Wednesday, May 2, 2018


The mighty Shark Minion Nation was ready to rock, the second week of the season!







Belo News
April 28, 2018

Shark Cove, Mi.- As dawn broke over the Shark Cove, our intrepid hero, the Sharkman, could hardly contain himself. The weather, though still cool, was clear and our hero was expecting a much bigger turn out that the previous week.
Virgin Minion Tom
Welcome to the Nation, Tom!

The old Shark decided to wear kit similar to the previous week as the temps were a tad warmer, but there was a 9 mph wind that  could be a factor. As it turns out, once again, the Sharkman chose kit that was not only comfortable but kept him in sync with his motto that "if you can't be good, look good!"

Mad Dog was early, as he too, seemed excited to ride!

The ride over was a bit slow as the two riders didn't want to be so early that they would cool down in the parking lot.

As they approached the Klutch in downtown Galesburg, they noted Zyckhmannn in the Klutch with his drug of choice, caffeine, sitting and watching the traffic.

The start had moved to the side parking lot as a virgin Minion had arrived and parked there. Like Lemmings, the rest of the crew all pulled into the larger parking lot.

The Virgin Minion had learned of the mighty Minion Nation from legend of the peloton, Styker Guy. He introduced himself as Tom Garrett, Minion Name to be determined. The virgin Minion did mention some names, but none that seemed Minion appropriate, the Nation is open to suggestions.
Hoosier Boy is back!
Seen here being photobombed
by Mad Dog!

Welcome to the mighty Minion Nation Tom (MNTBD)!

Gazelle Girl arrived with Toesetter (the other guy) to shouts of "Gazelle Girl!"

Toesetter was sporting a very trendy "braid" in his beard, claiming it made him more "aerodynamic!" OK, Toesetter, if you say so!

A couple of returning Minions were in attendance. Hoosier Boy was back and the Nation rejoiced in his good health, along with Gecko who suffered the wrist injury in the now famous "Walnut Crash" of late last season. Cuz was back after having to leave the season early last year for Western Michigan Football.All was well in the nation!

After introducing Tom (MNTBD) to the Nation, Sharkman led the Nation out with the sound of tweeting birds and shoes clicking in ringing in their ears.

In addition to those mentioned, Toast, Brewman, Ziyckmanne, Wishbone (wearing shorts! What a MAN!) Wildman (who didn't wimp out), and Cheese was back after a long hiatus!

As the Nation rode past the Klutch, things seemed pretty quiet.  It was later learned that Andrew saw us while walking into work and waved, but couldn't get the Nations attention as everyone was gabbing about what they did last winter!
Toesetter sporting his
"aerodynamic braid" in his beard!

The season was officially underway!

Sharkman moved up and down the peloton, pressing the flesh and trying to share his celebrity with the Nation before realizing the first sprint was coming up. Sharkman quickly moved toward the front remind everyone that it was his sprint.

Virgin Minion Tom (MNTBD), being a quick study and hearing the lead out person got mentioned in Belo News, and also being at the front, led our hero out to the first, honorary sprint. Sharkman, not wanting to dishonor the sprint, picked it up and hit 19.9 mph as he took his second sprint of the season.

The G crossing was busy and the Nation went across in waves. Sharkman and Zyickkmane crossed last and had to work their butts off to get back on to the peloton, who were all waiting at the next stop sign.

As the Nation worked their way up the col de Twin Lakes,  through the sprint and on to the Rt. 89 crossing, the light was green for the second week in a row! Hopefully and omen for a great season!

As is usually the case, the Nation, after getting past Kellogg Korner, picked up the speed in the Kountry Klub section. As the Nation turned onto the last section leading up to Rt. 43, Sharkman slowed to make sure all were on and the Nation seemed to slow a bit to let Minions catch their breaths.
Gecko was back after the infamous
"Walnut Crash!"

At the base of the col de Norte, after the old Shark took a pretty good pull (at least for him), there was a shout of "mechanical" as someones pedal had come lose. Sharkman took the opportunity to get a shot of Gecko, back on his gecko green bike (the other, purple bike, is still out of commission due to the Walnut Crash incident).

The ride went on up the col de Norte, through the Holy Rollers and on to the Digital Divide.

Cheese led out a nice double pace line as the Nation worked their way through the Bermuda Triangle of flats and on to the GGG Spot Sprint in an impressive double pace line.

Sharkman found himself at the back, of the well oiled snake moving down the road, with Gazelle Girl when he realized that the final GGG Spot Sprint was coming up!

Sharkman told Gazelle Girl to "hold on" and headed up the line shouting "Coming through with the "Sweetheart of the Peloton! Coming through!"

With the great tail wind, the old Shark was able to take it up to over 24 mph with Gazelle Girl on his fin! The two actually opened up a gap, as Sharkman pulled aside and Gazelle Girl, completely honoring the sprint, picked up even more speed and took the sprint uncontested!

It was a victory for America!
And who didn't miss Gecko's
gecko Green machine?!?

As the group headed south, to the final sprint, the pace line worked together and the speed picked up.  As the Nation crested the final ascent, Zyckhkmanne came out of nowhere and lead out the Nation.

Since it is Spring Training, Belo News does not report sprint wins, YOU HAVE TO BE THERE TO KNOW!

The ride was marginally faster with an average speed of 17.1 mph.

The paparazzi and tofosi along the Champs le Galesburg went wild as their hero's zipped up their jersey's for the sponsors and waved to their adoring fans.

Andrew was ready at the Klutch as he loaded up Bottomless Kups for the Nation as Hoosier Boy pulled out his credit card and paid for the entire Nation! Is this a great country or what!?!

Thanks Hoosier Boy! Great to have you back in the Nation!

Again, the Shark Minions drank hard and long, as stories of the ride were traded and paparazzi gathered around them for autographs from their favorite riders.
Hoosier Boy comes back!
And buys koffee!
Is this a great country or what?!?

You won't want to miss this weeks edition of the KK-TdG as the weather is still looking good!

With the warm up, the start of the ride will also move up!

Saturday, May 5, 2018

Launch Time - 8:30 a.m. - SHARP!

Be there!

The Shark Minion Nation enjoying the Klutch!

The koffee, and the trash talk, flowed!

Can anyone spell this guys name?


Belo News
Yeti Boy on the podium!
(Photo by Reb)
April 28, 2018

Yankee Springs, Mi. - The Yankee Springs Time Trials were going on as the Nation was circumventing Gull Lake and at least two Minions were on hand, with one of them bringing back some hardware!

Our own Yeti Boy took third place in his age group, which is so old, Belo News won't report it.

Yeti went out hard and finished fast, taking that third spot on the podium.

His wingman on the day, Reb, also had a great showing!

Congratulations to Yeti Boy and Reb! You did the Nation proud!


Belo News
May 1, 2018

Galesburg, Mi. - Wildman is heading up the Tuesday Night rides this year and though he had not planned on starting them until June, the weather was just too great last Tuesday night to pass up!  So he put out a quick email and Hoosier Boy and Gazelle Girl responded!

Wildman reported some key words from the ride: hottish, windy, sombrero, social!

Wildman has moved he start of the ride to the Eaton Plant, though starts and finishes may change each week.

Wildman has mapped a couple of additional routes for famous Tuesday night rides, one of which ends at Dark Horse (where riders will have to be picked up unless they are very adventurous and fast).

Another ends at Climax (Bowmans) (short ride back to Eaton).

This is a "Chain Gang" style ride, but also a no drop ride. So if you are interested in getting on Wildman's distribution list, let him know!

See everyone on Tuesday nights! It is going to be a great summer!


Belo News
May 1, 2017

Ft. Custer, Mi. - We are sad to report that our intrepid hero, the Sharkman, took a hard fall this week while riding with his wingman, Yeti Boy, at Fort Custer.

While heading through the "Amusement Park" in the reverse direction, Sharkman took, what should have been an easy turn to the left, and had his front wheel slide out from under him. This cause our intrepid hero to go airborne over the handlebars, landing on his elbow, head and shoulder.

He immediately passed his concussion test with Yeti Boy by giving Yeti Boy, Yeti Boys garage code. (The first time Yeti Boy had a concussion a couple years ago, Sharkman tried to get into Yeti Boys garage to get in the house and Yeti gave him a number that didn't work. The Yeti told Sharkman that it was probably his Social Security number!)

Sharkman insisted on finishing the ride on the Red, but near the end had trouble holding on to the handle bars with his right hand/arm.

After clean up and ice the Shark wasn't feeling too hot and did not sleep very well, so today, he went to the doctor for an X-ray after Lava Girl made him.  He is now resting and awaiting the results.

Sharkman is convinced it isn't a broken collar bone and felt the doctor agreed, but they await the results of the X-Ray so he can say to Lava Girl, "told you so."

But he will be out this weekend and will need to give his shoulder time to heal. But will be there for Koffee!

So come out on Saturday and see how Sharkman is doing!

The Kid and is entourage!
(what was the dog riding?)

Belo News
May 2, 2018

Boca Grande, Fl. - Legend of the peloton, Kid Gallagher, continues his spring training in Boca Grande, Florida and sent this photo into Belo News, probably not realizing that his publication will publish anything!

The Kid complains that it is flat down there, but don't worry, the nation has lots of hills waiting for you when you get back with that tan!

We also now seem to have some great weather!

Hurry up, the Nation awaits the Kids' return!

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