Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Sharkman Debut’s New Groupo!

Boffo Returns for Win!

Nikeboy, Boatman fill out the Podium!

Minions Rule at Lake Swim!

Belo News
Galesburg, MI
July 18 , 2009

Galesburg, Mi. – Belo News – It is that time of year when we are all watching the Tour, looking at the season standings and wondering…..”When the hell is it going to warm up?”

It was yet another chilly start to the KK-TdG as riders arrived at the parking lot in arm warmers and/or jackets. Though the Shark likes cold weather, the Minions were grumbling about how cold a season this has been. We can only hope it means a warmer fall season!

Sooner actually rode out to meet Sharkman and Nikeboy and was particularly warmed up after starting his ride from home at 6:45 a.m.

Talk about cold, two of our own Minions got into cold water and swam to glory in the Leroy Sparks Goguac Lake Swim in Battle Creek! Our own Stroker and Hoosier Boy finished first and third, respectively, in the 50-54 age group! Man, you have to be crazy to get in a cold lake on a cold morning and swim!

Congratulations Minions!

But we would have thought it was “College Game Day” as several Minions were sporting college kit and Nikeboy was riding his Michigan University bike. Wisconsin, UCLA and Tennessee were all represented in the peloton.

Sharkman was showing off his new Sram Red Groupo to anyone who would listen to him as Skipper got the Minions on the road.

It was difficult to get a total number as 18 riders left Galesburg, then picked up Boffo and Zickman on the way north and then 3 Team Taylor riders jumped on around the Yorkville Church. It seemed as if riders were coming and going all around the course. However, it was estimated that around 22-23 riders took part in the festivities.

The beginning of the ride was down right social and riders were beginning to wonder when things would get interesting. However, due to “chip and seal” in certain areas, the speed didn’t really pick up until the section from the Yorkville Church to Rt. 43.

As many of our readers are aware, this section has become the “Pain Cave” of the KK-TdG for reasons unknown, where riders want to put the hammer down while they negotiate Kellogg Korner, the Gull Lake Country Club and the final stop ahead sprint before Rt. 43.

Ironman and Boatman took off at the church and Sharkman grabbed their wheels and rode the both of them like rented mules. A small gap opened up on the peloton and as the sprint stop ahead loomed, Sooner, Zickman and Nikeboy, attempted to bridge the gap to catch on to the fast moving train. Ironman, leading the Sharkman out, eased up just as Sharkman and his Sram Red Groupo (did we mention that Sharkman has a new Sram Red Groupo?) put the hammer down.

Nikeboy, just off his victory at the Tour of Northern California, nearly caught our intrepid hero and his Red Groupo, but the cagey shark took the sprint by the narrowest of margins. Nikeboy was sending a message that he was on his game!

The pace continued to build down the east side of the lake as the Minion Train barreled south. The usual pace line formed up after the Rt. 89 crossing and through G Ave. as the speed went up accordingly.

As the Minion Nation pedaled to the finishing sprint, the pace line came apart and before long, Bullet Bob, making his now patented move, shot out of the back of the pack faster than a ham and cheese sandwich from the mouth of a bulimic super model! His move caught the peloton a bit off guard but a quick counter attack was formed up by Nikeboy, Boatman, Boffo, Peugeot Guy, Kid Doster, Ironman, B-Rod and a cast of thousands!

In a very close finish, Boffo moved out and nipped Nikeboy right at the line, with Boatman laying anchor on the third spot on the podium.

The crowds again went wild on the champs le Galesburg as our hero’s zipped up their jersey’s for the sponsors and waved to the crowd.

Both Luann AND Jamie were in the Klutch to handle the throngs of riders, tofosi and paparazzi that crowded the Kafe.

Nikeboy regaled his fans with stories of his Tour of California and Kid Doster bought the Sharkman his Koffee.

2009 Mid Season Standings

It is the middle of the season and the Update has decided to post the top ten riders in the season standings thus far for 2009;

1st Sharkman
2d Someone Else
3rd Someone Else
4th Cloud Girl
5th Tardette
6th Someone Else
7th Not Stingray
8th Someone Else
9th Celebrity Riders
10th That kid on the Big Wheel with the cool handle bar streamers

Yes, it has been an outstanding season to date and you won’t want to miss another Saturday.

Many riders, including our intrepid hero, the Sharkman, will be participating in the Make a Wish Ride with Team Taylor this weekend. So we wish them all a safe ride!

Team Taylor has 86 riders who have raised over $110,000.00 so far.

Go Team Taylor!

But the Minions will ride!

This Saturday! 8:00 A.M. launch – Sharp!

* Sooner has volunteered to write next weeks edition of the Update, so you may want to buy him a kup of koffee so you can get your name in print! (Sooner - believe us, it works!)

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