Wednesday, April 25, 2018

The "Fantastic Four" at the start!

WELL, SORT OF.......





Belo News
April 25, 2018

Shark Cove, Mi. - As dawn broke of the Shark Cove, our intrepid hero, the Sharkman, rolled over and hit the snooze on his shark alarm clock......

The old Shark didn't need to be ready to launch until 8:30 a.m. and could hit the shark snooze and sleep in a bit.
Gazelle Girl and Mad Dog
"catching up" on winter activities!

But he was also excited for Opening Day, particularly in light of having to postpone the Opening for two weeks! A Minion record!

Choosing kit for the day, from the Sharkman's wide haberdashery of clothing in his Shark Locker room, was complicated by the fact the ride would be cool at the start, but warmer at the end.

After changing his mind several times, he settled on his wardrobe for the morning and got ready for Mad Dogs arrival.

It was great to see Mad Dog and the ride to the start was leisurely, not wanting to arrive too soon and cool down too much. Turned out that the old Shark, being a veteran of cold mornings/warm finishes, had selected just the right kit on the day and also fulfilled the the Sharkman credo that, "if you can't be good, look good!"

The two riders discussed what they had been doing all winter, then talked about the fact it seemed like everyone was up at Barry-Roubaix and they wondered if there would be anyone at the start.

As they approached the Klutch, they spotted the "Sweetheart of the Peloton" approaching the light as the both shouted out "Gazelle Girl!"
Sharkman stating, "Hey, where the hell is

As the three approached the start, there was only on vehicle in the parking lot and it was none other than B-Rod, getting his steed ready and adjusting his "hose."

After the speeches by noted dignitaries, including the Governor and the Mayor of Galesburg, the four riders were led out by their intrepid hero and a ceremonial fire truck. The Sharkman, who was slowed by the large "key to the city" he wore around his neck, was ready to ride.

As the Nation passed the Klutch for the first time in the 2018 season, the four riders didn't seem to draw the normal crowd they do in mid season......

However, the ride was a fantastic, mellow cruise through the "Field of Dreams" known as the Koffee Klutch Tour de Gull! It was good to be back in the Nation!

B-Rod, who claimed he had not been on the bike, led our hero out to the first sprint, then settled in for the ride. Sharkman, not wanting to dishonor the first sprint of the year, took it up to 21 mph as he took the tape.

Mad Dog did a great deal of pulling as the Nation worked their way around the lake.
B-Rod seemed to have problems
keeping his "hose" up! He showed
a lot of skin on Saturday!
Damn leg warmers!

Of course, Gazelle Girl took the GGG Spot Sprint with no problem and the Nation picked up the speed for the finish line.

However, as all know, Belo News does not report on the finish during Spring Training!

A reminder to all those who are concerned about speed and A and B groups.

Yes, there will be an A and B Group again this year. (see article below). However, if there are not enough riders for an A Group, those riders can stay in the B Group (which is led by Sharkman). However, the speeds will be, B Group speeds. Additionally, remember that the early season is a great time to come back to the Nation as everyone is trying to get back into shape. The average speed for the ride Saturday was only 17 mph. So come on out and enjoy the start to the season as everyone gets into shape!

The crowds on the Champs le Galesburg were down, most likely due to Barry-Roubaix.

However, the Klutch was jumping! As Sharkman dismounted to set his Litespeed against the Klutch, B-Rod was heard muttering, "Damn, I forgot my money again.....!"

Sharkman decided to simply buy for all (so he bought koffee for four and feels he is done his buying for the season!)! Is this a great country or what?!?
But B-Rod came ready to ride!

Discussion centered on Barry-Roubaix and next weeks ride!

The four, having a pretty good time, stayed late at the Klutch before Mad Dog and Sharkman headed out for the Cove after emptying their koffee in the restroom. 

A great way to start the season!

Though some may be at this Saturday's Yankee Springs Time Trials, and we wish them luck, the Nation will continue week two of the 30th year of Sharkman Rides!

The weather is looking good for least dry, though just a tad nippy.

Saturday, April 28, 2018

Launch Time - 9:00 A.M. - SHARP!

Be there!

Gazelle Girl was happy to
be back in the Nation!
Mad Dog, drinking his espresso!
Class act!
B-Rod, always hard to tell if he is happy......

Zyckmann & Stryker Guy at the start!

Belo News
April 25, 2018
 Hasting, Mi. - The Minions rocked Barry-Roubaix! A school of Shark Minions took part in the annual gravelfest through Yankee Springs and brought the course to its knees!

Though, as Belo News went to press, they did not know who all rode, they know that Yeti Boy had an "epic" ride, turning in one hell of a performance on his new Giant gravel bike.
Dr Dave, Starsky & Hutch, with 
Brewman and Easty are just out of view.

Along with Yeti Boy, Zyckmann, Stryker Guy, Rainman, Easty, Dr. Dave, Ironman, Hutch, Starsky, and Brewman to name a few. All turning in great rides, making the Nation proud!

Great jobs, Minions! Look forward to seeing all of you at the KK-TdG this weekend!


Belo News
April 25, 2018

Shark Cove, Mi. - Just a reminder that it is Spring Training in the mighty Minion Nation. What this means is that as the Nation works out the winter kinks, the speed will stay mellow and in keeping with this, sprint winners will not be named in Belo News until May 15.

This is a great time to come out and ride as the Nation slowly ramps up speed as the summer goes on.

As previously mentioned, there will be an A and a B Group again this year if there are enough for an A Group.

So come on out and join the fun!

We look forward to another safe and fun season in 2018!


Belo News
April 25, 2018

Shark Cove, Mi. - As previously mentioned, this is the 30th year that our intrepid hero, the Sharkman, as had a Saturday morning ride. In the March 7, 2018 edition of Belo News, the history of Sharkman and the mighty Minion Nation was told.

It was also announced that a 30th Anniversary Commemorative Jersey, with every Minions name on it was being considered.

Though the design team of Gazelle Girl, Zyckmann and Sharkman were able to think of 70 names, there are over 130 Minions on the distribution. Belo News would like to thank all those Minions who actually read that edition and responded by sending Sharkman their real name, as well as their Minion name.

But most of those were Minions we had the name of.

So, if you want to insure that your Minion name is on the commemorative jersey, please make sure you send Sharkman and email with your real AND your Minion name!

This could be a great jersey and we hope to have the art work soon! So get your name (real and Minion) into the Sharkman ASAP!

See you all Saturday!


Belo News
April 25, 2018
Whoa, baby! Bissell Boy reels'em in!

Pere Marquette, Mi. - One rider was having fun while the Nation was postponing the season! While the nation sat and watched the rain, Bissell Boy was out braving the elements and bringing it home!

That legend of the Peloton, who is now, also a legend fisherman, Bissell Boy, was reeling'em in up on the Pere Marquette!  Though he tried to play down the weight of this steelhead beauty, as one can see from the photo, this is one hell of a trout!

Though the famed rider claimed it only to be around "12 or 13 pounds," the Sharkman has declared it a 20 pounder!

Congratulations Bissell Boy, you did the Nation proud!

Now, ......when is the "Fish Fry!"

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