Thursday, May 13, 2021


Sharkman proves that he still has not learned how to
take a selfie with the Nation!


Belo News

May 8, 2021

Shark Cove, MI - As dawn broke cool and crisp over the Shark Cove, our intrepid hero, the Sharkman, was snuggled up in bed with his Shark pajamas wondering why he had decided to have a "soft opening" on such a cold morning? 

"What was I thinking..." he thought to himself, as his fin hit the cold floor and he stepped out of his Shark bed and into his cold Shark slippers.

Over the past year of Covid quarentine, he had gotten a bit spoiled. So spoiled, he hadn't had to worry about the weather OR having to write Belo News. Though he certainly missed his mighty Shark Minion Nation, it was nice to roll over and just hit that snooze button on the Shark alarm clock from time to time.......

As we begin this new season, the Nation may find the stories shorter (a lot shorter), and a bit more informal. Not doing Belo News was a bit of a break after years of writing it, so there may be some changes in standby!

Sharkman had learned that that Minion Legend, Wolf King, was going to be in town and it gave him even more of a reason to want to get the season underway.

It had been so long since Wolf King had ridden with the Shark Minions, Sharkman wasn't sure who would remember him.

Wolf King hizzelf!!!

Wolf King showed up at 7:30 a.m. and after a pit stop by Wolf King, he and Sharkman launched from the Shark Cove at 8 a.m. stopping to wait at Helmer and Watkins for Fire, who ended up being a no show. Well, it was 34 degrees as they left the Cove and that may explain her absence.

As they rode into Galesburg, Wolf King stopped for water at the Klutch and Sharkman went ahead to see if anyone was at the start. Brewman was the sole rider in attendance as Wolf King caught back up.

Sharkman got a text from Gazelle Girl reporting that her dog, Gummo, was very ill and that she and Toesetter may have to put her down, so they would not be riding but would try to stop at the Klutch to say hello to Wolf King.

Fearing that there would only be three riders on the morning, Sharkman was glad to see Greyhound ride in

Greyhound was ready to ride!
 followed by the "Style Guy," Squeaky hizzelf! 

 He was, of   course, decked out in his Arctic attire for the   weather and  actually began pealing some of it off before   the ride even  started. Squeaky was even sporting a new     bike!   Well, not new in the true sense of the word "new,"   but "new" to   him!

 After the start photo was taken, the Mayor of Galesburg   fired the starting pistol and the 2021 mighty Shark Minion   Nation season was under way!!!

  As the riders headed into town they saw those legends   two of the peloton, Bissell Boy and Stryker Guy, riding   in to help kick off the season in style!!!

Squeaky with a new bike
and matching gloves!

As the Nation passed the Klutch with a wave and with the "ones" of fans lining the street, the Shark Minions were ready to enter their "Field of Dreams" known as the Koffee Klutch Tour de Gull!

It was obvious very early that Wolf King had been riding.....A LOT! He led our intrepid hero, the Sharkman, out to his first "honorary first sprint" of the season and it was certainly a victory for America!

Wolf King kept up a brisk pace, but when he would realize there was no one to talk to, he would drop back to the peloton to enlighten the Minions with his cycling acumen.

Through the Col de Twin Lakes, where he took the climb, past the Yorkville Church, Kellogg Korner, the Kountry Klub and on to the Route 43 sprint, the Wolf King kept the pace going.

After the Col de Norte, the wind was at the riders backs and the pace picked up even more. 

The morning didn't seem to warm up much, but the riders enjoyed the bright sun and the tail wind as they soared through the Holy Rollers, past the Inlet and on to the Digital Divide.

Brewman bundled and ready
to rock!

 As the fast moving train continued on, Wolf King led the   pace line and the Shark Minions responded with one of   the better pace lines in recent Minion history! Wolf King   worked it perfectly so that he was at the front as they   approached the GGG Spot Sprint, which he took easily.

 After the G Ave crossing,  and Squeaky dropped off to   head home, Wolf King again, went to the front and   Sharkman and his   Minions  tried to hang on. However,   the cagy Wolf just kept picking up the pace and dropped   the Sharkman and his beloved Nation in his wake while   the battle for second and third began. 

 If you had been there, you would have seen a great finish   for second and third, but you decided to sleep in because   it was a bit cold, so....suffice it to say, it was a classic   finish after Wolf King secured his spot at the top of the podium.

The papparazzi and tofosi went wild on the Champs le Galesburg as the hero's zipped up their jerseys for the sponsors and headed to the Press Conference at the Klutch.

Gazelle Girl and Toesetter were waiting, along with the Early Morning Group, to greet the riders as they came in for their beloved kup of Bottomless! 

Is this a great country or what!?! (It does feel good to say that again!)

It was quite a party at the Klutch as the riders talked about the new season and how good it was to be back in the saddle!                       

Styker Guy enjoying his 

Bissell Boy, bundled up for
the ride home!

So the 2021 season has begun! 

Though the Sharkman will be gone this next weekend, the ride will go on! And remember, Shark Minions need to be vaccinated!

This Saturday, May 15, 2021

Launch Time - 8:30 a.m. - SHARP! (SHARP means, at the start, ready to launch, not "in the parking lot and needing to put air in your tires!")

Be there and ride safe!!!

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