Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Falcon & Wolf King Battle to the Wire!

Was that rain?

Sharkman 60? Say it ain’t so!


Belo News
Galesburg, Mi.
September 25, 2009

Galesburg, Mi.
– As our intrepid hero, the Sharkman, laid his head on his shark pillow on Friday night, he was sure that the morning would bring rain. The forecast was not good and the old Shark was sure the Minions weather luck had run out. He awoke several times during his sleep wondering if the ride would be a wash out and to listen for the sound of rain on the Shark Cove roof.

However, and much to his surprise, when the Shark Alarm went off and our hero leaped to the window to look, though the street was wet, it did not appear to be raining!

Sharkman dashed to the kitchen to start the Shark Koffee maker and click on the Shark Radar. Our hero cut a fine figure in his shark pajama’s, sipping coffee and checking the radar, as the green glow of the screen shined on his happy Shark face.

The radar indicated no rain over the KK-TdG field of dreams and a smile stretched across the Sharkman’s face revealing his carnivore teeth.


After a minor wardrobe malfunction involving his Sidi shoe buckle in the dark, the Shark was off with lights flashing in the silent morning air. He immediately felt the cold presence of water shooting up his dorsal fin from his rear tire. The roads were wet and his wheels were throwing rain up in his wake like a manure spreader on a farm field. The back of his fine, powder blue Schwinn retro jersey began displaying the evidence of the dark wet roads.

Though the weather was iffy, 12 Minions showed up for the start with a couple of new riders. One new rider, now known as “Just Gerry” was welcomed into the fold. Welcome Just Gerry!

A second rider came in late to the start and wasn’t particularly talkative. It was later learned he was from Indiana visiting in-laws, but never told the Minions how he heard about the ride. He quickly grew impatient when it was stated that, “we leave no Minion behind.” He got so impatient that he left the group after the C ave. sprint and left the peloton at Frona’s. I guess he wasn’t Minions Material!

Many of the Minions drove cars to the start, not because of the wet roads, but because no one thought anyone else would show up to ride in the wet conditions and they could drive back home to bed! But as we all know, the Minions will ride in the rain, but will not START in the rain!

Everyone did have to wait, yet again, for Wolf King as he put on all sorts of odd gear (like socks over his shoes, a special articulating holder for his HR monitor, etc.). What part of SHARP does Wolf King not understand! The Pirate lead the group out in the absence of the Skipper.

The group was somewhat social for the first part of the ride, keeping the average speed down and the conversation up until, of course, the Country Club section.

Speed picked up from that point on, but the peloton pretty much stayed together through the Col de Norte and the Bible Conference hills and unto the inlet sprint. Wildman, B-Rod, Kid Doster, the Un-named rider, Falcon, Wolf King, All Black, Pirate, were all mixing it up at the front as the fast moving train headed to the G Ave. Sprint.

As the Mighty Minion Nation headed south to the finish, it seemed as though no one wanted to be at the front. The group has been missing Bullet Bob and his patented “flyer” move that would stretch out the peloton for a safer finish.

As the Minion train crested the hill, the riders began to line up for the finish.

Wolf King opened a break with Falcon right behind him and B-Rod breathing down Falcon’s back. A string of Minions followed closely behind.

Wolf King and Falcon battled down to the finish as the Falcon, aka Kid Asterisk, took the tape by a half a wheel, with B-Rod again taking the last podium spot.

Average speed was at 18.9 mph and may have been down due to the slow start and the wet roads.

Were the roads really that wet you might ask? Sharkman reported that his bike was so dirty when he washed it that he found two dead raccoons pasted to his bottom bracket and several Dixie Cups and a Coors beer can stuck in his brakes.

The riders poured into the Klutch for the post race activity and Falcon was feeling so good, he bought Sharkman his koffee. Well, he was also trying to get rid of that asterisks!

Talk centered on next weeks Birthday activity!


You won’t want to miss Saturday’s ride or the post ride Klutch as the Mighty Minion Nation celebrates our hero’s 60th Birthday!

Lava Girl will be there with cake and Sharkman is buying the bottomless Kups! We’ve checked with Luann and she is good to go on the celebration!

It is rumored that Lance Armstrong, President Obama and Oprah will all be in attendance or at least send their regards!

Should it rain, or if you cannot ride, please try to stop by around 9:30-9:45 a.m. to help the old Shark blow out the candles on that cake! The defibulator will be on standby as the old Shark makes his wish! What a photo op! Is this a great country or what?

You won’t want to miss this ride or this celebration!

Launch time – 8:00 A.M. – SHARP WOLF KING!

There are only so many weeks left this season!

If it is raining – meet at the Klutch at 9:45 A.M.!

Be there!

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Knute, aka Knute, takes the tape!

Wolf King back on the Podium!

Free Swag? What gives?

Sharkman’s Birthday coming October 4!

Belo News
Galesburg, Mi.
September 19, 2009

Galesburg, Mi. – Our intrepid hero, the Sharkman, could feel the crisp air of fall as he mounted his titanium steed at the Shark Cove on Saturday morning. In the dim light of the fall morning, the rear light flashing on the back of Sharkman’s helmet, he thought of what a great season of fantastic weather this has been as he rode to the start. One might complain about the cool temps, but from a Minion perspective, this was yet another fine Saturday morning for riding a bike!

Though it is Youth Soccer season, and it is getting cooler, the crowds keep coming out! 12 riders saddled up for the start and when Knute, aka Knute jumped on after the Honorary Sharkman Sprint, it made 13 Minions in the peleton. Even Wildman had returned to the Minion Nation after a long absense!

The pace was again extremely fast through the Country Club section up to the Col de Norte. Danimal was particularly on fire as he picked off sprints in the early going and pushed the pace from the front to near mach 2 speeds.

Even Sharkman was feeling spunky and rode the wheel of his lead out guy, Brewman, to take the Inlet sprint and then followed that by taking the G ave. Sprint after Danimal faded just before the stop ahead. When was the last time Sharkman took two sprints in a row? Maybe, like…..never?!?

As the peleton formed up for the finish, the Minions were very bunched up at the top of the final hill. Everyone was waiting for someone to make a move when Wolf King decided to jump on the inside and catch everyone off guard. Knute, aka Knute, was the first to respond and went after the rabid Wolf. This started a chain reaction response as the pace rapidly picked up.

With Several Minions in pursuit, the battle between Knute and Wolf King went down to the wire. Knute took the tape with Wolf King on his wheel and B-Rod taking the third spot on the podium with a cast of Minions right behind them!

Of course the real winner on the day was Sharkman as he was the only rider to be wearing a Tony the Tiger Jersey on Tony the Tiger Jersey Day, thus, he was declared the real winner.

At the Klutch, Wildman came bearing gifts! Wildman had been an Official at the Tour of Missouri and had swag for everyone! You heard that right, an OFFICIAL at the Tour of Missouri! He actually had a Tour of Missouri T shirt for the Sharkman, along with water bottles, wrist bands and energy jelly beans for everyone! Thanks Wildman!

But to top it all, Wolf King bought koffee! You heard that right! Wolf King. When was the last time Wolf King bought Koffee? Maybe, like……never?!? Thanks Wolf King!

It was a great day in the Minion Nation!

But it just get’s better!
Help Celebrate Sharkman's 60th!

Mark your calendars for Saturday, October 3, 2009! It will be Sharkman’s Birthday Eve party at the Klutch. Yes, you heard it here in the Update first! Sharkman will be 60 years young on October 4 and to help him celebrate you need to be at the Klutch at 9:30 a.m. on Saturday, October 3!

Lava Girl has cleared it with Luann and we will have cake! And the koffee is on the Sharkman! Help him celebrate 60th Birthday eve!

If the weather is bad, we’ll still meet at 9:30 a.m. at the Klutch! If you can’t ride that morning, try to stop by to see the Shark age before your very eyes!

Be there!

This Saturday, Launch Time – 8:00 A.M. Sharp!

You won’t want to miss another great fall morning! The weather looks warm, but chance of thundershowers. So watch the radar!

Be there!
Oh, and yes, that is our intrepid hero, the Sharkman in the photo from his trip to Crested Butte!

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Falcon*, Rainman & Dutch fill out Podium!

Controversy in the Peloton!

Who really finished third?

Belo News
Galesburg, Mi.
September 12, 2009

Galesburg, Mi. – The Minions continue to be blessed with fantastic weather this season! 17 Minions met for the start, which we believe is a post Labor Day record turnout. Add the two other riders that joined during the ride certainly sets this day of 19 riders as a record for the Minions. Many riders stated they had come out for the moment of silence for Aaron Webster. Gazelle Girl even gave up a few extra minutes of sleep to be there for the start. After a few words for Aaron and the peloton bowed their heads for a moment of silence, the Minions slowly rode though town with the sun on their shoulders and Aaron in their hearts.

Things were slow coming out of town as thoughts of loss of a Minion weighed on the riders, but when Falcon and Rainman moved to the front of the peloton, Sharkman responded and took the honorary first sprint.

Game on!

As the riders came around the corner to the run up sprint to the col de Twin Lakes, Knute, aka Knute, joined on looking dapper in his Lotto Team Kit. Knute commented on how great the Peloton looked coming over the rise in the road with the sun on their backs and the mist in the air.

As seems to be the case, the peloton really began to roll through the Country Club section of the ride and the only thing that slowed them was a detour through the Country Club parking lot by the Power Company fixing a downed line in the road.

At the top of the col de Norte, none other than Nikeboy joined on looking quite sharp in his Seven kit aboard his new SEVEN CARBON FIBER CAMPY SUPER RECORD EQUIPPED ride! Does this man have class or what? How many Sevens can one man own? Getting a late start, he decided to join the peloton coming up the east side of the lake.

The sprints were lively through the Bible Conference Hills and on to the Inlet.
Once the Peloton made the Route 89 crossing the pace line picked up as did the speed.
After the G Ave. crossing, Sharkman and Dutch lead the peloton and it seemed as though no one else wanted to take over. As the peloton crested the final hill, the Mighty Minion Nation sailed past our intrepid hero, Sharkman and went hard for the tape. Falcon, Rainman, Nikeboy, Dutch and others battled for the top spot on the podium. At the end, Falcon* took the tape, with Rainman, and Nikeboy on this tail. However, since Nikeboy had not ridden the entire course, the third spot on the podium was given to Dutch.

The fans went wild on the Champs le Galesburg while the media waited in the Klutch for interviews.

There were some questions as to who finished third, and that is when the real controversy began.

Falcon stated that Nikeboy was the singular reason for his win. He went on to reveal that Nikeboy had pulled him up to the front to take the tape. After a review by the Minion Commission, the win was granted, however, with an asterisk for taking an illegal draft off of Nikeboy. It should also be noted that Falcon has more asterisks than any Minion in the peloton.

How many more weeks of great weather will the Minions have?

Can these great turnouts continue?

Can Falcon get anymore asterisks?

Get the answer to these questions and more!

Come on out and ride!

The weather is again sounding good for this weekend and there may not be many of these great weather weekends left.

So we are declaring this weekend “Tony the Tiger Jersey Weekend.” That’s right, don your Tiger Jersey this weekend, it might be the last short sleeved jersey weekend for a while!

Launch time – 8:00 A.M. – SHARP!

Be there!

Bissell Boy, Ironman & Sharkman at Cannonsburg!

Our Minion Hero’s enter the Pain Cave of Cyclocross!

Belo News
Cannonsburg, Mi.
September 11, 2009

Cannonsburg, Mi. – The Krisscross Cyclocross Race Season kicked off in Cannonsburg, Mi. last Friday night, September 11, with three Mighty Minions in attendance. Bissell Boy, Ironman & our intrepid hero, the Sharkman, all entering the pain cave known as “cyclocross.” You have to love any group whose motto is “Racing and beer!”

Bissell Boy and Sharkman took part in the C class race that included 5 laps of the 1.3 mile course through hills, barriers and sand pits. Bissell Boy took 14th Place and Sharkman followed in 15th. As you can see from the photo, Sharkman was in the Pain Cave for 26 minutes with an average HR of 168! But he loved the race!

Doesn’t Bissell Boy look sharp in his Bissell kit?

Ironman competed in the B-Masters class, doing 8 laps and finished 14th! Decked out in his Purdue kit, he cut a fine figure on the course.

You have to try this sport! Racing bikes and drinking beer?

Is this a great country or what?

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

An Important Message from the Sharkman

We lost one of our own this past week, someone who rode with many of you this past summer as a celebrity rider and former Minion.

It is with deep regret that I report that Jeff Webster, aka Bianchi Boy and an original Minion who you will remember rode with us on a single speed earlier this summer, lost his son Aaron in a car accident last Saturday morning. Aaron was 20 years old.

Some of you may also remember that Aaron rode my cyclocross bike as a celebrity rider with his Dad back in July. If you were there that morning you would remember him for his big smile and easy going way. He was an exceptional rider and former Colorado State Junior Mountain Biking Champion and his loss leaves a big whole in the hearts of the Minion Nation. He was also a very exceptional young man.

I will remember Aaron as someone whose shining eyes brought a smile to everyone he met and for his big heart and gentle manner.

Jeff wrote a heart felt letter to those of us who knew Aaron and I share some of that here.
Aaron attended Baylor last year, but transferred to the University of Arkansas to be closer to home and close to his fiancée.

Aaron was one of those rare young men who was all about helping others, especially kids. He was always smiling, laughing, and bringing the best out of people. He worked the last two summers at the Roger's Activity Center. A local "YMCA" type facility, often for families that are less privileged to attend higher end places. He worked with the 6th graders, and he was well loved for his work there.

Aaron continues to help others as he donated his liver and kidneys to save two children in Little Rock, his lungs will save a person in Wisconsin, and Illinois. His heart which was as big as Texas, will save a 32 yr old Texan. He'll give the gift of sight to two others. And much more.....

The Aaron Webster Memorial Fund for helping underprivileged children has been set up. Any gifts you care to send are tax deductible. Please mail any donations to the address below. For questions contact Coleta Paris @ 479.631.0336 x434:

Aaron Webster Memorial Fund
The Rogers Activity Center
315 West Olive Street
Rogers, Arkansas 72758

Hopefully, some of the Minions will find it in their hearts to make a donation to remember one of our own.

To his parents, Jeff and Teena, his sisters, Rachael and Katie, we offer our thoughts and heart felt prayers and please know that “we leave no Minion behind.”

Aaron will ride with the Minions whenever and wherever we ride.
Before we ride this Saturday, we will honor Aaron’s memory with a moment of silence. When we saddle up and click in, the Sharkman and his Mighty Minion Nation will carry Aaron’s memory in our hearts.

Monday, September 7, 2009

Labor Day Weekend was a Beer Fest

Oberon Controls the Peloton

"Miller Time" Rules Sprints

Falcon Takes Podium

Galesburg, MI
September 5, 2009

Galesgurg, MI - 23 Minions showed up for Beer Jersey Day, must of thought they'd be filling water bottles with the stuff or something. Per usual, Oberon ruled the day with 6 riders kitted up and All Black was awarded best jersey, sporting his Ryde Beer kit with the slogan "draught me " and several Minions took advantage of his offer.

Danimal and Hausman led the riders up 36th street and went off the front at a considerable distance until Falcon bridged the gap yielding the first sprint to the missing Sharkman.

Iron Man took the Col de Twin Lakes climb as we were joined by Knute and then it was Miller Time. The majority of the intermediate sprints were taken by the father/son duo, Mike and Luke Miller. If this publication is granted a vote they would now be known as Oil Man and Skywalker in the Mighty Minion Nation.

Stryker Guy was thrown deep into the "Pain Cave" through the Country Club Hills and the run up to M-43. Apparently he started Beer Day the night prior and was a bit wounded after a two week hiatus from his steed.

The group lifted the pace down 37th hitting 27 mph and setting a new average high of 21.5 mph for the ride. Did we already say it was "Miller Time"?!

As the peloton crested the final rise toward the sprint the group began to split and the lead outs fell off the pace. At the finish line it was Falcon and for the first time this year a tie for second between Wildman and Iron Man.

As Fall is upon us the rides will continue as long as possible. We will lose a few to soccer and other events but we will ride as long as the weather permits.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

College Game Day Big Success!

MSU Wins!

Ironman, Un-Named Rider, Kid Doster on the Podium!

Who Bought the Koffee?

Belo News Update
Galesburg, MI.
August 29, 2009

Galesburg, Mi. – The Mighty Minion Nation had one of the best turn outs of the season on Saturday, when 24 Minions, many decked out in College Kit, showed up for the KK-TdG start.

UCLA, Wisconsin, Cincinnati, Illinois, three Michigan States and Two Michigan Jerseys were represented in the peloton. Falcon, showing up late once again, failed to make the photo op (see photo). After autographs, the Minions began to get anxious for the start.

Two new riders joined the group and they came equipped with their own nick names! Guess word has gotten out that getting named by the Minions might not be a good thing!

Welcome to new riders Dutch and Chumly! Chumly was actually equipped with a neck brace! Had he heard about this group and just come prepared?

No, he had actually suffered a broken neck in a mountain bike accident and was in recovery. What?!? That’s right! One tough Minion! He will fit right in with this group! He certainly get’s “Stud of the Week” honors!

The Skipper, decked out in his University of Oberon jersey, got the bunch of coeds started off as the sound of pedals “clicking in” could be heard through out the crisp autumn like air.

As the large group worked its way past the Klutch, Luann gave a wave to our intrepid hero’s from the window as they talked and socialized like a bunch of kids on the first day of school.

Once again, Gazelle Girl met the peloton on the way north of the city. Sharkman commented that he realized that she had figured a way to get her name in the Update each week by arriving at the start in this fashion and she stated that it also gave her more time to sleep!

Danimal and Falcon lead out our hero, the Sharkman, as he took the ceremonial first sprint.

The group stayed bunched as everyone enjoyed watching, what has now become known as, the Rose Bowl of Cycling. Falcon, decked out in his Michigan Jersey, and Zickman, attired in his UCLA Kit, fought it out in a neck and neck battles around the course, with intermittent interruptions by Bissell Boy, Brewman and Dr. Dave in their MSU kit, and others, joining in the fun. Even Wolf King in his Illinois kit took a jump on the Col de Norte and nearly took the climb before being caught by the Pirate, looking quite dapper in his Cincinnati kit as he too, made a run at the Big Ten!

Some of the riders split off after the inlet and the remainder of the Minions moved on to the Rt. 89 crossing where the usual double pace line picked up the speed. Again, the college kit ruled, as the Un-Named Rider, in his Michigan jersey took the G Ave. sprint.

New rider, Dutch, and the Sharkman, led the Minions after the G Ave. crossing. However, no one seemed to want to play as they looked back and no one would come through. The Minions just left them both out front to do all the work. All Black later joined in along with a few other riders as the peloton approached the hill to the finish.

As the Mighty Minion Nation crested the final climb, the riders began to make their move.

Sharkman later commented that he was concerned about the bunch finish, but everyone held their lines and it was a clean shot to the stop ahead.

As the sun began to break out of the clouds and over the blessed Minions, they bore down on the finish like a colorful viper snake ready to strike on the stop ahead sign!

Not wanting to give the college guys a win, Ironman took the lead, with the Un-Named Rider and none other than Kid Doster on his wheel.

The Update can’t remember, but we think this is the Un-Named Riders first podium appearance, but not Kid Dosters, who’s name might change to “Podium Boy” for his third place finish.

The fans went wild on the Champs le Galesburg as our hero’s zipped up their jerseys for the sponsors and colleges and then waved to the paparazzi as the photo’s were taken.

What happened next, however, will need careful clarification.

Sharkman, not wanting to be behind anyone in line ordering a foo foo Koffee in the Klutch, ran the light (shame on him) attempting to be first in line. He could not, however, beat another Minion in getting to Luann first. However, Bissell Boy jumped in with a $20 bill and told Luann, “I’m buying until the $20 runs out!” Whoa, big time thanks to Bissell Boy (and he mentioned that Zickman had done it the previous week – Whoa, big time thanks to Zickman and don’t ever do that again unless Sharkman is in attendance!).

However, for some reason, the Minions began thanking the Sharkman for buying the Koffee because he was at the front of the line! Heck, we don’t think Sharkman has bought koffee all year! He has milked this “Sharkman” thing the whole season!

So, to set the record strait, Bissell Boy bought the first $20 worth of koffee!

Sharkman will again be absent next week, as he is heading out to Crested Butte, Colorado to mountain bike with his Shark Son-in-Laws and play with his Grandsharklets! So someone will have to report in to the Update on next weeks activities…..and what are those activities?

Next week is Labor Day Weekend and what do people do on Labor Day Weekend you ask? They drink beer! Yes, Beer! Is this a great country or what? Lager, Bitter, Lite, Wheat, you name it, we love beer after a hard days work!

So, in honor of Labor Day, Saturday’s ride has been declared, “Beer Jersey Day.”

Minions are asked to wear their favorite Beer Jersey for the ride.

Will Oberon get knocked from the top of the favorite beer podium spot? Be there Saturday to find out!

Saturday – Launch Time 8:00 A.M. – SHARP!

There are just so many weekends left!