Pub in San Francisco with the family, were in bed and asleep by 8:30 p.m. that evening and all, was right with the world!

To get a sense of the ride, you can take a look at the attached video.

This is one great ride and a big thanks to our host, MK who put up with the mob of Minoins all weekend and to the Great Moultini for lining up the great rides!


Belo News
Galesburg, MI.

August 7, 2010

Galesburg, MI. – The Minions did ride and also avoided the Shermantor! It was reported that 25 riders toed the line on Saturday morning and that Rainman suggested an alternate route (thank you Rainman).

The ride was reported as being a quick paced and the Minions took C Ave. from Frona’s out to 40th Street and rode down to Augusta, were Wolf King took the City Limit Sprint that only he knew about. The Mighty Minion Nation than rode one of the longest single pace lines in Minion history on Rt. 89 from Augusta into Galesburg and the Klutch.

You won’t want to miss this week’s ride to hear all about the Sharkman’s adventures in person and ad nauseum!

Saturday, August 14, 2010!

Launch Time 8:00 A.M. – SHARP!

Be there!


Those of you that have ridden the WAM ride all know a rider by the name of “Kevin.” Kevin suffers from Cerebral Palsy, but managed to ride the WAM on a tricycle using only one leg and one arm. He is somewhat of a legend in the WAM Peloton and has raised over $150,000.00 by himself for Make a Wish..

During the WAM, when riders went by him on his special bike, everyone would shout.... "Kevin, Kevin, Kevin" and when he would come into the dining hall everyone would stand up and applaud. He was very special to the all the WAM riders and especially the kids.

Make a Wish honored him with a special recognition this year at the award ceremony and showed the attached film clip. He actually was wheeled up on stage and gave a short speech, and though hard to understand when he spoke, he gave a big thumbs up as he was wheeled off the stage that brought the house down.

We cannot imagine what it was like for him to ride in that rain on the 114 mile day using one leg. But as you will see in the attached video, nothing stopped Kevin.

We were all saddened to learn today that Kevin passed away unexpectedly this week. He was an inspiration to all of us and proved that nothing should stop anyone from doing what they want to accomplish in life. We know we speak for all the WAM riders when we say that we have been deeply honored and moved by having ridden with him and we will always have a special place for him in the peloton.

Kevin was a true hero and an inspiration to all he knew and whose lives he touched.

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