Wednesday, September 4, 2019


Iron Horse veterans Yeti Boy, Sharkman and the Durango Kid!





Minions ready to rock the KK-TdG!



Belo News
August 31, 2019

Shark Cove, Mi. - As dawn broke over the Shark Cove, our intrepid hero, the Sharkman, was already out of his Shark bed, as the sun is now "breaking" over the Cove much later. The old Shark likes to get up early enough to have a cup of Shark coffee before launch and this cold morning was no exception!

After all, he had been partying the previous evening, rocking Yeti Boy's (aka The Breadman) bake day at the Yeti Estate with Wildman.

Sharkman and Wildman did an impromptu performance for the Bread Lovers and had a blast, then went out for some Mexican food and of course, Mexican beer.

Sharkman thinks he was Mexican in a previous life as he loves the food, the beer the entire aspect of "Manana" and has an urge to be in a Mariachi Band!
Wildman and Sharkman rocking Bread Day!

It was like "Old Home" week for these guys!

As Sharkman checked the weather, it was 49 degrees and another cold morning laid ahead of him. Again, arm warmers and a vest was in order for the ride. But he is a shark and very cold blooded, so he had a smile on his fish face as he pulled his gear on......

It was also Iron Horse Jersey Day and Sharkman was pretty excited to be riding with the President of the Western States Chapter of the mighty Minion Nation and this mornings celebrity rider, that legend of the peloton, the Durango Kid!

As the Shark Garage door slowly lifted, it looked like there was an emergency vehicle circling the cul de sac but Sharkman quickly identified Super Trooper circling with lights flashing like he had just pulled over suspected bank robber.

The two made their way out of the Cove and found Yeti Boy and celebrity rider, Durango Kid heading their way.
Brewman was sporting, yet another
Beer Jersey!!!

As the riders got to the Helmer road traffic light, there was no sign of Reb, who had committed to ride, so AGAIN, they waited after the crossing, for his flashing headlight to signal his arrival.

As Yeti Boy, Durango Kid and Sharkman regaled Super Trooper and Reb with "stories" of the glory of riding the Iron Horse, the group made their way to the start.

As they descended down to the Kalamazoo River, Super Trooper commented that his Garmin super dooper computer was now reporting a temperature of 46 degrees!

Wait.....what?!? It's supposed to be August!!!?

The group sped by the Klutch, waving to the early morning koffee group and on to the start, where Sharkman was unsure of what type of crowd would be there. On Holiday weekends it seems to be "feast of famine" for rider count.

Shoey was unloading his steed in the parking lot and it looked like it might be a light turn out, but it was early.....
Super Trooper was ready and proved
it in the final sprint!

I Owe Beer was on hand with an "almost" Iron Horse Jersey, sporting a kit with a mountain goat climbing on a mountain bike! Close, but not close enough!

Brewman was back in yet, another Beer Jersey!

Riders began to pull in with an assortment of cold weather gear, but none could out do Squeaky when it comes to cold weather gear.

Once again, dressed like "Nanuk of the North," the Squeakmiester was decked out in winter gloves, scarf and knit cap. Some Minions were afraid that if he fell on his back, he wouldn't be able to right himself!

Oh, the humanity!

The ride over had the sun on the Minions shoulders!
(Photo by Super Trooper)
The press was on hand to get shots of celebrity rider, Durango Kid, along with Yeti Boy and Sharkman in their Iron Horse kit. The only thing missing was that other Iron Horse veteran, Fabio!!!

Oh, the humanity!!!

The "Sweetheart of the Peloton" rode in with the sunshine on her shoulder to shouts of "Gazelle Girl" and then Wildman, who also got a few shout outs! The Minions were in a very jovial, holiday mood despite the cool temps!
Reb was sporting a new T he
got from Zyckmann! "Risky Reb!"

Is this a great country or what?!?

There were 14 Minions ready to get the train moving and Sharkman was only hoping for one more!

After introducing celebrity rider and president of the Western States Chapter of the mighty Minion Nation, giving yet another riveting account of riding the Iron Horse...yadda, yadda, yadda......the Nation was ready to rock!

Sharkman was relieved when Falcon joined on, as only one more was needed so he didn't have to remember names!

Falcon and Super Trooper led out our intrepid hero, making him work much harder than he wanted to, taking the honorary sprint at 23.7 mph.

Sharkman confirmed the count of 15 at the first G Ave. crossing and the Nation began to pick up the speed.

Falcon seemed to desperately want the next sprint and coming from the back of the peloton, shouting, "rider left, rider left" and passing, he quickly moved to the front to take the sprint.
I Owe Beer trying to capitalize on
the Iron Horse with this
mountain goat jersey!

Sharkman jumped ahead to build some momentum going into the col de Twin Lakes, but to no avail as most of the Nation passed him mid hill. He did get enough gas to work his way up the pecking order at the finish of the next sprint.

Through the Yorkville Church, Kellogg Korner and the Kountry Klub, the fast moving train was cranking on all cylinders! The peloton  scattered into small groups as different riders went to the front to pull and others moved up and down the peloton. This section has historically been one of the faster ones, primarily because it is some distance to the final sprint, but this morning it was on fire!

At the turn after the Kountry Klub, and the traditional "sitting up," the Nation regrouped, then really picked up the pace and waited for Hermster to make his move.

This week, the nation seemed ready and when Hermster moved to the front, he had a cast of thousands on his wheel and there was no way he was going to retain the crown he had won two weeks in a row.

Super Trooper edged out Falcon, to which Falcon said, "who is that guy?!"

At the Rt. 43 stop, Super Trooper took a comfort break and Yeti Boy took the opportunity to adjust his wardrobe and took off his gloves to do so.

Unfortunately, he did not get his gloves back on quick enough when the train pulled out of the station and lost contact with the peloton! As veteran's are aware, lose a wheel and lose the day!!!

At the top of the col de Norte, Sharkman was unable to get to the left to check for those still climbing the hill due to a car passing, but someone yelled out, "All on, keep moving!" and the peloton continued to move ahead.
The Sweetheart of the Peloton
arrives with the "sun on her

Later, in the Holy Roller section, Sharkman noticed Yeti Boy had not made his usual move and was wondering why he was sitting in somewhere behind him?

Meanwhile, Yeti Boy was off the back and fighting to get back on!

Oh, the humanity!!!

As the Nation navigated the Holy Rollers, Dr. Dave jumped on making the 16 riders Sharkman hoped for!

Is this a great country or what!?!

At the food stop, the Nation gathered up and Yeti Boy was able to catch back on.

Apologies to Yeti Boy!
Not to be undone, Wildman arrives!

At the Digital Divide, yet another attempt to form a pace line was initially unsuccessful, but later, a few of the Nation were able to put an informal pace line together. Sharkman thinks a part of the problem is that the riders that move over, don't seem to want to slow down and go back to the end of the line, causing the pace line to have to speed up to get ahead, opening up gaps in the line.


The disorganization in the pace line created a slowing and at one point, a Minion hit his brakes in the pace line causing several riders to have to swerve and brake themselves. This is yet another safety concern. Riders need to use braking very, very, sparingly, if at all, in the pace line.

The slower pace may have kept the Nation from achieving a new season high for the average speed as everyone did think it was faster, but ended up being less than the season high of 19.25mph.

As the Nation made the bend to the GGG Spot Sprint, Gazelle Girls entourage came forward to take her to her coveted GGG Spot Sprint finish! It was yet another victory for America!!!
Is that Squeaky or Nanuk of the North?!?

As the Nation made the crossing to the finish, and listened to Sharkman whining about "holding lines, not grouping up, being safe," Hermster moved ahead quickly, this week, followed by some of the big sprinters of the Nation.

The pace picked up quickly and all were jumping on the fast moving train heading to a hoped for winnersville!

As the Nation approached the final ascent to the finish, Hermster pulled off and the Nation went around him as he tried to get up the hill!

Minions were all positioning themselves and Sharkman was concerned about riders moving quickly to pass and causing crashes, but the Nation rode clean as they descended on the finish like crazed and hungry wolves on a fresh kill!

Super Trooper moved out to take a fast moving CycoCross and Rocketman to the finish, with Sharkman (Sharkman only mentions the 4th place finisher when it is him) and Yeti Boy (gotta mention a guy who had to fight to get back on, finishing 5th!)!

It was a victory for America!

The paparazzi and tofosi went wild on the Champs le Galesburg as their hero's rode to the Press Conference at the Koffee Klutch.

The festivities began when the spouses of the Iron Horse veterans were in the Klutch and had ordered breakfast sandwiches!

No, not for the Nation......for THEM!

Wildman and I Owe Beer threw down for koffee and the Nation was in their happy place!!!

The Klutch was rocking!
Is this a great country or what?!?

The Klutch rocked as tofosi tried to get autographs, the press interviews, the ladies enjoyed their breakfast sandwiches and the barista shared photos of her new baby!

Oh, yes, this is a great country!!!

You won't want to miss this weeks edition of the KK-TdG!

In recognition of College Footballs start, it will be College Game Day!

That's right, get out that College Kit and ride!

Which College will take it this year! Michigan? Michigan State? Western Michigan?

Come to ride and find out!

Saturday, September (wait, it's September?) 7, 2019

College Game Day!
Lava Girl & Yeti Girl enjoying the Klutch
breakfast sandwich! Oh, the humanity!

Launch Time - 8:00 a.m!

Be there!!!

The Lovely Toni, Celebrity Rider Durango Kids
bride, wasn't going to be left out on
that breakfast sandwich!


Belo News
September 4, 2019

Shark Cove, Mi. - We have a lot of very generous folks in the Nation, and we love it when a Minion picks up the koffee tab! 

But we've realized that when a generous Minion "pays if forward" by tossing down some cash to cover the first few koffees, the server doesn't receive a tip on that order -- unless the payer specifically tells the server to put some portion of the money in the tip jar. 

So, we'd like to remind our generous Minions that when they pay it forward, they should suggest to the server that a reasonable portion of the money go into the tip jar.

And don't forget, you can always drop a buck in the tip jar when someone else buys. The team at the Klutch has been very good to the mighty Minion Nation and we should always show our gratitude!

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