Wednesday, May 5, 2021





Belo News

May 5, 2021

Shark Cove, MI. - It has been a very long time since the mighty Shark Minion Nation has ridden their beloved, "Field of Dreams" known as the Koffee Klutch Tour de Gull!

The Pandemic has reaked havoc on the 31 year streak of that Saturday Morning Tradition known as "the mightY Shark Minion Nation!"

Some may have given up hope! 

Some may have thought the Sharkman had passed on to better paved roads!

Some worried our intrepid hero had just decided to hang it all up!

Some may have thought he'd gained so much weight he couldn't get his Shark Jersey's on! 

Oh no!!!

After the long, long hiatus, the Sharkman and his beloved mighty Shark Minion Nation are back!!!

Our intrepid hero, the Sharkman, has returned from a month out west and would like to get things started again! He may not have the legs for it, but he wants to ride anyway (our Celebrity Rider promised to go easy on him)!!!

Oh, the humanity!!!

So this Saturday, there will be a "soft" Opening Day to try to get things rolling again!!! 

No one might show up, but Sharkman has his fingers crossed there are still a few Shark Minions out there!

Is this a great coutnry or what?!?

Wait......What? What do you mean by "soft?" Opening, you might ask.....

There will be a few restrictions, the notice is short, the weather could be a bit "nippy" and with all that is happening with the continued news on Covid, the season might last only a week. 

But we are going to give it a try!!! With the new, updated CDC guidelines on outside activity, the advent of vaccinations and the ease of getting them, and the need to ride, let's get this party started!

This Saturday, May 8, 2021, 9:00 a.m. - SHARP! 

"The Mighty Shark Minion Nation rides again!!!"

We will also have a Celebrity Rider that has been gone so long, many may not have ever met him, but he is somewhat of a legend in the Nation and a long time Minion. You veteran Shark Minions will want to be there! You won't want to miss this ride and who knows, it might be the last for a while if people don't start getting their vaccinations!!! (Please get your vaccination so we can end this thing!)

And speaking of vaccinations......

As mentioned there are a couple of restrictions.......

1. We ask that if you want to ride with the Shark Minion Nation, you get your vaccination. We understand that Mejiers and other locations are doing walk in vaccinations. We know it will be on an honor system (and a part of being a Shark Minion is being honorable!), but we expect any Shark Minion that is riding to get vaccinated before rejoining the group.

2. If you plan to stop at the Klutch for a Bottomless after the ride (a Shark Minion tradition) you will need to bring a mask.

Because it will be a bit nippy this Saturday morning, AND our celebrity rider might drive over that morning, even though Sharkman has offered lodgings at the Shark Cove, we will launch a bit later at 9:00 a.m. - SHARP. Sharkman and his etntourage will launch from the Cove at 8:00 a.m. - SHARP!

A reminder.....9:00 a.m. - SHARP! does not mean in the parking lot at 9 a.m., but locked and loaded and ready to ride! Do not make the Nation wait for you to put air in your tires, find your shoes, or make a comfort stop! We have pictures to take and celebrity riders to greet so when we say 9 a.m. SHARP! WE MEAN 9:00 a.m - SHARP!!!



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