Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Sharkman, WolfKing, Hoosier Boy rule the wet roads!

Sharkman takes the water soaked finish!

What? The Minions rode?

Sharkman, WolfKing and Hoosier Boy fill out the podium!

Belo News
Galesburg, MI
July 11 , 2009

Galesburg, Mi. – Belo News – As our intrepid hero, the Sharkman, leaped from his Shark Bed on Saturday morning, visions of riding in the Minion Nation with his new Sram Red grupo danced in his head. Sharkman pulled back the Shark bed spread, revealing his cool Shark Pajama's and darted to the Shark Coffee maker totally geeked as he thought about showing off the new grupo to his Minions. As the smell of coffee wafted gently through the Shark Cove, our hero heard a rumbling sound and looked out the window. His first thought was his stomach was gurgling from his all you can eat seafood dinner frenzy he indulged in the previous evening after a round of golf with Lava Girl. When he heard the second rumble, the Shark clicked on the Shark Radar and to his dismay, blue, green and yellow shadow’s indicated a major rain rolling through the theater of dreams we have all come to know as the KK-TdG.

Sharkman grudgingly sipped is coffee while watching Sport’s Center and checking “Weather on the 8’s” on the Weather Channel every, well......, 8 minutes.

Thinking he would drive to the start if the rain ended, 7:30 a.m. rolled around, but it was still raining. Sharkman, concerned that the Minion Nation would be rained out for the first time this season, was pouring a second cup of coffee when the Shark phone rang!

It was WolfKing calling to ask where the Shark was! WolfKing reported he was at the start, that no one else was there, and that he wanted to ride! He also had Sharkman’s cyclo cross bike and had planned on returning it after the ride. Sharkman told him to wait to see if anyone else showed up and if not, to drive over to the Cove to drop off the bike and have some Shark coffee.

Within minutes, WolfKing called back to report Hoosier Boy had arrived and wanted to ride. The radar was showing the rain was passing and the sun was actually peeking through the clouds! Two stud Sharks wanted to ride! How could the Sharkman say no? Game on! Game on!

Sharkman instructed his Minions to start riding to Battle Creek and he would meet them on the road.

Reportedly, WolfKing took the first sprint heading south out of Galesburg as the Sharkman launched out of the Shark Cove on very wet roads, the sun starting to shine at his back.

As the riders met on Michigan Avenue, it was decided that they would ride south so they headed for Qman Hill and down to Indian Lake and back through Scott’s. Stop Ahead sprints were contested in the group and as the ride progressed the sun came out and the roads began to dry.

Hoosier Boy, who is somewhat new to the Minion Nation, was extremely strong and took several of the sprints proving his meddle in the peleton. WolfKing was complaining of a sore neck that was later determined to be a major pinched nerve. (Actually, the emergency room confirmed it later in the day.)

That might explain the finish.

The Minion Nation (O.K. three riders) lined up on the descent down Qman Hill to the finish in Galesburg. WolfKing, notorious for his descending ability due primarily to copious amounts of Big Mac Double Cheeseburgers, Doritos and Milk Shakes resulting in major "girth to descent ratio" that is off the charts, was dropping like a Mack Truck with a full load of washing machines down a major mountain pass and completely out of control. Meanwhile, Sharkman, seeing an opportunity, latched on to the WolfKing’s wheel as the trees around him began to blur as though he was traveling at warp speed on the Star Ship Enterprise!

As they crossed the bridge over I-94, WolfKing took it up yet another notch and Sharkman and Hoosier Boy held on to his wheel like it was the last chocolate donut in the box!

Sharkman, knowing WolfKing had a stiff neck, stayed to the big guy’s right and as road flattened and the bend before the stop ahead came up, WolfKing let up on the pedals and Sharkman made his move. Sharkman, using his new Sram Red grupo like he actually knew what he was doing, took the finish with WolfKing in second and Hoosier boy grabbing the final spot on the podium.

Total miles, 38….Average speed 18.7 mph!

The paparazzi lined the Champs le Galesburg as the tofosi waited at the Koffee Klutch for the late arrival of the peleton. Sharkman was interviewed and declared his victory based on his race tactics and his new Sram Red grupo!
Jamie served up the brew and asked where everyone was! She also took the above photo for the Update!

Sharkman signed autographs and allowed photo’s of his new grupo in front of the Klutch. He then spent the early afternoon cleaning the grit, dead worms and assorted road debris off of his new grupo! Ouch!

Can the Minions keep their record of consecutive weekends alive next week?

Will Sharkman show?

Will WolkKing visit the chiropractor and return to the peleton?

Did Hoosier Boy clean his bike after last weeks wet ride?

Get the answer to these and all your cycling questions by coming out to ride!

Next Ride this Saturday! 8:00 A.M. launch – Sharp!

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