Monday, August 17, 2009

Minions Rule at Shermanator!

Abebe Bikila a Shark Minion?

Belo News Update
Sherman Lake, MI.
August 1, 2009

Sherman Lake, Mi.
– While the Shermanator was doing a number on the Shark Minion Peloton, some Minions were doing a number on the Shermantator. Our own Nikeboy, Hoosier Boy and Hutch were all entered and did an outstanding job! And they didn't crash into anyone!

Nikeboy is rumored to have won his age group, as did Hoosier Boy. Meanwhile, our own Hutch ran the running leg, (are you ready for this?) in his bare feet! What? You ask…..

In an exclusive Shark Minion Update investigative report, it has been learned that Hutch actually finished the bike segment and went to the wrong bike slot. After spending a couple of minutes looking for his shoes that were not there (because they were at his assigned slot) he decided that he either could quit or run.

What, a Minion quit? No way! Minions never quit!

So our hero, the Hutch Man, ran bare foot like the famous Abebe Bikila! For those of you too young to know or remember, Abebe Bikila won the 1960 Olympic Gold Medal in the Marathon running the streets of Los Angeles for 26.2 miles in his bare feet!

Proof, you ask? Check out the photos at;

You may find a barefoot competitor in the running photos!

Hutch wins the “Stud of the week” award. The Minions might want to start calling him Abebe Hutch!

Congratulations to all the Minions who competed at the Shermanator!

Injury Update!

Belo News
Galesburg, Mi.
August 15, 2009

Galesburg, Mi.
– The Update was a bit premature with the injury report last week!

Bullet Bob and his lovely wife Sharon, joined the Minions for a Kup of Koffee at the Klutch on Saturday to report on Bullets crash injuries.

It appears that our fellow Minion, Bullet Bob, has three broken ribs in his back and it might be a few weeks before he is back in the peleton. He is, however, able to drink Koffee at the Klutch and it was good to have he and Sharon back in the peloton, even though it was only in the Koffee Shop.

We are holding a spot in the peloton for you Bullet! Get well soon!

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