Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Sharkman shows off the Grand Shark Kids!

Boffo takes another!

MK named Celebrity Rider!

Belo News
Galesburg, MI
June 23, 2009

Galesburg, Mi. – Belonews – It was a Shark Family Extravaganza!

On a fantastic Galesburg Days Saturday, 17 Minions toed the line to begin yet another edition of the KK-TdG! Or were they all there in hopes of getting to meet the Grand Shark Kids?

Sharkman brought along his son-in-law and West Coast Minion Rider (and new rider), MK, who was named the celebrity rider for the week.

Most riders were on time for the start, however Cloud Girl and Airman made such a late appearance they tried to drive ahead in their car and jump on the peleton as it headed out of town. Unable to convince the tardy couple to park and join the peleton the intrepid Minion Nation continued on without them. (Cloud Girl gets mentioned even when she doesn't ride!)

Someone mentioned that the tardy couple did not want to take the harassment of being late during the ride, however the Sharkman would not let them off that easy and clearly wanted to know, “WHAT IS IT ABOUT 8:00 A.M. "SHARP" THAT THESE MINIONS DO NOT UNDERSTAND!”

STINGRAY (please note all caps and spelled correctly) lead the Sharkman out to the opening sprint, which the wily Shark took, going away.

The Minions did Sharkman proud by not leaving him and MK behind despite the pair encouraging the Minions to go ahead. MK, who had only started serious riding approximately 3 weeks earlier, did a great job holding on and made the entire ride from the Shark Cove, through the KK-TdG (40 miles) despite riding a 1988 Trek 1000 with down tube shifters and only 12 speeds (shades of Peugeot Guy!). It was MK’s longest ride to date!

Speaking of Peugeot Guy, the intrepid Minion has been missing in action due to a broken seat post. His search for a new seat post has been fruitless since they no longer make 22mm posts. Heck, the bike is approximately 100 years old!
Now this would normally cause mere mortals to just purchase a new bike. Or at least tell their wives that they "Have to buy a new bike."

But not our Peugeot! He is actually having a new seat tube fabricated! What a stud! Hope it doesn’t take all summer!

The action at the front was fast and furious through the entire ride with quite a finish between Boffo, Bullet Bob and Zickman. To hear them tell about it at the Klutch at the post race festivities, you would think they were doing 60 mph as they crossed the line. At least that is the way Sharkman and MK heard the story!

But Boffo won, yet again and was flapping his shoes and nose at the Klutch during the post race festivities. He was followed by Zickman and Bullet Bob.

As the Minion Nation made their way down the Champs le Galesburg during Galesburg Days the crowds went wild!

At the Klutch, the paparazzi was at a fevered pitch in anticipation of meeting the Grand Shark Kids and they did not disappoint!

Make a late, but grand entrance to the Klutch, little Sharkboy and Sharkgirl came in with their Shark Mom’s and Lava Girl to cheering crowds, sign autographs and pose for photo's.

Flashes went off everywhere as the proud Sharkman showed off his Grand Sharklet’s. Sharkboy was also sporting his Shark Jersey!

Thanks to all the Minions and to Mrs. Bullet Bob for coming out to meet the Shark Family!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I could not let the bike go to the junk heap. It still has many years of service left! And Falcon would get upset if I did scrap it. Plus, in weighing $20 in one hand and $5,000+ in the other hand, the choice was easy!