Monday, August 3, 2009

Brewman Takes the Death Ride by Storm!

Mighty Minion Nation Rider Rules in Kansas!
Was he Beer Fueled?

Belo News
Galesburg, MI
July 25, 2009

Flint Hills, Ks. - Our own Brewman took Kansas by storm in the recent "Death Ride" that occurs in Madison Kansas in the center of the famed Flint Hills. You think Kansas is flat??? 83 miles and close to 6,000 feet of climb on dirt, rock and pasture. The terrain is brutal enough on your body let alone the intense summer heat and wild free range cattle. Our own Brewman was at one time surrounded by running cattle intent on crossing the trail he occupied. Six hours and one flat tire after the start a dehydrated beat up body crossed the finish line. The toll of the ride became more evident when the Brewman passed up an offering of free beer! Could be? Could it possibly be? Say it ain't so!

The average number of starters who finish this ride varies between 50 and 60%. Overall a well organized and challenging event with the great Midwest friendliness and humor. The only way to capture a jersey for this ride is to finish. You will see one on the Brewman in the future.

Check it out at the attached site for all the details:

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