Wednesday, May 16, 2018







Belo News
May 16, 2018

Shark Cove, Mi. - As dawn broke wet and wild over the Shark Cove, our intrepid hero, the Sharkman, bound from his shark bed, be fully expecting for it to be pouring rain. The forecast had been dismal for the ride and the old Shark was figuring he would see the rain and then send out a cancellation for the ride and go back to bed.

However, when the alarm went off at 5:45 p.m., waking him from the bliss of his shark sleep, dreaming about Banjovi rocking the house at Bowman's the previous evening, our hero couldn't hear any rain on the roof. Wait.....what?!?

He looked out his bedroom port hole and saw that the roads were wet, but he could not determine if it was raining. At least it wasn't raining hard. He wanted to ride so bad after missing the previous week, he had convinced himself he would ride even if the roads were wet.

As he fired up the Shark Radar, and as his face glowed green over the screen, there seemed to be a lull in the rain. However, there was also a huge cloud of green, yellow and red coming over Lake Michigan, bearing down on the KK-TdG Field of Dreams! "Oh, the humanity!" he mumbled as he frantically tried to determine what to do.

Sharkman hates these types of mornings. When it is pouring, it is obvious. But when it looks like a chance of riding, he has to make the call a good hour and half before the start and hates to make the wrong call (though that has NEVER happened before!).

Sharkman then thought, "The Weather Channel!"

Turning on the Shark TV, he realized that there was, indeed, a storm bearing down on the Field of Dreams that looked like it had lightening involved.

Sharkman, being a great Shark that loves his beloved Minion Nation, does not want to see anyone hurt or killed by lightening or by a driver who can't see a rider in the pouring rain.

He immediately texted Mad Dog, Yeti Boy and Reb as they had all planned to ride over and would be arriving at 7 a.m. if he didn't let them know.

He then sent out the cancellation.
Radar at start time
over our Field of Dreams!

Yeti Boy was the first to respond, asking if there might be a chance of a ride later in the day.

Reb responded a bit later stating that "Lightening was a great motivator."

Sharkman commented to the two that he was waiting for a response from Mad Dog with photos of lightening strikes. Sure enough, Mad Dog responded a short time later stating that he didn't photograph lightening strikes while riding his bike. Wait, was Mad Dog riding?

Yep, Mad Dog was on the road!

Sharkman immediately arranged psychiatric counseling for the wayward rider.

The Sharkman had been up to long to go back to bed and poured himself another coffee.

Gazelle Girl emailed in with a report that it was pouring rain, with lightening at start time. So Sharkman took the attached screen save from the Weather Radar site.

Radar as Mad Dog headed
back to Battle Creek.
Around 8:30 a.m. Mad Dog sent a photo from the Klutch proving he rode and Yeti Boy and Sharkman offered to come get him. He said the rain was not only bad, but the lightening was "right there" the first time he heard it.

All Belo News can say is that it was storming Biblical Proportions of rain and lightening and the text group feared for Mad Dogs life!

He did comment that he might have made a mistake and would have to "turn in his junior weather man badge," and that the first time the lightening struck he said, and we quote, "I might have peed my shorts when the sky light up and the thunder boomed a millisecond after."

He went on to state "that his shorts were wet anyway, so he was riding home!"

Yep, Mad Dog needs help.......

Needless to say, the rain continued for most of the day and the old Shark felt vindicated that he made the right decision, but concerned that Mad Dog road anyway........
"Missed the Memo again. I need a secretary." Said
Mad Dog......

Unfortunately, this was a big loss for our hero, as he is out the next three weeks. He is way behind on his yearly total and is now obsessing about it.

This week he is attending a surprise Birthday Party in Holland on Saturday, then heads out west to visit the sharklets for the Memorial Day Weekend, then comes home to start a 5 day bike tour up near Muskegon for World Hunger! The man is in demand.

Mad Dog also sent this and reported,
"Earned it today."


Since it is looking like a phenomenal weather weekend, the Saturday has been declared as "Shark Minion Jersey Day!"

"What?!? Mad Dog rode?"

Thats right, Bunkie! Get out your Shark Minion Jersey and ride!

Saturday, May 19, 2018

Shark Minion Jersey Day!

Launch Time - 8:00 a.m. - SHARP!

Be there!

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