Wednesday, May 9, 2018






Belo News,

Shark Cove, Mi. - When last we left our intrepid hero, the Sharkman, he was down and out with a shoulder injury from a mountain bike crash. Though X-rays confirmed nothing was broken, he did have difficulty getting out of bed in the morning....though at his age, he is somewhat use to that.

Less fearful from further injury on the bike, he was more fearful of the wrath of Lava Girl if he tried to ride on Saturday in lieu of the fact he had been whining and complaining about his sore shoulder since the accident.
Greyhound returns AND buys!

So as dawn broke over the Shark Cove, our intrepid hero was asleep and dreaming of winning the finishing sprint at the KK-TdG, rather than riding with Mad Dog to the start.

When he did wake, he rolled slowly out of bed, downed an Advil, got dressed and drove over to the Klutch at approximately 10:30 a.m. thinking the Shark Minion Nation would be there.

Alas, they had not yet arrived! However, Rainman had driven over, on his way to go mountain biking at the Fort, (whats with that?) and the two awaited the Nation's arrival.

Greyhound, making his first appearance of the season, was the first in the door and immediately threw down his credit card to buy! Is this a great country or what!

Thanks Greyhound, great having you back!

Zyckmann, immediately started to berate our intrepid hero for not riding! After checking Sharkman's X-Ray, it was his medical opinion that our intrepid hero could ride! Well, so did Sharkman! Obviously, Lava Girls medical knowledge outweighs the medical knowledge of Dr. Zyckhmannn's.

As a matter of fact, the only thing a shark fears, is his shark! wife! Had he tried to get on the bike t here would have been blood in the water!

There were other comments about the Sharks backbone, and other limp organs, but the old Shark took it all in stride, considering the source of the negative comments that were being spewed, as he sipped his Bottomless kup of koffee.

But what a about the ride, you ask?

Gazelle Girl gives this short, but riveting tale (or should we say "tail") of the ride!
Hossman returns to the Nation!

From Gazelle Girl:

"This Belo News report will be very brief - operative word - BRIEF. The Nation was wishing that Zychmann had donned some briefs since his Peek-a-boo Lycra® cycling shorts reveled a BIT TOO MUCH. 

The Rt 43 Stop Discussion Segment found the Nation bandying about a random selection of ideas for butt cheek tattoo slogans. The Minions, at last, fell awkwardly silent as they realized just exactly what they were discussing. 

"Ahem. All on? Let's go!" And so it went. Huge shout out to domestique extraordinaire, Wishbone, for keeping an eye out for Dragonfly on the ride. 

Thank you, Wishbone!"

There were 15 riders on a beautiful day and all Sharkman could think about was the next ride! It appears there were some season debuts for some (see photo, courtesy of Zyckkhmaan).

Though it can't be confirmed, it looked like Stingray, Easty, Boatman, Hossman, Squeaky, Dragonfly, and Ironman all made their season debuts on Saturday!

Yes, Sharkman will return this Saturday and is looking forward to this Saturday!

Saturday, May 12, 2018

New launch time! New Launch time! New Launch time!

The forecast is for rain later in the morning so the Nation will launch at, what is hoped to be the start time until fall.

Launch Time - 8:00 A.M. - SHARP!

Be there!


Belo News
May 9, 2018

San Francisco, Ca. - For those of you who do not follow the legend, Nikeboy, on Facebook and/or Instagram (and hey, who doesn't?) readers may not be aware that Mr. & Mrs. Nikeboy were on, like there millionth Trek Travel Excursion out in sunny California.

Nikeoboy reports that he and the lovely Mrs. Nikeboy experiences a beautiful week of riding in Sonoma. Great weather, great food and wine along with over 100 miles of riding in 4 days!
Nikegirl & Nikeboy on the west coast!

Belo News is pleased to report that the pair arrived back home safely and the Nation awaits his return to the peloton!

Welcome Mr. & Mrs. Nikeboy!

Welcome home Nikeboy!

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