Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Boffo's bro' may rejoin Minions during rehab!

Breaking news update. Occasional celebrity rider Duane Below (remember the puking incident?) was recently promoted to the Erie Seawolves, the Detroit Tigers AA affiliate. In his second start he had a two hitter going into the seventh inning against the top team in the league. But like Boffo's tires after a long winter off-season, his elbow blew out under the strain of his minion trained muscles. So after two strong starts and posting a 1.59 ERA in AA, Below has been delegated to the DL and will be getting Tommy John Surgery this Friday. If all goes well, Below may join the minions for some abuse later this summer. Donations are being accepted to help support this struggling, one good armed dreamer, checks can be written out to Boffo.


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