Thursday, July 22, 2021




Belo News
Special Report

Stryker Guy
Bissell Boy may need work on 
taking selfies as well!!

July 17, 2021

Galesburg, MI.

It looked rather bleak for much anticipated “Shark Minion Ride” with heavy rain falling during the early hours of Saturday morning.  

Six Minions threw caution to the wind and arrived at the Galesburg launch point hoping others might join the cause (and keep the pain level to a minimum).  

Greyhound, sporting the UM kit and an M slightly larger than one found on the “Big House” was ready to ride, along with the always speedy, Dr. Dave, BIssell Boy (who is in great bike form), Wishbone in a Pig jersey (pig’s have hambones, Wishbone!), Snow White, wearing the flag of Great Britain in honor of Mark Cavendish (she rode like him most of the day) and yours truly, wearing an old jersey and hoping not to get dropped by the time we hit the Klutch.  Obligatory pictures were taken and off we went.  

In the distance, heading toward the Sharkman Sprint, were none other than Reb (in his lawn mowing t-shirt) and Fire in the Ragbrai kit.  The peloton caught the Reb/Fire breakaway, but Fire, riding strong all day, edged BB for the sprint points.  
"Official Start Photo!"
Shark Minons ready to roll!

The pace was brisk, but manageable, as all eight riders took turns at the front.  Note: actually we all waited until Greyhound went to the front so we could catch his terrific draft. 

Snow White on her ‘Rain Bike” constantly impressed the fans with her ability to accelerate up the various Col’s that make up the northern route.  Wishbone, showing that he is more than ready for this year’s Ragbrai, put in a terrific surge to win one of the sprints (I can no longer remember which one, but it was impressive).

BIssell Boy decided to give the Nation a break by riding his gravel bike, but he killed it nonetheless.  In spite of the fact that no one is sponsoring him (see lawn mowing shirt) Reb rode like a man searching for a new sponsor.
Dr. Dave toyed with the riders and pulled away on the final sprint winning the day. 
The Klutch was rocking!
Greyhound bought!!

The town of Galesburg was unusually subdued, probably realizing that a number of the “Legends” were absent from the ride.  Greyhound bought the coffee as the sun came out to cap a great morning. 

Thanks Stryker Guy and Bissell Boy for the riviting write up and fantastic pictures!!!

You won't want to miss this weeks edition of the KK-TdG when the Sharkman, hizzelf, returns to his beloved nation!

In celebration of his return, he has declared it "Shark Minion Annivesary Kit Day! 

Is this a great country or what?!?

So get out the 30th Anniversary Kit and ride!!!

Saturday, July 24, 2021

Shark Minion Anniversary Kit Day!!!

Launch Time - 8:30 a.m. - SHARP!

There is a 50% chance of rain for Saturday, so if the ride is cancelled, an email will go out one hour before launch time! Otherwise, it is each Shark Minion on their own!

Be there! Well, unless it is raining.........



Belo News
Special Report
Rainman, Dreamboat and ???
Ready to rock it!!!

Dreamboat & Rainman

July 17,2021

San Diego, CA.

It has been reported that Rainman made the trip out to San Diego, winter home of legendary Shark Minion Fabio/Zyckmann, to compete in the Belgian Waffle Ride!

As everyone knows, it never rains in San Diego, but prior to the ride, the sky's opened up. Dreamboat stated he has only seen thunder and lightning once or twice since moving out there. A rare occurrence indeed! 

Would the Rainman, legendary for refusing to ride in the rain, actually ride?!?

As luck would have it, all rain ceased before Rainman and his wing man, Dreamboat began, the ride and the two mighty Shark Minions finished the event strong!!!

No report on any podium finishes, and it is also rumored that no waffles were consumed.....wait, what??? 

Oh, the humanity!!!

Both riders wanted to make sure Fabio was aware of this ride and stated he needed to do it. 

However, Zyckmann has a no cut contract to ride the Shark Minion Season in Michigan every summer into pertuity and cannot be doing celebrity rides in California! 

It looks like a fantastic ride, but there might have to actually be waffles there to get the Zyckmann to even think about it!

Thanks to Rainman and Dreamboat for the fantastic photos and scant report!!! You both did the mighty Shark Minion Nation proud!!!

Beautiful roads!

Dreamboat living the dream

Where are the waffles???

Riders joining the Minion rides acknowledge the inherent risk involved with bicycle riding and by joining any Minion ride hold harmless any rider involved.

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