Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Cloud Girl vs. Bambi!

Bambi Banned!

Belo News
Galesburg, Mi.
August 15, 2009

Galesburg, Mi. – The buzz in bike circles this entire week has been, “How is Cloud Girl?”

The emails started pouring in on Saturday afternoon and on into Monday morning. “How was Cloud Girl doing?” They all asked.

The Update is very pleased to report that Cloud Girl is doing fine despite the major road rash and crunched, but not broken, pinkie finger that she suffered after her run in with Bambi on Saturday.

Unless you live in a cave, you are by now aware that our own Cloud Girl tangled with a wayward deer during last Saturday’s KK-TdG. The Update has been amazed that people who don’t even ride a bike, were aware of the incident and wanted to know how Cloud Girl was doing.

The day began innocently enough when 22 minions toed the start line. Prior to the Skipper starting the group out, our intrepid hero, the Sharkman, cautioned everyone that there was some sort of event around Gull lake involving runners and bikers and that everyone needed to be careful.

The start of the ride was peaceful enough with a couple more riders joined on, including Gazelle Girl, as the peloton moved north of town.As the Minions made the turn at the Yorkville Church, some of the runners and bikers began to appear on the course and the entire peloton, not wanting to repeat the Shermanator debacle, slowed and cautioned that they were “passing on the left.”

As the Peloton grouped up at the summit of the cul de Norte, Cloud Girl shouted out to Sharkman that she was on and the Minions started down the hill with Cloud Girl in tow.

But as the group picked up speed and spread out, and as Cloud Girl approached the road to the boat launch at a pretty good clip, a deer ran out in front of her and Cloud Girl “T Boned” the deer, going down hard on the pavement!

Meanwhile, the rest of the peleton was moving ahead and did not hear a shout that a rider was down.Airman and Dr. Dave realized the crash and were able to respond. There was also a very kind couple who stopped and were able to not only help, but gave Cloud Girl a ride back to her car.

The deer, however, could not be reached for comment. A spokesman for the deer named Thumper did state that the deer's mother has severely reprimanded her for not looking both ways before crossing and has been told that she is not to play in the street if the Minions are riding!

Cloud Girl sustained some pretty severe road rash to her shins, arms and lower back as she skidded across the road. She did, however, do a great job in protecting her Kuota, which came out of the debacle without a scratch. Her brand new helmet, however, was not as lucky as it took a good crack.

As the hapless Minions contested the C Ave. sprint, they had circled up at Fronas to wait for riders when a lady in a minivan told them, “the girl rider hit a deer at the last road!”

The Minions, realizing it had to be Cloud Girl, immediately started back and confusion ruled as they could not find the scene of the accident. This also caused the Minions to have to repeat the Bible Conference Hills that everyone seems to hate! Damn Bible Conference Hills!

As the Minions scattered along the road, a group that had gotten back to her returned to announce the Cloud Girl was on her way back to the start.

As the Minions staggered in to the Klutch, Luann handed Sharkman the phone. It was Cloud Girl reporting in that she was O.K., but a little shook up. She later came into the Klutch with Airman to display her wounds.

It was also reported, and this is important, that Brewman bought Sharkman his koffee as he spoke on the phone with Cloud Girl.

As previously reported, Bullet Bob and the lovely Mrs. Bullet were on hand (see previous story).
Again, it was an unusual ride......but great weather!

We, here at the Update, are just pleased that Cloud Girl is doing O.K. and hope she will be back in the peloton soon.

Minions are invited to leave get well wishes in the comment section.

You won't want to miss this weeks ride! Mostly out of morbid curiosity..... but you won't want to miss it!

It is, however, reported that our hero, the Sharkman, will not be in attendance, but the Minions will ride!

Launch Time - 8:00 A.M. - Sharp!

1 comment:

Shark Minion Update said...

Hope your back in the pelton soon!

Oh, and I'm sorry!
