Thursday, October 27, 2022




The mighty Shark Minion Nation ready to rock the Fort....again!!!!




Belo News

October 22, 2022

Shark Cove, Mi. - As dawn broke over the colorful fall at the Shark Cove, our intrepid hero, the Sharkman was waiting in anticipation for the return of Yeti Boy!!! Yes, Sharkman's famous Wingman had returned from his assault on the Appalachian Trail, blistered feet and all and though he had only returned on Friday afternoon, he was ready to ride and was planning on picking up his Wingman, the Sharkman at 8:30 a.m. - SHARP! 

Is this a great country or what!??

Sharkman get's better each week!
It's the new iPhone....🥴

In addition to going back on the bike for the first time in two weeks +, he was also going to ride his fattie along with Sharkman and Reb!!! Oh, the humanity!! What a stud!!! What a Wingman!!

As the duo pulled into the trailhead, the "joint was jumping!" Not just Shark Minions but the beautiful morning had brought out the crowds to tour all the colors going on at "The Fort! 

It was quickly learned that Fabio-X had taken exception to last weeks edition of Belo News when it was reported he had obtained a new license plate for one of his vehicles with Fabio-X on it. The veteran rider was quick to report it was FABIO - Z! The Editors of Belo News humbly apologize for this oversight (due to both Sharkman's poor hearing as well as his senility) and from this point forward are prepared to recognize the new name our Fabio-Z has worked so hard to obtain! 

Congratulations Fabio-Z!!!


Riders began piling in, including Luke Skywalker who the mighty Shark Minion Nation had not seen much of over the past season. He, like Easty was bordering on Celebrity Rider Status but he was welcomed with warm cheers as he lined up to toe the start line.

Bissell Boy was also in attendance!

Reb pulled in and needed some repair on his Fattie, so he waited for Toesetter and Gazelle Girl to roll in and Toe was quick with the tools to correct Reb's errant rear shifter.

Fixit was also on hand as the Nation lined up for the start photo, along with the obligatory "Selfie" shot!!! Sharkman seems to improve on that selfie with each week now that the season is almost done!!!

Game on!!

It was decided to do the Green in reverse and the train pulled out of the station pretty close to 9:00 a.m. - not so SHARP!!!

Celebrity Rider or Shark Minion?
Luke Skywalker

Yeti Boy, Reb and Sharkman took up the rear on a their faithful Fatties, surfing the multi colored leaves as they headed across the road and onto the single track along the lake that was pricture perfect on this warm fall morning!

The early morning light seemed to glow on the yellow leaves hanging by a thread from the trees around the lake, casting their reflections on the blue water.

As they made there way around Eagle Lake and into the middle section of the Green, Reb threw his chain again and as Sharkman went around him and Yeti Boy, who was traversing the sandy hill climb, Sharkman heard Reb shout out, "Keep going, I'll catch up!!!"

When Sharkman caught back up to the lead group, he reported that Reb had the problem but that he and Yeti should be right along. Shortly after, Reb rode up to say Yeti's wheel had come loose and he needed an allen wrench to fix it. Toesetter to the rescue!!!

Reb waiting for Toesetter fix his steed!

He took off with Reb, as the rest of the crew moved on to the bottom of the Green near the Amusement Park to wait.

A twist of the allen wrench, the sound of a sigh of relief and Yeti Boy was back on the trail along with emergency road/trail crew Toesetter and back with the group!

Sharkman commented on how much he loves the start section of the Green in reverse and how it is like a sports car track as they traversed the twists and turn and the mostly down hill section.

After poping out of the Green, the mighty Shark Minion Nation headed to the Red "trenches" in reverse to finish the first leg of their quest!

Toe to the rescue!!!

As the group caught up near the trailhead, Celebrity Rider Luke Skywalker had to take off for family duties while the remainder Shark Minions discussed doing the Sharkman Loop. 

As the discussion went on, a father and his young son came along but deferred to the group before heading on. Reb, wanting to make sure he was on the trail before the kid, got the group moving as they took off to do the Sharkman Loop in reverse.

As they dropped into the Crazy Beaver section of the Red in reverse, the kid and his dad were right with the mighty Shark Minion Nation! The kid was amazing!!

Sharkman reported hearing him talking to his dad and making comments to the Shark Minions, "I'm back on!!" "Good pace!"

As the Fat Tire group caught back on with the main pack, the young rider and his dad pulled up at which time Sharkman made him an honory Shark Minion! While his father seemed impressed, the young rider seemed more confused but very gratious with all the praise about his riding laid on him by the Shark Minions.

Fixit was ready to rock!

The young Shark Minion and his dad broke off as the Shark Minions headed to the Green and they staid with the Red. A hearty "Thanks!" was heard from the new, young Shark Minion as he headed off with his dad. The kid looked to be about 8 or nine years old! Oh, the humanity!!!

After traversing the Sharkman Loop, the group got back to the trailhead and began celebrating the return on Yeti Boy as he regailed the Nation of his epic hike on the Appalachain Trail. Stories of blisters, hiking boot breakdowns, fighting off bears, all the questions from the other hikers on whether or not Yeti Boy actually knew the Sharkman......the stories got a bit bigger as time went on.

When the group got back to their vehicles, Reb found a small, rubber ducky on his jeeps running board. As he picked it up to examine it, he looked around looking for a suspect but all denied knowing of its origins. Sort of spooky......does he have a secret admirer? Yeah, pretty unlikely.......

Could it have been Fire? She had told Reb she might come out for the post ride festivities, but it was later learned she slept in instead. 🥴

Reb's rubber Ducky....

Anyone knowing how the ducky ended up on Reb's running board, or why, should report it to the Sharkman Help Line at 888-888-🦈🦈🦈🦈. 

We need to get this person some help!!!

Reb had suggested that in recognition of Yeti Boys return that some adult beverages should be on hand. The later reported he only had two cans on hand so Sharkman, Toesetter and Gazelle Girl came through. Dickus Movus Maxximus in perfect form!!!

With the beverages and the 70+ degree weather, the Shark Minions stuck around for a while and took what a fantastic season it had been! There was also a lot of talk of the "kid" who rode like a champ as well.

Oh, the humanity!!! It is a great country.

Don't miss this Saturday as it is supposed to be dry and just a bit cooler!!! It is also the last "Official" ride before the In Lieu of Iceman Ride/Party the following Saturday (see next story).

"So I hated to do it, but I then
killed the bear with my
bare hands..."
Saturday, October 29, 2022

Fort Custer Trailhead

Launch Time - 9:00 a.m. - SHARP!!!

Be there!

The gang waiting for Toesetter to get
Reb's bike fixed!!

The party went on for quite a while.

Reb was thinking about his secret admirer...🙄

The weather could not have been more beautiful!!!

Is this a great country or what?!??





Augusta, Mi. - It is that time of year when the mighty Shark Minion Nation has the last "Official" ride of the season. 😒

But don't feel sad, Bunkie!!!

That means it is also time for the "In Leiu of Iceman Ride/Party!!!"

A few years back, when a number of the Shark Minions grew tired of the corporate change to Iceman, as well as a bad run at the infamous "Mudman," in 2015, the Nation decided to party instead of spending a ton of money to stand in line for tickets to stand in line again to buy beer.

So the ILOI Ride/Party began in 2016! Is this a great party or what!!!

So if you are not riding the Iceman on November 5, this event is for YOU!!!

Even if you don't mountain bike ride you can come to the party part of the ride!!!

Those Shark Minions who do ride mountain bikes will meet at the trailhead at 2 p.m. to ride the trails of Fort Custer.

Those Shark Minions who do not ride mountain bike are invited to join the riders, along with their "signifant others," after the mountain bike ride, at Players in Augusta at 4 p.m. for dinner and adult beverages. 

That's right, Bunkie! Bring your spouse, friend, whatever or come alone and celebrate another fantastic season of riding!!!

If the weather is not conducive for riding, each rider is on their own to determine if they want to ride. If the weather is "iffy" the decision may be made at the trailhead. 

Either way, the meet up at Players at 4 p.m. will still take place!!!

Unfortunately, Sharkman and Lava Girl will be out of town but the party goes on under the direction of that "Sweetheart of the Peloton," Gazelle Girl!!!

If there are questions on the weather, you can contact Gazelle Girl. 

But the party happens regardless of the weather!!!

Be there!!!

Riders joining the Shark Minion rides acknowledge the inherent risk involved with bicycle riding and by joining any Shark Minion ride hold harmless any rider involved.

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