Thursday, August 27, 2009

Minions Ride Without Incident!

Wildman Returns

Doctors Duel

Knute Surly on Fixie

Belo News
August 22, 2009
Gull Lake

It seems that all was back to normal in the peloton as 16 Shark-less minions rode on a cloudy, brisk morning. Not only were they Shark-less, they were without Skipper, so Danimal lead the peloton out of the parking lot with his buddies Chumley and Dan Henshaw, both returning from injuries. It was a bit frightening for the minions to witness Chumley in a full back and neck brace due to injuries sustained on his mountain bike but All Black, back in All Black, had a calming affect as they headed north on 36th at a social pace. The pace lifted and Sharkman was granted the honorary opening sprint and the speed increased nearing the 35th Street sprint as Hausman won uncontested.

As they spun through Twin Lakes and up the Col the group splintered and a small group went off the front with No Name taking the sprint at DE. The pace continued to lift as the pack went through Country Club Hills and several riders were shoved into the "pain cave" with the move up to M-43 where the Zickman took the sprint.

The tight grupetto including Stryker Guy, Sooner, who reported the only riding he has done this year is on Saturdays, B-Rod, Sting Ray and Bissell Boy headed south after the climb up Col de Norte. Wildman showed he has been working hard to dominate tri's this summer winning the Frona's sprint.

The peloton acquired Knute on the run down 39th as he was peddling a fine Surly Fixie and the the Doctors Scalpel Duel began as Dr. Dave and Zickman dueled it out for the Bay sprint with Dr. Dave edging out the Z-man.

Gazelle Girl in fine late season form was riding with the front group all day and continued as they headed down 37th in what would turn out to be nearly a 20 mph average. The G Ave sprint went uncontested. No Name showing Super Domestique work pulled the group up the last rise toward the sprint and the group chased toward the finish. Iron Man took final honors, sharing the podium with Zickman and Falcon.

Will Sharkman return? When is College Game Day? Show up Saturday for the last ride of August!

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