Thursday, May 20, 2021


Reb also seems to have  a problem with selfies!
The mighty Shark Minion Nation rides!




Belo News

May 15, 2021

Galesburg, MI. - Though no one really reported in on the day, Ace Reporter Reb did send in the start photo. Thankfully, half of his face was out of the picture!

Belo News reached out to Gazelle Girl to get the facts, since they were somewhat limited from Ace Reporter, Reb.

It was good to see Yeti Boy, Wishbone and Hoosier Boy back in the mix! Welcome back, Minions!

It was learned that Reb needed to get back home for his son's baseball game, so Yeti went with him, pealing off before the first sprint, near the Triple Nasty Ranchero! 

Wait, what?!?

Toe, Hoosier Boy, Greyhound, Brewman, Wishbone and that "Sweetheart of the Peloton," Gazelle Girl continued on that Field of Dreams known as the KK-TdG to complete the circuit.

Gazelle Girl and Toesetter had to leave before Koffee to attend a memorial service, so reportedly missed that errant legend, Fabio, hizzelf, who had stopped at the Klutch for the Press Conference and to sign autographs. Brewman also skipped koffee and it was down to Wishbone, Greyhound and Hoosier Boy enjoying a bottomless together and watching Fabio work the room like a politician.

Sharkman returns this weekend, but is aware a number of the "legends" of the peloton will be abscent. 

Oh, the humanity! 

Don't let our intrepid hero ride alone!!!

Seems like the "Soft Opening" continues! But the forecast is for much better weather this Saturday! Sharkman got spoiled during the pandemic with later starts and may keep it at 8:30 a.m., at least for a while......

This Saturday, May 22, 2021!

Launch Time - 8:30 a.m. - SHARP!

Be there!

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