Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Where was Boffo!

Falcon wins without an *!

Stingray makes a Headline!

Airman and Cloud Girl on time?

A New Bullet Bob Grandkid Announced!

Belo News
Galesburg, MI
June 27, 2009

Galesburg, Mi. – Belo News – As our intrepid hero, the Sharkman, arrived at the start of this week’s edition of the KK-TdG, he found Airman and Cloud Girl with their bikes unloaded and ready to ride! They were not about to be late two weeks in a row!

As has been the practice of this publication, we have strived to list all the riders in attendance at the weekly ride/race. Let’s face it; Minions like to see their names in print. However, as the ride has become more popular, the Update is having difficulty listing all those in attendance. This week 22 riders were present, with some joining the ride after the start. In addition, there were some new riders; a Rod, herein known as B-Rod, a Joe, a Sean and this weeks Celebrity Rider, Knute, the Ride Captain from the Kalamazoo Bike Club!

The Update has also learned that a particular Minion has mentioned that he could win every sprint and not get as much ink in this blog as Cloud Girl gets for showing up. So he made the headlines this week for no reason other than he showed up!

The big question in cycling circles all week was whether Boffo could defend his streak of consecutive wins.

But alas, no Boffo. What could be more important than defending his streak?

In a Shark Minion Update exclusive investigation, it was learned that Boffo had flown out to L.A. to be with the family of Michael Jackson while they mourned his untimely passing. Subsequent investigative efforts by this publication have learned the startling truth that none other than our own Boffo actually has the other white glove! A spokesman for the Jackson Family released a statement thanking Boffo for his ongoing support. It is unknown when our Boffo will return. (as Boffo himself often says, “This stuff writes itself!”)

The Skipper lead the Minions through town and Sharkman took the opening sprint with a lead out by Falcon.

Kellogg Korner had again been swept by our own Skipper, making for a very fast track through the Country Club section. As a matter of fact, this was the fastest pace of the season at 19.7 mph.

As the Minions made the G Ave. crossing, a pace line began to form with Bissell Boy, Sharkman, Zickman, Bullet Bob, Sooner and others leading the way. Sharkman found himself in the lead at the hill and again swore that would not happen again, just like he says every week.

As the Might Minion Nation crested the finish hill, Knute, Zickman, Bullet Bob and Falcon broke for the tape with a cast of thousands on their wheels.

As they bore down on the stop ahead, Falcon pulled ahead and Zickman and Knute were too close to call, so they both made the podium.

As the Minions rode down the Champs le Galesburg, it seemed quiet in comparison to Galesburg Days the previous week.

Jaime, our Barista at the Klutch, was waiting at the Klutch with plenty of Koffee as the press pushed Falcon and Zickman for the story on the finish and if they knew anything about the white glove Boffo had been seen wearing in previous rides.

Bullet Bob also announced the birth of Lucy Laura to his daughter Emily! A new Minion in the Minion Nation! Get the Update a photograph Bullet Bob! Congratulations to the Bullet Bob Tubay Family!

It was determined during Koffee that some riders could not make the 4th ride, but could make a Friday ride, so we have declared a first for this week end!

A July 4th double header!

Two rides this weekend!

Friday at 8:00 A.M. and Saturday at 8:00 A.M. – SHARP!

Ride one or ride both days!

Since it is the 4th of July, wear your red, white and blue in honor of the Holiday!


Shark Minions said...


We need to set-up our TdF pool.
Another great edition of Belo.


Unknown said...

How 'bout a Southern route for one of the rides?

Shark Minion Update said...


Are you coming back to the peleton? We can't wait to see that seat post!
I did a southern route last Sunday and the roads south of town are brutal. But you can always raise the question at the start and see what happens! If I recall, last years journey south ended up with a dog attach. But Minions love adventure. Hope your back soon!


Unknown said...

Yes, I plan on being there on one if not both days. I have the new seat post in hand, so we'll see if it fits. It's nothing fancy... just straight gauge bike tubing turned down to 24mm with a seat clamp.

Shark Minion Update said...

What a stud!

We got to see the debut of the seat post on Friday and Peugeot Guy was not at all rusty from the lay off! Welcome back Peugeot!