Friday, June 5, 2009

Sharkman Tour of Great Britian!

A Belonews Exclusive!

Manchester England – Sharkman, being the international rider that he is, likes to ride with his fans around the world whenever he gets the chance. This past week, our intrepid hero ventured to Manchester England where he had the opportunity to ride with the President of the U.K. Minion Chapter, Greg Peterson, aka The Sailman. The Sailman rode with the Sharkman for 8 or 9 years before taking international assignments and leaving Battle Creek. The Shark has had the privilege of riding with him in some of his far flung locations around the world. Sailman got his name because riding behind him is like having a huge sail to pull you along the road. Sailman standing at 6’6” and as you can see from the photo, is almost as tall as the Sharkman hizzelf! Unfortunately, the Sharkman never was able to give the Sailman the same kind of draft.

The two riders were blessed with one of the sunniest days Manchester has seen in some time and it allowed the riders to get in 30 miles. Thanks to the Sailman for taking care of the Sharkman and providing him a bike to ride. Great time!

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